
custom static code analysis rules in fxcop or stylecop?

if writing my own static code analysis rules (for C# code), what are the pros and cons of using stylecop vs fxcop? is one more appropriate for certain type of analysis than the other? or is the difference between the two that one runs on the source code and the other on the compiled assembly? ...

Does Code Analysis support defining two languages for mixed language Spell Checking?

Using the tip provided by José Adan at I was able to get Code Analysis to do spell checking in Brazilian Portuguese. It's a common practice to mix Portuguese and English on type and member names down here in Brazil. I've also seen this pr...

Code Analysis Tools and Inter-Type-Declarations

I have a maven project generated by Spring Roo and use several tools (checkstyle, pmd etc.) to collect information about my project. (namely I am using codehaus' sonar for this) Roo makes heavy use of AspectJ Inter Type Declarations (ITD) to seperate concerns like persistence, javabeans-getter/setters etc. These ITDs are woven in at co...

What rule do you wish FxCop/Gendarme had?

What definable static code checking rule do you wish to see added to FxCop and/or Gendarme? Why to do you wish to see the rule added, e.g what are the benefits etc? How could your rule be implemented? ...

Is there a way to determine code coverage without running the code?

I am not asking the static code analysis which is provided by StyleCop or Fxcop. Both are having different purpose and it serves well. I am asking whether is there a way to find the code coverage of your user control or sub module? For ex, you have an application which uses the helper classes in a separate assembly. Inorder to ensure the...

Static code analysis tools for VB6

Right now we are maintaining some old project written in VB6 we are planning to implement continuous integration server for it. We would like to implement some code analysis as well to track that maintanability at least not getting worse. Basically there is only one requirement - the tool should be command line so we can call it from con...

Having trouble running code analysis from command prompt with msbuild

I'm using VS2010 RC while targeting .NET 3.5. I can run code analysis via Visual Studio without a problem. However, when I try to run code analysis on our CI server it isn't getting executed. When I attempt to build using msbuild 4.0 I get the following exception: C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\CodeAnalys...

__DataBind__control found by FxCop code analysis in ASP.NET

Hi, I use Visual Studio 2008 Team Suite in a website project and want to use the built-in code analysis feature (FxCop). When checking the naming rules, I get this error: CA1709: Microsoft.Naming: Korrigieren Sie die Schreibweise von "control" im Membernamen "'module_readPost_ascx.__DataBinding__control15(Object, EventArgs)'" m...

making graph/map of functions/methods calls in c# code (visual studio 2008)

I have some c# projects in visual studio 2008, and I want to get graph (map? table?) of all methods calls. I want it static, not runtime (like "call stack"); any function - who calls it, and how many times, etc. I can Find All References method after method, and copy each call to table or Graphviz file, but it will take few hours. Is th...

FxCop/StyleCop equivalent for ruby on rails?

Is there any static code analysis tools for ruby on rails? I am looking for something on the lines of "tests vs code analysis" as well as rules based analysis provided by FxCop. As an additional feature, an integration with hudson would be cool too. ...

How do I specify a ruleset from MSBuild

After upgrading to VS 2010 MSBUILD /p:RunCodeAnalysis=true does not work as expected msbuild solution.sln /p:RunCodeAnalysis=true To get faster builds we removed the CODE_ANALYSIS constant for the DEBUG build. But that means thet when running the above msbuild command, it defauls to all rules, instead of using the ruleset we specified...

visual studio 2010 static code analysis migration

I am updating my projects from visual studio 2008 to visual studio 2010, but I'm still using TFS 2008. I have a static code analysis in my TFS, and when I was using visual studio 2008 I was placing the rules from the server in my source code projects (right click on a solution->Code analysis for solution-> replace\merge with checkin pol...

Code analysis fails on project referencing obfuscated assembly

Visual Studio 2010 code analysis fails to run now that we've incorporated a 3rd-party assembly into our project. Project : error : CA0055 : Could not load C:\Programming\MyAssembly.dll. Project : error : CA0052 : No targets were selected. Project : error : CA0058 : The referenced assembly 'TheirAssembly, Version=1...

Extending homework testing platform to include code analysis (C/C++)

I'm maintaining/developing a platform for homework testing. It's mostly automatic. What I need to add now is code analysis. I need to check the code for specific constructs. For example: Does the file main.cpp contain a class named user with a const method get_name()? Is there some tool out there that would allow me to do suc...

Is there an all purpose lint (-toolkit)?

I want to do a static code analysis on a bunch of scripts written in a not very common programming language (C like syntax). Frequent problems are: the use of not defined/declared symbols wrong number or type of arguments when calling a function The language interpreter/compiler itself does not provide aid for these problems. Is the...

C Language Data Structure Visualisation

Are there any C-language static analysers out there that create graphical diagrams of the data structures in a body of C code? I'm thinking along the lines of the data displays in the DDD (Data Display Debugger) but that work from static analysis of the source code. Any diagram notation welcome (UML etc.) and it can run on any platform...

Should I declare these methods const?

I'm working on some C++ code where I have several manager objects with private methods such as void NotifyFooUpdated(); which call the OnFooUpdated() method on the listeners of this object. Note that they don't modify the state of this object, so they could technically be made const methods, even though they typically modify the stat...