Are there any tips/tricks about using Subsonic with Asp.Net MVC Framework?

Is there anyone using Subsonic with mvc framework? If so, can you tell us something about your experience. Are there tips and tricks that can be shared? ...

Can "classic" ASP.NET pages and Microsoft MVC coexist in the same web application?

I'm thinking about trying out MVC later today for a new app we're starting up, but I'm curious if it's an all or nothing thing or if I can still party like it's 2006 with viewstate and other crutches at the same time... ...

Best way to bind a web UI against XML attributes?

I want to bind my UI against a collection of XElements and their properties on a webpage. Hypothetically, this could be for any object that represents an XML tree. I'm hoping that there might be a better way of doing this. Should I use an XPath query to get out the elements of the collection and the attribute values of each (in this c...

Configure db used for ASP.Net Authentication

I want to use forms authentication in my mvc site. Can I use an already existing sql db (on a remote server) for it? How do I configure the site to use this db for authentication? Which tables do I need/are used for authentication? ...

Format Date On Binding (ASP.NET MVC)

In my MVC app I have a view that looks like this: ... <label>Due Date</label> <%=Html.TextBox("due")%> ... I am using a ModelBinder to bind the post to my model (the due property is of DateTime type). The problem is when I put "01/01/2009" into the textbox, and the post does not validate (due to other data being input incorrec...

In ASP.NET MVC, how to write model so checkbox in view corresponds to integer in database?

I have a database column "WantsReply" that logically holds a boolean (bit) but is unfortunately implemented as an integer. Any nonzero value means "yes" and zero means "no". If I write class Entry { [Column] public int WantsReply {get; set;} } in my model, and map it to a checkbox in the view using Html.CheckBox( "WantsReply", V...


I've recently installed the MVC CTP5 and VS is now crashing on me when I try to open an aspx, I get the following error in event viewer: .NET Runtime version 2.0.50727.3053 - Fatal Execution Engine Error (7A035E00) (80131506) I was able to find This post on the forums relating to the same issue but nobody has had a working sol...

What's the best way to implement an API in ASP.NET using MVC?

I've been a longtime ASP.NET developer in the web forms model, and am using a new project as an opportunity to get my feet wet with ASP.NET MVC. The application will need an API so that a group of other apps can communicate with it. I've always built API's out just using a standard web service prior to this. As a sidenote, I'm a littl...

What is the best way to return XML from a controller's action in ASP.NET MVC?

What is the best way to return XML from a controller's action in ASP.NET MVC? There is a nice way to return JSON, but not for XML. Do I really need to route the XML through a View, or should I do the not-best-practice way of Response.Write-ing it? ...

Is the best approach a typed or not typed view in ASP.NET MVC?

In ASP.NET MVC it's possible to choice between having a typed view were you define in the codebehind what kind of data the view can should expect. But it's also possible to not define this and just pass any kind of data to view in a ViewData container. What would the best model here or should I mix depending on what kind of data we're t...

Need some ASP.NET MVC Routing Help

Hello, I've started with ASP.NET MVC recently, reading blogs, tutorials, trying some routes, etc. Now, i've stumbled on a issue where i need some help. Basically, i have an URL like /products.aspx?categoryid=foo&productid=bar Most tutorials/examples propose to map this to something like: /products/category/foo/bar where "products" is t...

Can you make a site with ASP.NET MVC Framework using .NET 2.0?

Is it possible to make a site with ASP.NET MVC Framework using .NET 2.0? I am limited to using .NET 2.0 (we use VS 2008, but we have to use the 2.0 Framework) and I really want to try out the MVC Framework. ...

Does anyone know when the ASP.NET MVC will be fully released?

When do you think we can expect the full release version of ASP.NET MVC? ...

MVC n-level route building

I want to create a productcatalog with N-Level Categories e.g. /Catalog/Category1/Category2/../SubCategoryN/Product/{ProductActions}/{ID} And at the same time be able to /Catalog/Category1/Category2/../SubCategoryN/{CategoryActions} Is that possible and if Yes how? ...

What are the key differences between ASP.NET webforms and MVC

I know what MVC is and I work in webforms but I don't know how MVC will be that much different. I guess the code behind model will be different. So will it be like webforms minus the code behind and instead having it in a controller? I see there are other related posts but I don't they address this. ...

Partials, ASP.NET MVC

I'm building my first ASP.NET MVC application and I am having some troubles with Partial classes. If I, as an example, want to put a "Footer" as a Partial I create an "MVC View User Control" in "/Views/Shared/Footer.ascx". (I leave it empty for now) What is the correct way for adding it to my Layout? I have tried: <%=Html.RenderPart...

How to pass page's meta tags in ASP.NET MVC?

Hello, I'm playing with ASP.NET MVC for the last few days and was able to build a small site. Everything works great. Now, I need to pass the page's META tags (title, description, keywords, etc.) via the ViewData. (i'm using a master page). How you're dealing with this? Thank you in advance. ...

How do I allow a user to use their own domain name for a hosted service?

I am working on an ASP.NET MVC web app that allows people to publish content, but other than publish the content to a remote server, I want to allow people to use their domain name directly. For example, the user "Tom" can have his domain name point to, but the sub path will also be mapped. F...

ASP.NET MVC and...YUI? jQuery? Other

After the last project I've done using WebForms, I've decided to pass on using that framework in the future. It's great for getting your basic features out there...not so great when you have more complex UI logic. I'm looking at ASP.NET MVC, and like what I see so far. Of course the issue is that you lose the server side controls when y...

System.Web.HttpContextWrapper2 error in sutekishop - MVC 3

I am currently try to use the sutekishop .Net CMS product but am getting the error "Could not load type 'System.Web.HttpContextWrapper2'..." Is this an MVC assembly mismatch? i have uninstalled mvc 5 and installed 3 (required according to the set up) but am still getting the issues. Any ideas? Rhys Full error: Could not load type 'Sy...