ASP.NET MVC Route based on Web Browser/Device (e.g. iPhone)

Is it possible, from within ASP.NET MVC, to route to different controllers or actions based on the accessing device/browser? I'm thinking of setting up alternative actions and views for some parts of my website in case it is accessed from the iPhone, to optimize display and functionality of it. I don't want to create a completely separ...

routing difficulty

Part of my application maps resources stored in a number of locations onto web URLs like this: http://servername/Issue.aspx/Details?issueID=1504/productId=2345 Is it possible to construct an MVC route that matches this so that I get the path in its entirety passed into my controller? Either as a single string or possibly as an params s...

ASP.Net MVC - Ajax call to controller not reloading page

I'm calling an ActionResult (/Listing/ChangeEmail) from a jQuery dialog that is showing a partial view (ChangeEmailAddress.ascx), which is launched from View (Details.aspx). ChangeEmail = function () { var newEmailAddress = $("#EmailAddress").attr("value"); $.ajax( { url: '/Listing/ChangeEmail',...

Missing images/css when using routedata inside Application_PostAuthenticateRequest

Hi, I'm having some weird behaviour when i use the following code inside the httapplication: protected void Application_PostAuthenticateRequest { RouteData Data = RouteTable.Routes.GetRouteData(new HttpContextWrapper(Context)); string x = Data.GetRequiredString("xxx"); } When that code is in place, the html pages are missing all ima...

How to mask tilde (~) character in C# MVC routing table?

I'm moving my home-baked web site to MVC and got the trouble with url routing. The site already serves several links that contain tilde (~) character in the path; something like http://.../~files/... http://.../~ws/... and I want each of them are handled by separate controller, like filesController, wsController, so my route table loo...

ASP.NET MVC Custom Routing Long Custom Route not Clicking in my Head

I have spent several hours today reading up on doing Custom Routing in ASP.NET MVC. I can understand how to do any type of custom route if it expands from or is similar/smaller than the Default Route. However, I am trying figure out how to do a route similar to: /Language/{LanguageID}/Question/{QuestionID}/ And what I would like, too,... mvc routing

is there any way to find out to which route my url is getting mapped in mvc. ...

Asp.NET MVC 2 Routing

I want to define a route that have 2 optional parameters in the middle of the URL the start an end parameters are digits routes.MapRoute( "", "Source/Changeset/{start}/{end}/{*path}", new { controller = "Source", action = "Changeset", ...

host MVC app inside a website

I have a website (not a web application- in visual studio you get two options-create a website/project) running on IIS 6.0. Now I want to develop few features in MVC architecture. So I created one MVC application in visual studio and everything is working fine on localhost as a separate application. Now I want to host this MVC app also i...

How to force MVC 2 to redirect to default controller/action

In a brand new ASP.NET MVC2 project, I want the user to be redirected to http://<mysite>/home/index rather than http://<mysite>/ We do this with our other sites for tracking purposes, to avoid the scenario where hits to the same default page show up as http://<mysite>/ http://<mysite>/default.aspx How...

ASP.NET MVC 2 - do UrlParameter.Optional entries have to be at the end of the route?

I am migrating a site from ASP.NET MVC 1 to ASP.NET MVC 2. At the moment, the site supports the following routes: /{country}/{language}/{controller}/{action} /{country}/{controller}/{action} /{language}/{controller}/{action} /{controller}/{action} The formats for country and language are distinguishable by Regex and have suitable cons...

Getting MVC default route to go to ~/default.asp

I am adding some MVC features to an existing site (FWIW, most of which is in classic ASP). As a result, I need to keep the default routing going to ~/default.asp (at a minimum - preferably the default document specified in IIS). Is there a way to write the route in RegisterRoutes so that a request for the root of the site (e.g., http:/...

2 different routes on one page?

Hi I'm pretty new with MVC2 or MVC in general. If it's one thing I get caught up with it's routes. Like now I got this scenario. Im going from the regular site to Admin. My navigation is the same partialview on both I just do a check which data to render something like this. <% if (!Request.RawUrl.Contains("Admin")){%> <% foreach (var ... mvc route drops numeric folder at the end of a wildcard

So we have a route setup that has a wildcard at the end to capture a file path, the route might look like: /{browserName}/{browserVersion}/{locale}/{*packageName} The problem comes in when we try a path like: /FF/3/en-US/scripts/packages/6/super.js What ends up getting passed to the controller as packageName is: /scripts/packages/su...

Changing URL with Routing, ASP.NET MVC

I am still very new to routing with mvc, so perhaps this is obvious and I am just missing the answer... I have a controller named 'pages', and it has several action results, 'Information', 'History' etc. Each action result takes a string, and from that, it returns a View based on the name of the string. So... Pages/Informatio...

How to support leagcy urls(Web forms type) in mvc routing

We have recently shifted to mvc, but we still need to support some legacy urls. What is the best way to handle this situation. Is it Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute() event in global.asax, that I need to use or is there any better way? ...

Query String Routing with Nullable Types

I am having one of those coder's block days. I should know this but instead I'll ask for a little help. I have two routes: /Login /Login?wa=wsignin1.0&wtrealm=http://localhost/MyApp Accessing the Action method for the first with an HTTP GET returns the login page where-as the second does some federated authentication stuff. I defin...

Using the ASP.NET MVC Attribute Based Route Mapper

In my ASP.NET MVC application, I want to use this ASP.NET MVC Attribute Based Route Mapper, first announced here. So far, I understand how to implement code that uses it, but I've run into a few questions that I think those who have used this attribute-based route mapper in the past will be able to answer. How do I use it with ActionR...

MVC omit optional page parameter

I have the following URL in mind: /restaurants/italian/miami.html /restaurants/italian/miami-p2.html Using these routes routes.MapRoute(null, "{category}/{branch}/{city}-p{page}.html", new { controller = "Branch", action = "Index" }); routes.MapRoute(null, "{category}/{branch}/{city}.html", new { contr...

Route always goes to the first maproute

I'm trying to create URIs that look a little something like this: http://hostname/mobile/en/controller/action for mobiles OR http://hostnamem/en/controller/action for desktop (non mobiles) My Route table currently looks like this (Global.asax.cs) ` routes.IgnoreRoute("{resource}.axd/{*pathInfo}"); routes.MapRoute( ...