
How to implement the Strategy Pattern in AOP

Can anyone tell me how to implement the Strategy Pattern in AOP? An example using Spring-AOP or AspectJ would be very helpful. ...

AOP with AbstractAction execute method

I was attempting to set up an aspect on one of the classes extending AbstractAction (SWF - package org.springframework.webflow.action) on the public final method execute. The execute is the only public method in the interface Action class It's signature is: public abstract Event execute(RequestContext requestcontext) throws Exception...

Trouble with Aspectj load-time-weaving when using EclipseLink JPA in Spring dm Server 1.x

I am attempting to get EclipseLink JPA working inside the Spring dm Server OSGi environment. Relevant frameworks and libraries downloaded from the Spring Enterprise Bundle Repository include: dm Server 1.0.2.SR02 AspectJ Runtime 1.6.3 AspectJ Weaver 1.6.3 Spring Framework 2.5.6.A Eclipse Persistence 1.1.0 Javax Persistence API 1.99.0...

Is there a way to improve this pointcut?

I have come up with the following pointcut that I use for tracing method entry/exit. It's not broken and also does what I want but: 1- I find it looks clumsy or could be more elegant; and 2- I don't know if it is bulletproof. // tracing the execution of all methods except: // - toString and descendants // - methods identified with @NotT...

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ProceedingJoinPoint

We have a number of web service client applications which interface between our main customer facing application and backend web services. These web service application generate their own JAXWS stub code to directly interface with the web services and implementation code to provide a clean interface between the JAXWS code and any applica...

Spring - Aspect is not getting applied at runtime

I have the following configuration: @Aspect public class MyAspect { @Around(@annotation(SomeAnnotation)) public Object myMethod(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable { System.out.println("Hello..."); } } And have the following beans definitions: <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xs...

Polymorphism in AspectJ

I am trying to decide which is the better way to dispatch on a type in AspectJ. Suppose I am performing a computation on a tree with three kinds of nodes. I could then write a simple Java method: private void computation(TreeNode node) { if (node instanceof Node0) { // Do stuff. } else if (node instanceof Node0) { ...

How-to programatically access private members trough privileged Aspect in AspectJ?

Hi, I was wondering if it was possible in AspectJ to do the following. I’m adding a method .inspect() to every object of class RubyObject. That method is supposed to spit a string like #(CompleteClassName, var1=val1, var2=val2, …) So far so good, this.getClass().getFields() gets me all the visible fields I want and this.getClass().getD...

advantage of using applicationcontext.getbean vs @configurable

Hi, what is the advantage of using @configurable compared to on bean that not managed by bean doing di by applicationcontext.getbean? any anyone list pro and cons? ...

handling multiple Aspects in AspectJ

I have a query, when im using multiple Aspects in my aop.xml. here's the problem. i have defined some <include> and <exclude> in my <weaver>. i have 3 aspects in my aop file. i need to define a specific <include> and <exclude> for each aspects. how it is possible. Thanks in advance. ...

Please suggest some tutorial for learning pointcut expression

Please suggest some tutorial/cheatsheet for learning pointcut expression. ...

@AspectJ pointcut for all methods of a class with specific annotation

I want to monitor all public methods of all Classes with specified annotation (say @Monitor) (note: Annotation is at class level). What could be a possible pointcut for this? Note: I am using @AspectJ style Spring AOP. ...

agent aspectjweaver causes ClassCircularityError

I use aspects to add some targeted tracing for performance analysis. Everything used to work fine till this recent drop. Now, I get a ClassCircularityError at start-up. Note that this happens even without having any aspects in the classpath. I am using version 1.6.6. The stacktrace is partially as follows. Is there any other information...

Wicket with Spring declarative transaction

It is possible to use the Spring Framework's @Transactional support outside of a Spring container. In reference documentation is chapter about AspectJ aspect. I'm trying to use it in my wicket application, but with no positive result. application-context.xml: <tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="trans...

Applying additional aspectj around advice to a spring transactional method.

I have a spring 2.5 + hibernate webapp with transaction annotations and everything works fine. I now want to add a fairly basic aspect with 'around' advice and apply it to my service layer (which is transactional). I am doing this using aspectj annotations and placed <aop:aspectj-autoproxy/> in my spring xml. Spring transactional ...

spring 3 AOP anotated advises

Trying to figure out how to Proxy my beans with AOP advices in annotated way. I have a simple class @Service public class RestSampleDao { @MonitorTimer public Collection<User> getUsers(){ .... return users; } } i have created custom annotation for monitoring execution time @Target({ ElementType.M...

How to set springframework @Transactional with AspectJ.

Hi. I want to use spring-aspects to make my methods transactional but without using spring AOP (spring AOP works just fine with: <tx:annotation-driven/> ). I'm using maven to manage my project. Is there a way to do compile time weaving on my project classes so "they are Transactional". I was trying to use this plugin: http://mojo.code...

Trying to match an AspectJ pointcut signature for any methods containing a variable

I want to create a pointcut that matches any method in my Web controller that contains a ModelMap: pointcut addMenu(ModelMap modelMap) : execution (public String example.web.MyController.*(..)) && args (modelMap); before(ModelMap modelMap) : addMenu(modelMap) { // Do stuff with modelMap... } My problem is that this only matc...

Code Analysis Tools and Inter-Type-Declarations

I have a maven project generated by Spring Roo and use several tools (checkstyle, pmd etc.) to collect information about my project. (namely I am using codehaus' sonar for this) Roo makes heavy use of AspectJ Inter Type Declarations (ITD) to seperate concerns like persistence, javabeans-getter/setters etc. These ITDs are woven in at co...

Are static initializers guaranteed to be called for AspectJ aspects?

This is my first question so please be gentle. :-) I know AspectJ can create pointcuts on static initializers of java classes. But the question is whether a static initializer in an aspect, as below, is guaranteed to be called exactly once: @Aspect public class MyAspect { private static Map configuration; static { // Some initia...