
Do I need to secure my strong name key file for an open-source project?

I'm creating a starter kit that installs the compiled assemblies from an open-source project into the GAC to make it easier to reference the assemblies in the template. Since they're going in the GAC, they need to be signed. Do I need to password protect and secure the key file, or is it okay to leave it open and include the file in sou...

How to declare a friend assembly?

I have 2 projects in my solution: Assembly (Basic Library) Test Assembly (NUnit) I had declared the test assembly as friends assembly in first project: [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo ("Company.Product.Tests")] Everything was working fine till I realised that I have forgot to setup the solution to sign my assemblies. So created a sn...

Signing of .NET Assemblies

What does digital signature have to do with strong named assemblies. I read that a strongly named assembly has public key and digital signature with it. Reference: Signing the assembly involves taking a hash of important parts of the assembly and then encrypting the hash with the private key. The signed hash is stored in the assemb...

How I do a sign an assembly that has already been built into a dll specifically flute.dll

The reason I want to sign the dll is because I want to add it to the Global Assembly Cache. The assembly is a css parsing engine written in Java and ported to J#. I use VS2008 so I can't make J# projects. It doesn't have a strong name key assigned to it and I have no idea how to do it now that it's built. Anyone have any ideas? ...

Best practices for signing assemblies with multiple projects and developers

I’m looking for recommendations and best practices for applying signed assemblies in an organization with 30+ developers, 20+ solutions and 60+ projects. We’re using Visual Studio Team System 2008 and TFS. While creating a key and signing the assembly is a very easy and straight forward procedure, I’m concerned how we manage this the be...

Remove signing of dll in Visual Studio with script

We have a C# solution with ca. 55 projects, including test projects. Since part of the project is sharepoint all dll's are signed. We would like to run unit tests with code coverage. We then get the problem the code coverage cannot instrument signed dll's. We therefore need to unsign the dll's, run the tests, and then resign them. Wit...

Error calling ctor of signed COM .Net DLL

Hi guys, if've got a problem with a sigend .Net COM DLL and I try to call the ctor of this class in VB6 but it only works on my machine, but not on the other developer machines. The error is 0x80131534. The Class looks like this: // GUIDs are examples. In my component they're diffrent [ComVisible(true)] [Guid("AAAAAAAA-AAAA-1111-AAAA-...

When should you protect a strong name key file with a password?

In the visual studio project settings you can choose a strong name key file for signing the assembly. When creating a new one you can choose to protect it with a password. When should you do this? And when should you not? I am thinking that it could for example be not so smart to protect it with a password if the project is an open sour...

What is the recommended way to manage a strong-name key pair for an open-source project?

I manage an open-source project and would like to sign the binaries that are released in the project's binary package. I use Visual Studio csproj and sln files to manage and build my project, and also distribute these files as part of the project's source packages. How can I sign the produced binaries of my build and not have to distri...

c# - can you make a "weak" assembly reference to a strong named assembly

For various reasons i would rather not use strong named (signed) assemblies in my project. however, one of the projects is referenced by a sharepoint web part which means it must be signed. is it possible to have this assembly signed but when I reference it from other projects, to do so using a non-strong reference. this would give me t...

Is there an easy way to sign a C++ CLI assembly in VS 2010?

Right now I am setting the Linker/Advanced/KeyFile option. I am getting the "mt.exe : general warning 810100b3: is a strong-name signed assembly and embedding a manifest invalidates the signature. You will need to re-sign this file to make it a valid assembly.". Reading from the web, it sounds like I have to set the delay signing opti...

Do I need to sign my assemblies for an mvc app?

If I'm deploying an mvc app, do I need to sign my DLLs? They won't be placed in the GAC. ...

Intergrate a non-signed assembly into an existing application.

I have a problem which I'm pretty sure that I can't solve without going back to the vendor, but I thought I would float the problem here first. Anyway, I have an assembly from a 3rd party that I have to incorporate into existing applications, but it is not signed. This obviously gives me a load of headaches as all my existing product as...

ClickOnce Strong-Name dependency signing

I have a windows application that that a lot of dependant DLLs. When I publish this application it returns an error for one of the DLLs that it must be strongly signed in order to be marked as a prerequiste. How can I resolve this problem? ...

Is it possible to get VS to sign EXEs in a way that UAC recognises as legitimate without a post-build step?

We have switched on 'Sign the assembly' for each project in a solution, which means everything is signed automatically using our certificate. Unfortunately, UAC don't seem to recognise this method of signing. To make UAC see the signature on the binaries, we run signtool.exe in a post-build step, using the same code signing certificate ...

How might I strongly sign an external DLL while retaining its assembly metadata?

I have a few libraries I use in my project that are unsigned. Because my application is strongly signed, the libraries must be as well. I sign these libraries using: "%PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin\ildasm.exe" /nobar /all / library.dll "%WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ilasm.exe" /dll /key=My...

Problems signing a dll in F# on Mono

I'm getting an error trying to sign a dll in F# on mono: $ mono /usr/local/share/FSharp-\ --target:library \ --keyfile:../../external/MyKeyFile.snk\ AssemblyInfo.fs\ ../../fs/FooBar.fs\ -o:FooBar.dll No dll is generated, and I get this error back: Microsoft (R) F# 2.0 Compiler build Copyri...

Be careful with version numbers for loading signed assemblies

I've spent an hour debugging this, and I finally eliminated the PEBCAK issue. I have an internationalized application. A key part of the application uses reflection to load types from configured sources. So in configuration, there's an entry like this: <component type="Application.Component" assembly="Application, Version=, Cult...