
cause update panel in a user control to do partial page refresh from javascript / jquery

Hi all, I have a number of pages that each have 3 or 4 user controls on. each control has their own updatepanel in. I am using JQuery and thickbox to create a modal window, where I open another aspx page and change some of the data. What I want to do is to be able to refresh some or all of the update panels / content on the page when ...

Implementing regular page refresh but without page flashing

I cannot understand how Bing Community site is implemented. Clicking one of the "All Recent" "Unanswered" "Unread" or "Your Discussions" issues regulare request that refreshes whole page (proxy display regular request) also it changes URL (full URL not just #hash). But page does not flash! How they achieved this? ...

Back button functionality to webpage with form and search result + Ajax (ASP.NET)

I have an form used for search. The search result is showing on the same page using Ajax. If I navigate to another page and come back, I get the populated form but the search result is empty. What's the best way to go back to the page and have the result populated. Or how to force the page to post back to repopulate the page wi...

DOES jsf:commandLink does not supports Partial Refresh feature of Jboss portlets?

I am using jsf:commandLink in my xhtml. While configuring Partial Refresh feature in Jboss portlets, I am facing problem with commandLink. These are not supporting the partial Refresh. Any Workarounds? ...

How can I keep a music player in the page footer that doesn't reload when I click a link to a subpage?

I have been trying to solve this problem for a while now and have looked on numerous forums to find a solution. Here is my setup. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I currently have a index page that loads a JavaScript header and footer above and below my "content" section. I also have a list of navigation links inside of the head...

JQuery Dialog: How to do partial page refresh and get new dialogs each time

Hello, I'm having a workflow issue with my JQuery dialogs when trying to create the dialogs and then doing a partial page render. I'll try to go through a sample scenario, and my apologies in advance for the long problem description: The page loads, with the html that I would like to be turned into JQuery dialogs. The dialogs are creat...

Prevent an UpdatePanel from updating programmatically

Hello everyone I have a GridView inside an UpdatePanel and because of some bug I can't seem to find, when I download a file (through an iframe inside another updatepanel) the background images of my buttons don't show up. I thought that, since the download doesn't really need to update the panel (which is causing the bug) I want to pre...

Twitter refresh page via API

Hey all, I'm using the Twitter API (via TweetSharp) and was wondering if it's possible to automatically refresh the page from the API so that all users see the update? If so, is it also possible to take it one step further by only have a partial page update so only the relevant change is updated instead of the entire page? Thanks for ...

Open create content form modal and refresh view display in Drupal

Hi folks! I have a website developed using Drupal. What I want is to create a link which launches a modal window with a custom content create form, then when the form submits and the child window closes, a view or a display of a view in the parent must be refreshed. I have tried using an excellent module like automodal and ajax_views_re...

Async trigger for an update panel refreshes entire page when triggering too much in too short of time

I have a search button tied to an update panel as a trigger like so: <asp:Panel ID="CRM_Search" runat="server"> <p>Search:&nbsp;<asp:TextBox ID="CRM_Search_Box" CssClass="CRM_Search_Box" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> <asp:Button ID="CRM_Search_Button" CssClass="CRM_Search_Button" runat="server" Text="Search" OnClick="SearchLeads...

Refreshing a single component in a JSP page

Can I refresh a HTML component in JSP? I have two dropdowns. On selection of a value in the first dropdown the values in the dropdown box are to be fetched from the database. Is this possible using JSP? ...

Using jQuery to create a video switcher

I've got a design for a video page which has a main video panel which will load the FLV file into JWPlayer when a thumbnail image is clicked. I think what I'm looking for is a partial page refresh? What is the best way to achieve this effect? This is the script I am using to display the video panel: <script type='text/javascript'> ...

Partial PHP code refresh

Is it possible to refresh only the part of the page? How? the part: if (checkExpiry($member->expires)==true) { print timeLeft($leftts); } else { print "expired"; } I have table which is showing name, email, time until membership ends and I need to refresh 'time until membership ends' every second. ...

Sessions in web pages. How to log out automatically

When we sign into gmail in one tab and orkut in another(remember both can only be of the same account. Logging into one automatically logs into another). if we log out from gmail and then go to the tab in which orkut is already open, after remaning in the page for a few seconds the page automatically logs out. How is this done? i assu...

Refresh ads after a jquery action?

*FYI: I'm not using Adsense and this is not against my TOS... I have pages that display jquery slideshows. I used to create the slideshows in html and so every slide change would be a pageview. Now that I'm using javascript for the slideshow I am only registering one ad impression for every slide viewed. I'd like to find a way to hav...

ASP.NET Register Script After Partial Page Postback (UpdatePanel)

Hi Guys, I have a simple form (textbox, submit button) which is wrapped in an update panel. <asp:UpdatePanel ID="ReplyUpdatePanel" UpdateMode="Conditional" runat="server"> <ContentTemplate> <asp:Textbox id="ReplyTextBox" runat="server"/> <asp:Button id="SubmitButton" OnClick="SubmitButton_Click" runat="server"/> <...

jQuery scripts no longer run on partially refreshed elements.

I have a number of jQuery scripts that select elements within the area that I run a partial page refresh on. I am using this css tricks code snippet to refresh that part of the page: $('#refreshbutton').click(function() { var url = "" + Math.random(); setTimeout(function() { $("#maindispl...

refresh content of a jquery ui dialog

i managed to to get this script. It's refreshing the div of the dialog window: function getRandom() { $("#category_dialog").load("<?php echo $category; ?>", '', callback); } function callback() { $("#category_dialog").show("fast"); setTimeout("getRandom();", 10000); } $(document).ready(getRandom); everything works fine. di...

refreshing content using jquery works only once

Hello! I am using this jquery function: $(function() { $("#refresh").click(function() { $("#category_dialog").load("<?php echo $category; ?>") }) }); i am using as well a link with the id="refresh" problem is it reloads the content only once, when i click it second time it doesnt refresh and i know there were changes made. T...

Best practice use sam AJAX in multiple browser windows?

Hey, I am developing a website that has some sort of realtime update. Now the website is generated with a javascript variable of the current ID of the dataset. Then in an interval of some seconsd an AJAX call is made passing on the current ID, and if theres something new the server returns it along with the latest ID which is then updat...