C# Adding callback to JsonResult

My mvc page returns json by using the function Json(mycustomclass) to return a JsonResult object. This works just fine except, I need to wrap the json in a callback so that jQuery can use it. I want it like this: jsonp1246168411282({"myjson":"some values"}) but I am getting this: {"myjson":"some values"} Is there any way I can 'wrap'...

MVC SelectList not working

List<SelectListItem> items = new List<SelectListItem>(); if (a) { SelectListItem deliveryItem = new SelectListItem() { Selected = a.selected, Text = "Delivery", Value = "1" }; items.Add(deliveryItem); } if (b) { SelectListItem pickupItem = new SelectListItem() { Selected = b.selec...

How can I do a messagebox in mvc?

Hi, I've been trying to do a messagebox in a controller in mvc, but every time I type MessageBox or MsgBox it doesn't give me the option to import a namespace... What can I use that would be similar to a MessageBox? ... mvc tutorial - where is it storing my login data?

i downloaded mvc and i am playing around with the main tutorial. In the upper right, when i click log in or register new user, i am trying to understand where this data is being stored. I dont see any SQL database or any other data store. i see something that says this below: // Attempt to register the user ...

Having troubles calling a Controller Post Method...

Here's my method [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] public void SaveImage(FormCollection formValues) { byte[] contents = Convert.FromBase64String(Request.Form["file"]); System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(Server.MapPath(Request.Form["name"]), contents); } It is getting posted to from this actionscript method: ...

create Javascript object to pass to wcf service call

I have following method in wcf webenabled service Public Person AddPerson(Person p); As of now in traditional application i am using scriptmanager and it allows me to created javascript object like following to pass it in ajax call var person = Person(); = "mamu"; phonenumber = 911; ajaxService.AddPerson(person, c...

How would you create a user database with mvc

i am new to mvc so please be explicit as possible. Here is my goal: i want to create a simple website where users can: Register and log in Enter there contact details(phone, address, etc) View there contact details Edit details of #3. Later in the website, i will create other pages that use this data but for now the only i...

Issue with LINQ to SQL insert . . .

i was looking at an example of how to do an insert in Linq to SQL and here it was it said: NorthwindDataContext context = new NorthwindDataContext(); context.Products.Add(new Product(..)); context.SubmitChanges(); but when i look at the below, (in my case the Table is UserInfo), the Table doesn't have an "Add" method: public System.D...

Any reason why this LINQ to SQL update query is not working . . .

Somehow this update code is not working: Here is my Controller code: private UserRepository repo = new UserRepository(); [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] public ActionResult Edit(int id, UserInfo user_) { try { repo.UpdateUser(user_); return RedirectToAction("Index"); } ... mvq regenerating autogenerated view code after database table update

i have generated the views (Create, Edit, Index, Details) for a table using LINQ to SQL. My question is: Once the views are created in Visual Studio using "Add, View", they dont change when i update the database (using Server Explorer) and the LINQ to SQL code. Is there anyway to "Refresh" the view code, or do i just have to delete t... mvc can i have a menu that links by both id and username

I am basically taking the default ASP.NET MVC template and extending it: Looking at the site.master, I see this for menus: <ul id="menu"> <li><%= Html.ActionLink("Home", "Index", "Home")%></li> <li><%= Html.ActionLink("About", "About", "Home")%></li> </ul> I am then editing it by the following: <ul id="menu"> ...

Simplest way to protect whole folder (with authentication) using MVC and OpenID

I'm really new to and mvc, so I'm a bit lost. I'm managed to log in with OpenID in my application using this Tutorial. But I'm not sure if just setting Session["Admin"] = true is the right path to follow, so far my code is something like this: switch (openid.Response.Status) { case AuthenticationStatus.Authenticated: if ... MVC site.master link using HTML.ActionLink

I have the following code in my site.master for a menu: <ul id="menu"> <li><%= Html.ActionLink("My Contact Info", "DetailsbyUserName/" + Html.Encode(Page.User.Identity.Name), "Users")%></li> </ul> When I hover over the URL I see that it points to: http://site/Users/DetailbyUserName/[name] which is correct. The iss...

What's the most elegant way of using a partial view to render a comma delimited set of items?

I need to render a list of Person objects, say, in a comma delimited format using a Partial View in ASP.NET MVC. My problem is that when rendered using the following code: <% foreach (var person in Model) { %> <%= Html.ActionLink<PersonController>(c => c.Edit(person.PersonID), Html.Encode(person.Name)) %>,&nbsp; <% } %> I get a tr...

Security error when doing a post from a flash application to an Asp.Net MVC application...

Error #2044: Unhandled securityError:. text=Error #2048: Security sandbox violation: cannot load data from at Main/encodeAndSave() ...

ASP.NET MVC Routing Root Level Views

I thought this would be fairly easy, but I'm totally baffled. I want one controller's views to be at the root level of the application, rather than in a subdirectory for that controller, but I cannot figure it out. I'd like to have these two urls: /Info - This should action "Info" on controller "Home" /Admin/ - This should be action...

ASP.Net MVC - Posting dynamically created fields to an action

Hi, I have a page that has fields dynamically loaded via JQuery. It allows a user to add additional fields and data on the fly. Currently that data is collected via JQuery and sent via an Ajax request to be dealt with. But is there anyway of doing this in a normal action post? Currently it seems that the dynamically inserted fields are ...

MVC Form Post to itself scenario

I have an MVC application. Say for example if we have a dropdown Cars makes which when selected posts to itself and gets Car Models. Now on post, the field Car makes loses it value. I am using Form.Get("combo_box_field_name") and if it has a value I am prepopulating the car make dropdown. As lot of controls on my form do this sort of pos...

ASP.NET MVC multiple distinct groups of users - authorization/authentication

I have done a lot of research on trying to accomplish this, but I have not really found a clear cut "best way" to accomplish this. I am working on an application that has many distinct groups of users, essentially it allows multiple companies to use the same application - very much like Google apps. Here is an example of what I mean: ...

How-to test action filters in ASP.NET MVC?

Need some pointers for this. Found this and this, but I'm still kind a confused. I just want to mock ActionExecutedContext, pass it, let filter to work a bit and check result. Any help? Source of filter you can find here (it's changed a bit, but that's not a point at the moment). So - i want unit test, that RememberUrl filter is ...