
File uploading in AJAX updatepanel without full postback

I have a update panel, in the update panel I have fileupload control and button control, On button click, I need the file that I have upload in the fileupload control in updatepanel. Exact scenario, I have 8 tabs on page, each tab contains too much information, One of the tab is Attachment, when user click on Add New Attachment Modal P...

Is there any workaround for the UpdatePanel + Server.Transfer problem?

I'm trying to use an UpdatePanel in my ASP.NET application. Unfortunately, it seems that I can't do this if I am using Server.Transfer() in my application. Modifying that component of the application is not possible - the architecture makes extensive use of Server.Transfer() - in essence, every page request goes through this method. Doe...

Adding a ServiceReference programmatically during async postback

Is it possible to add a new ServiceReference instance to the ScriptManager on the Page during an asynchronous postback so that subsequently I can use the referenced web service through client side script? I'm trying to do this inside a UserControl that sits inside a Repeater, that's why adding the ScriptReference programmatically during...

Concurent asynchronous callbacks

Hi, Question to die hard experts. I have spent much time trying to find an answer or to do it myself but no luck so far. ASP.NET web application. I plan to improve page load time so that user experience is better. I want to delay load sections of page using UpdatePanels. I can make one UpdatePanel update itself right after page...

Async trigger for an update panel refreshes entire page when triggering too much in too short of time

I have a search button tied to an update panel as a trigger like so: <asp:Panel ID="CRM_Search" runat="server"> <p>Search:&nbsp;<asp:TextBox ID="CRM_Search_Box" CssClass="CRM_Search_Box" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> <asp:Button ID="CRM_Search_Button" CssClass="CRM_Search_Button" runat="server" Text="Search" OnClick="SearchLeads...

Force Postback from code behind? Or reload JavaScript from an Asynchronous Postback?

Hi all, I've got a Jquery UI dialog that pops up to confirm the creation of an item after filling out a form. I have the form in an update panel due to various needs of the form, and especially because I want validation being done on the form without reloading the page. JavaScript appears to not reload on an asynchronoous postback. Thi...

How to always trigger an Asynchronous PostBack for an UpdatePanel from a Button in a DataList?

I have a DataList that has a collection of People bound to it, with each Person having a Button that when clicked needs to cause an asynchronous postback so the OnClick event handler can change the details shown in an UpdatePanel [the DataList is outside of the UpdatePanel]. I have made two attempts to set the Button to change the Upda...

How to keep whole page scroll position after asynchronous postback

Hello everybody. i am using 4.0 iis 7.5 microsoft visual studio 2010 what i want is keep whole page (browser) scroll position (not a div or panel) when asynchronous postback happened (update panel) how can i do this actually i had a function which can keep div scroll bar position after postback like this <script type="...