
CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine, Version=11.5.3700.0..

i have CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine, Version=11.5.3700.0.. i need to open aprogram with Version=11.5.3300.0.. How should i proceed.... thanks in advance ...

When .Net loads an assembly and how to change this behaviour?

Hello, for an application I need to check the availability of Crystal Reports runtime libraries. What I've tried is: void CheckCrystal() { try { CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.CrystalReportViewer test = new CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.CrystalReportViewer(); test.Dispose(); } ...

MEF: how to import from an exported object?

I have created a MEF plugin control that I import into my app. Now, I want the plugin to be able to import parts from the app. I can't figure how setup the catalog in the plugin, so that it can find the exports from the app. Can somebody tell me how this is done? Below is my code which doesn't work when I try to create an AssemblyCat...

How do I load an application with dlls from memory into an AppDomain and execute it?

I have several streams with an assembly and its used dlls. How can I load them into an AppDomain and execute the main assembly? I'd rather not save the files to disk if it can be avoided. ...

Seeing AssemblyConfigurationAttribute value in Windows Explorer

When viewing properties for a .NET assembly via Windows Explorer a set of values are shown in a section titled Other version information (on the Version tab). The value set for the AssemblyConfigurationAttribute is not among these values. Is there any way to find out this value (other than writing a small .NET application yourself)? ...

C# type defined in an assembly that is not referenced

I have two projects A and B. Project A makes use of type X in project B, so I have a reference to B added in A. Everything built fine. I signed project B using a strong named key file. Everything still built fine. Then I decided to change the strong named key file for B. I rebuilt project B ok. When I try to build project A I rece...

.NET assemblies: understanding type visibility

I am trying to reproduce something that System.Xml.Serialization already does, but for a different source of data. For now task is limited to deserialization only. I.e. given defined source of data that I know how to read. Write a library that takes a random type, learns about it fields/properties via reflection, then generates and comp...

WPF assembly reference missing - project still building

I am trying to use the Dynamic Data Display library for WPF in my solution. I added a reference to DynamicDataDisplay.dll in my project. I also added a namespace in the .xaml like this: xmlns:d3="" Intellisense is not helping me when I try to add a element from the Dynamic Data Display...

Static constructor for the whole assembly

I have many entry points in my assembly and I want some initialization code to be executed once per AppDomain prior to running any other code from this assembly. What would be the best way to do it? One solution I see is to have a class with static constructor and inherit every entry point I have from it. Something like this: public cl...

Clickonce Office add-in assembly reference problem upon deployment

I have developed an Office 2007 C# add-in. It uses clickonce for deployment. On systems with Office 2010 all is ok but on a machine with XP SP3, NET 3.5sp1 and Office 2007, I get a strange assembly loading error. My add-in does not directly reference Microsoft.Office.Interop.SmartTag.dll. This gets referenced by Microsoft.Office.Tools.C...

How do I ensure my assembly is being used by licensed users only?

I recently came across a program that uses a Windows Form Control Library. To use the DLL, you would add it to references and then to make it run you would do. Dim DLL As New License If Not DLL.Check Then End ' Code Basically, the DLL would open and if the license that they entered wasn't in the database it would just close. ...

unblocking Ribbon WPF assembly for use in VS2010

I'm trying to open the sample Solution for the Microsoft Ribbon for WPF, but I get this error about being unable to load metadata. The solution on that site, and the one linked in the error, is How to: Use an Assembly from the Web in Visual Studio. However, I don't see any 'Unblock' option when I check the Properties dialog for RibbonC...

assembly reference problem--'assembly not referenced' versus type in two assemblies

I'm having a problem with assembly references. I have four assemblies: A class library called EncryptionUtils Another class library called PasswordUtils that uses EncryptionUtils Another class library called Toolkit that is an ILMerge of many libraries, including EncryptionUtils A WPF application that uses Toolkit and PasswordUtils ...

How does the reference assembly is verfied to check whether it is tampered?

This question is about verifying the assembly to check whether it is tampered for malicious activity. When an assembly is created, metadata is generated. Metadata includes tables like type definition tables, type reference tables and manifest tables. Reference tables contain an entry for each assembly reference and the entry includes ref...

Assembly information missing in Project properties

Can anyone tell me why the assembly information would be missing for a project in VS 2010? There is an 'AssemblyInfo.vb' filed located in the 'My Project' folder with values provided for the title, product, etc and GUID. However if I open the 'Assembly Information...' dialog in the 'Application' tab of the properties for the project al...

Why are referenced assemblies locked?

I have 2 assemblies. Assembly2 is referenced by Assembly1. Why is Assembly2 locked? I thought the whole assembly is loaded into the RAM by the JIT-Compiler, isn't it? How does the machinism work when a referenced assembly is called? ...

Strongly-typed assembly not being found despite being correctly referenced

We have a project which utilizes Sharp Architecture. For the purposes of some testing, we made some adjustments to strongly type some assemblies. Following this, the project would no longer build. VS2010 complained that: error CS0012: The type 'SharpArch.Core.PersistenceSupport.IRepositoryWithTypedId`2' is defined in an assembly that i...

How can I pass a solution resource as a FileStream object (to an intercepted File.Open command)?

I extend upon a legacy library which accesses files on the harddrive. I have such files as embedded resources in my unit test project. I have ported parts of the library to accept streams, which allows me to use GetManifestResourceStream to pass my embedded resource to the legacy library. This works fine, but it is a slight hassle. And...

How to link a .NET 2.0 assembly in a .NET 4.0 solution

I have a project built with .NET 4.0. I have a lot of code that would be painful to convert back to 2.0. I try to import a Dll built with .NET 2.0. Everything works until I try to execute code from that DLL. It says that it cannot load the specified module or one of its dependency I used dumpbin.exe to check what dependencies it can ha...

Automatically embed multiple icons in a .NET Executable

I basically have the same issue as this question: Embed multiple icons in WPF EXE My .NET 2.0 WinForms application currently has this when you click "Change Icon" in explorer: What I would like to see, and with some hacking about as suggested by the above article I get this: However the process of getting there all of the version ...