
What is the difference between shelve and check in in TFS?

What is the concept of each? When is it ok to shelve your changes instead of checking in? ...

How can I commit multiple directories at once using subversion?

I tried using svn ci dir/a dir/b -m "my comment" but this doesn't work. I also used svn ci dir/a/* dir/b/* -m "my comment" and it too doesn't work. I know you can specify multiple files, but how can I tell subversion to check in all modified files in these folders? I mainly want to do this so that all my changes get in on one revision. ...

Custom Code Analysis TFS Check-In Policy

Is there any way to create a custom TFS check-in policy that can jump through each node within the code being checked in for code standards we have defined? ...

How to automate svn check-in in cruisecontrol ?

I have configured to automatically checkout build,unit test and version a given branch on svn.. but how do i automate check-in the source back into an svn tag together with the versioning information (assemblyinfo.cs,corresponding version info on the sourcecode) ? ...

visual studio 2010 static code analysis migration

I am updating my projects from visual studio 2008 to visual studio 2010, but I'm still using TFS 2008. I have a static code analysis in my TFS, and when I was using visual studio 2008 I was placing the rules from the server in my source code projects (right click on a solution->Code analysis for solution-> replace\merge with checkin pol...