
AssemblyInfo.cs subversion and TortoiseSVN

I'm using TortoiseSVN and Visual Studio 2008. Is there any way to update my project's assemblyinfo.cs with svn's version in every build? For example, 1.0.0.[svn's version] -> ...

Setting tail of AssemblyVersion to be TeamCity $(build_number)

I want to set the Assembly number to the following AssemblyMajorVersion.AssemblyMinorVersion.AssemblyBuildNumber.AssemblyRevision YYYY-MM-DD-XXX Where XXX is my TEamCity $(BUILD_NUMBER) I can assign the value of $(BUILD_NUMBER) and see that is has been set using a text message e.g. However, When I inspect $(MaxAssemblyVersion), I g...

Adding AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers with MSBuild

I am using CC.Net with MSBuild tasks to build an application that is composed of a number of solutions and projects. We are using the AssemblyInfo MSBuild Community task to update version info in AssemblyInfo.cs. Unfortunately the AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers attribute doesn't get in and the AssemblyInfo task tells me that the AllowParti...

Setting AssemblyFileVersion with MSBuild-call?

Hello, We have a batch-based buildprocess and we are using MSBuild only for compiling our project-files from visual studio. We also have integrated wix into our build-process. To set the version of our software we specify in the main-build-script some environment variables, that we use during the build-process. My problem is, that i hav...

.Net Is it better to check in the updated AssemblyInfo.cs in a daily build?

At my job, the assembly version of each project in the source control is kept to When the build machine make a new daily build, it has a task to update the assembly version but does not check in the updated assemblyinfo.cs. So on our dev machines, the assembly version of the dlls we are compiling are always set to Is i...

Current year in AssemblyInfo copyright

Is there a possibility to include the current year via DateTime.Now.Year in the AssemblyInfo.cs-file? I have tried [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright " + DateTime.Now.Year)] But it seems the argument can only be a constant expression. ...

Version information missing from .NET assembly (Compact Framework 3.5/VS2008)

I am building an executable using VS2008 and .NET compact framework 3.5, targetting Windows Mobile 6 professional, but whenever I compile the project, everything that I have specified in the AssemblyInfo.cs file is ignored. I have done this many times in other projects and it works without problem, but for some reason I cannot get the A...

Are there good reasons for letting AssemblyVersion and AssemblyFileVersion match?

Gendarme has an AvoidAssemblyVersionMismatchRule with the following description: This rule checks that the [AssemblyVersion] matches the [AssemblyFileVersion] when both are present inside an assembly. Having different version numbers in both attributes can be confusing once the application is deployed. For example, this rule would ...

Help with Assembly Information File in C#

What is the Assembly Information File for in C# and how do I use it? ...

Where to change assemblyinformation-defaults?

Hello, our system-administrator has installed visual studio 2008 on my pc and didn't enter our companys name. Now i have the problem, that I always have to change the name in the assembly-information manually, because the pc-manufacturer is automatically inserted to the assembly-informations. Does anybody know where I can change the def...

How to get a product key token from a library file programatically?

I am creating a SharePoint solution project that will install the Telerik dll files into the GAC and write the appropriate lines into the webconfig upon feature activation. My question is, is there a way to get the product key token, version, and culture info of a dll programatically. I have used the System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecuti...

Updating the AssemblyInformationalVersion attribute of an exe

Is it possible to update an EXEs AssemblyInformationalVersion attribute? I'm trying to include additional information in the setup.exe output from an InstallAware project rather than just the standard 4 digit version info. ...

C# Project Global AssemblyInfo

Hi I have .NET 3.5 solution with multiple projects in it. Is there a way I can create a "Global" AssemblyInfo.cs in which all the project AssemblyInfo.cs can reference from? ...

Get an error when trying to set the build version with the AssemblyInfo Task

I've added the AssemblyInfo Task reference to my C# project file (VS2008 .NET 3.5), but when I build I get the following error The "AssemblyInfo" task failed unexpectedly. System.ArgumentException: version Parameter name: The specified string is not a valid version number at Microsoft.Build.Extras.Version.ParseVersion(St...

How to use Svn Version Task to set the Version of a vb project

I have a Visual Studio 2008 Solution where the main output exe is a VB.Net Winforms exe which has several VB.Net and C# dll's linked from the same solution. The whole solution is under version control with subversion. Now I want to automagically update by generated files with the current svn revision number. For this purpose I found thi...

the carry flag issue!

Suppose AX =FFFE and BX=1234 now if we write cmp ax,bx (bx will be subtracted from ax and the approprite flages will be updated) now the binary representation of the numbers in ax and bx is given by AX = 1111 1111 1111 1110 BX= 0001 0010 0011 0100 As bx will be subtracted from ax so we have to negate b...

Versioning CommonAssemblyInfo.cs and MSBuild

So I have a CommonAssemblyInfo.cs linked into all the projects in my solution and is dynamically generated by my rake/albacore scripts which is not checked into source control. I also have a CommonAssemblyInfo.cs.local for use when there is no ruby available, mainly to be used by devs. Is it possible to have a msbuild task or something...

Setting Assembly Info for InternalsVisibleTo with MSBuild Community Tasks

I'm using MSBuild Community Tasks to automatically update my assembly version numbers according to my Subversion repository tag. I have added the following to my project file: This gives me a new AssemblyInfo.cs file: unfortunately I need to add the following to get my MStests to work properly: [assembly: System.Runtime.C...

VB.Net - What is the difference between AssemblyFileVersion & AssemblyFileVersionAttribute and AssemblyVersion & AssemblyVersionAttribute

I've inherited a VB.Net codebase which was VB 2005 and upgraded to VB 2008 consisting of around 100 projects I'm trying to re-version all of the components but have discovered some of the AssemblyInfo.vb files have an AssemblyFileVersion entry and some have an AssemblyFileVersionAttribute entry. Also, some have an AssemblyVersion entry...

How can I retrieve the 'AssemblyCompany' setting (in AssemblyInfo.cs)?

Is it possible to retrieve this value at runtime? I'd like to keep the value in one place, and retrieve it whenever my application needs to output the name of my company. ...