I'm adding an About dialog to my .NET application and I'm querying the assembly's attributes for information to display. When I attempt to retrieve my assembly's AssemblyVersionAttribute using GetCustomAttribute() it returns null:
// Works fine
AssemblyTitleAttribute title
= (AssemblyTitleAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(
We have the convention of versioning our builds as [major].[minor].[micro].[revision], e.g.
Our build-script automatically updates an AssemblyInfo.cs file containing
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("x.y.z.w")]
in order to embed the version-number in the assembly.
But our Subversion-repository just reached revision #65535, w...
At work we have an (reasonable) agreement, that every time a project is updated, no matter how small change is, that is reflected in the Revision value of Assembly Information. This way we always know if a client is missing a patch or a feature, etc.
Since this requires manually changing the version, and since this is a tedious ...
In the assemblyInfo.cs I have AssemblyVersion and AssemblyFileVersion.
Normally I just increment the AssemblyVersion like this.
1st digit: Major change
2nd digit: Minor change
3rd digit: bug fixes
4rd digit: Subversion revision number
However, I am wondering what is the AssemblyFileVersion for, and when do I need to increment. ...
I am building an executable using VS2008 and .NET compact framework 3.5, targetting Windows Mobile 6 professional, but whenever I compile the project, everything that I have specified in the AssemblyInfo.cs file is ignored.
I have done this many times in other projects and it works without problem, but for some reason I cannot get the A...
I am invoking a C# object from a Visual Basic 6.0 sub routine (don't ask).
How do I get the AssemblyFileVersion from Visual Basic?
A short while back i had to display the current version of our Silverlight app. After some googling the following code gave me the desired result:
var fileVersionAttributes = typeof(MyClass).Assembly.
GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyFileVersionAttribute), false) as AssemblyFileVersionAttribute[];
var version = fileVersionAttribut...
I've inherited a VB.Net codebase which was VB 2005 and upgraded to VB 2008 consisting of around 100 projects
I'm trying to re-version all of the components but have discovered some of the AssemblyInfo.vb files have an AssemblyFileVersion entry and some have an AssemblyFileVersionAttribute entry.
Also, some have an AssemblyVersion entry...