can i have multiple site.master files in mvc

i have a number of files that i want to have the same "base" layout so i am using the site.master file for this and its working perfectly. but now i want another set of pages with a different "site.master" file. can i have multiple site.master files in one solution ...

can a site.master page have its own site.master page

can you have it where one site master page itself has a site master page to allow layers of shared "base" code? ...

What alternative is there to POST-redirect-GET in ASP.NET MVC?

The ASP.NET MVC pattern of submitting forms via post, then redirecting to the same or different URL is very easy to code. Imagine this scenario: User goes to /products/42/edit to view and edit product 42. They see something crazy on that page, edit it, and hit save. This causes a POST to /products/42/edit The action updates the data ...

Is there any dependency between view and a model ?

Normally in the MVC Pattern, when a user clicks on a page the request would be sent ,then controller would handle the request ,then process it using the model and route it to the appropriate view. I have read the post about the passive model and active model,but is there a possibility where the view directly interacts with the model, wo...

how do i reference the main master in a nested master page scenario in

i see that this question has been answered: but i have a follow up questions, if i have nested master pages: site.master section.master page where page has a master of section.master and section.master itself has a master of site.master can i refer...

how do i have links to root controllers in site.master in mvc

in my site.master file, i have the following code: <map name="indexMap"> <area shape="rect" coords="3,9,59,24" href= "Home"> <area shape="rect" coords="73,8,146,24" href="CourseBio"> <area shape="rect" coords="168,8,235,24" href="ProShop"> <area shape="rect" coords="257,7,336,24" href="ScoreCard"> <area shape="rect" coords="35...

ASP.NET MVC: Do all POST Requests need to return something?

Hello, I have an ASP.NET MVC application, with a view that submits form values via POST. When my controller action method receives the POSTed data it only does server side things with it, no need for feedback to the client side. However I am required to return an ActionResult. If I return null or EmptyResult, the page becomes blank afte...

Good way to document various process flows in application?

Hello, I'd like to create a simple central documentation that visually shows various processes and dependencies in my ASP.NET MVC application, for example how a service is called when my "Signup" action method gets POST data, decryption and verification happens, and finally everything is stored using the repository and the email service...

Maintaining viewstate in mvc?!?!

Possible Duplicate: ASP.NET MVC doesn’t work with ViewState and Postback? One of the major reasons for using webforms is the ease of being able to maintain viewstate. I would like to build an mvc application so what options do I have for maintaining viewstate? ...

can you use Url.Content() in a master page

i keep getting Compilation errors when i try to do this . .is there anyway to do this inside the site.master file? ...

JQuery + Asp.Net MVC, passing float number.

I'm working with MVC recently and I've encountered a strange problem while trying to send request to my controller using ajax. I'm using JQuery (version 1.3.2) that came directly with MVC, I'm trying to send such ajax request: $.post("Home/OpenTrade", { price: 1.5 }, function() { }, "json"); I've also tried parseFloat("1.5") instead o... WebForms & MVC security options

What are the options for implementing secure login on a website and ensuring that the website itself as a whole is secure? - for both and mvc...... Kind regards ...

Reset the mvc routes without resetting the app

Hi, I want to stroe my routes in DB and register them in Application_Start of Global.asax.cs. Everything is fine but any change in the DB, I have to reset the app in order to let app to pick up my changes. If i can reset the routes without restart the app, the problem will be solved. How would I achive it geeks? A custom httpmodule? o...

Is it possible to run ASP.NET MVC 1.0 web apps on Mono 2.4.x ?

Hi, I have searched various online resources and found conflicting information about the possibility of ASP.NET MVC 1.0 web apps running against the latest build of Mono (2.4.x). According to the Mono site, ASP.NET 2.0 is supported. According to Microsoft, ASP.NET MVC 1.0 requires the 3.5 version of the framework. From what I've read...

Ambiguity with class and model

Hello I'm trying to define a "Product"-class for my model (.edmx), and I have it in the same folder as the model. I get: Ambiguity between 'MVCTest.Models.Product.ProductID' and 'MVCTest.Models.Product.ProductID' error What's needed to do so I can define my classes correctly? /M ...

change table row style on hover

Hi, I created a table without borders styling and I want it to underline a row on hover. However, I am getting pretty odd behaviour. When I move mouse over from upside down, nothing happens. In opposite direction, all touched rows get underlined and stay that way until I move mouse over in some other direction. I am pretty confused by th...

Httpd.conf multiple VirtualHost sections (was: Mono ASP.NET MVC AutoHosting issues)

I'm doing exactly this by trying to disable AutoHosting. However now I get "Failed to connect to mod-mono-server after several attempts to spawn the process." in the logs. The path is correct Here's my config: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName DocumentRoot /home/abe/html/ MonoServerPath "/usr/loca...

Asp.Net MVC Entity Framework Parent-Child with overridable values

Ok, so let me explain a little of what I am trying to do. I have a table called WebsitePage that contains all of the pages on my site with some information about them. Then, I have a Customer table for all of my customers. Then I have another table called CustomerWebsitePage that stores customer values for some of the columns in the Web...

Can we use iPhone Mapkit Framework in a web app ?

Hi All, I am trying to develop a web app for iPhone on LBS. I am using the ASP.NET MVC to do this. Is there any way to use the Mapkit Framework provided by iPhone 3.0 in my web app ? I am waiting to find this answer .... Thanks and regards All. ...

SelectlistItem selected = true problem

Hello I'm having problems with getting selected items in a select-list. Product product = _pr.GetProducts().ByProductID(productID).First(); product.Categories.Load(); ICollection<Category> allCategories = _cr.GetCategories().ToList(); List<SelectListItem> Categories = (from category in allCategories ...