I'm executing the following command,
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-eclipse-plugin:2.6:clean \
My all the dependencies are coming in classpath but AspectJ is not added to the classpath. I have them declared in pom.xml dependencies list
Where as it is working if I use ...
I'm trying to setup a Spring 3 Web MVC project, using the @Controller, annotation-based approach.
package my.package
public class AdminMultiActionController {
@RequestMapping(value = "admin.htm", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String showAdminSection() {
return "admin";
My di...
I have a strange problem where when I run my tests using maven, it locks whenever a test method calls into an object with an annotation @Configurable. I can run the tests fine in IDEA using the AspectJ Weaver plugin (remarkably), but I cannot do it with maven (whether I execute them in IDEA or just in a terminal).
Even weirder, if I pre...
I have read the documents in the following locations. Maybe I'm too dumb but I can't see too many useful examples that I can visualize and no much stay in my mind.
Does anyone have any good and simple AspectJ getting start doc online? An...
I need to intrecept some methods and their attributes by using annotations as point cuts, but how can I access those method attributes. I have following code that succesfully can run code before method is run, but I just don't know how I can access those attrbiutes.
package my.package;
import org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint;
I use declare error and declare warning to enforce some policies; but in some specific cases I would like to get rid of the warning.
Is there a way I can name the declared warning so that I can use @SuppressWarning ?
Else I see a solution but it doesn't satisfy me: define a custom @SuppressXxxPolicyWarning annotation and use it to restr...