
How to create own header.jsp in JBoss Portal with language support?

I want to create own header.jsp file instead of the one included in the JBoss Portal 2.6 but have to support the locale set by the user. The original header.jsp does not contain any i18n and I don't know how to do it, especially how to get the actual locale. ...

How to programmatically add portlet to the JBoss Portal dashboard

How can I programmatically add portlet to the JBoss Portal dashboard of specific user? Is there any remote API of the JBoss Portal to do this? SOAP web service, may be MBean-based API? Of course, as a last resort I can implement such service myself and deploy it to the JBoss Portal, but ideally it should not require deploying anything to...

Is it valid to expect a Java Portal Server to host 'standard' Java WebApps?

It's been suggested that this might be a reasonable approach, in order to minimize changes to an existing server configurations, but is it actually valid/supported? I've not been able to find anything specific either way. In practice, with a JBoss Portal V2.4.2 server, there appears to be some class-loading issues, so things such as the...

Login in JBoss Portal

How can I create custom links to login and logout in admin mode at JBoss Portal? ...

How do I get information from a servlet into a portlet in JBoss Portal 2.5.4

I have a portal built on JBoss Portal 2.5.4 that needs to have some I18N. On the login.jsp page (which is in portal-server.war), we added a language switch. One of the links on the page is to the Forget Password facility. For reasons related to look-and-feel, the ForgetPassword page is implemented as a maximized portlet inside our...

SPML vs CARML for Enterprise Applications

Many portal platforms have the ability to consume an enterprise "profile" that can be comprised of calls that are unioned from data sources such as LDAP and relational databases. Is it best to build a profile service using SPML because it is more mature or wait for the emerging CARML specification to reach production status? ...

Using Jboss Portal, How do I retrieve page properties in a jsp?

Using Jboss portal, how do I retrieve the page properties in a jsp? I've declared my page like that in *-object.xml file: <page> <page-name>MyPage</page-name> <properties> <property> <name>layout.id</name> <value>generic</value> </property> <property> <name>hidePanel</name> <value>true</value> ...

Search on JBoss Portal 2.7.2

Is it possible to allow users to search inside the available files loaded on Jboss Portal CMS ? ...

JBoss Tutorials, Portal

I am a bit daunted by all the information that is available on JBoss. I searched through various tutorials on their website, but there is a lot there - some of which is over my head as someone new to JBoss. The tutorial recommended to this question is good, but I also need a tutorial involving JBoss Portal. Thanks for any help. ...

JBoss Portals and e-commerce

I have a requirement to build branded e-commerce sites that have their own urls but are on the same installation. I've been looking at DNN, and Jboss portals as well as the new GateIn collaboration between Jboss portals and Exo. I really like what I see in comparison to DNN, which looks a bit rough in comparison but I haven't seen anyt...

I get an error when using redirectAction with struts2 and portlets inside jboss portal

I have the following struts.xml: <struts> <package name="default" namespace="/view" extends="struts-portlet-default"> <action name="index" class="com.gigi.LoginAction"> <result type="redirectAction"> <param name="actionName">showAlerts</param> <param name="namespace">/view</par...

Accessing a list of users through JBoss in a non-admin role?

We would like to make a list of users available in a portlet similar to the admin version of the UsersPortlet, but for those that aren't admins. This list would be names only. Is there a way to do this through JBoss GA 4.2.2? We are currently developing on the Hypersonic DB, but I would hope there is a DB independent way to do this throu...

Customozing JBoss portal login page

I know there is "login.jsp" page for JBoss portal, which is located at \jboss-portal\server\default\deploy\jboss-portal.sar\portal-server.war\ This login.jsp page posts user name and password to the following location. action="<%= response.encodeURL("j_security_check") %>" What I want to do is, instead of above, I want the login p...

using JUnitEE with JBoss-IDE

Can anyone provide me with a tutorial on how to use JUnitEE with JBoss-IDE ? thanks. ...

DOES jsf:commandLink does not supports Partial Refresh feature of Jboss portlets?

I am using jsf:commandLink in my xhtml. While configuring Partial Refresh feature in Jboss portlets, I am facing problem with commandLink. These are not supporting the partial Refresh. Any Workarounds? ...

How can the windows xp login be passed to my jboss portal application?

My users will be logging into a secure windows xp workstation. They will be launching a jboss portal (app server = 4.2.2.GA, portal = 2.6.5) web application. This web application currently has them log in again. I can set this up to authenticate against an LDAP server but what I really want is to have them be authenticated based on th...

Jboss shared library

I m new to Jboss I have multilpe web applications each using spring-hibernate and other open source libraries and portlets so basically now each war file includes those jar files. How do I move these jar to common location so that I dont have to put these in each war file. I guess location is server/default/lib. But i am not sure? Also ...

Integrating Alfresco Flexspaces with JBOSS portal

We're working on a development of a JBoss portal. As part of the functionality, we need to integrate it with Alfresco, using a portlet. Both (portal and Alfresco) will connect to the same LDAP directory to get the users, to guarantee that the same users can access to both systems. Right now that part of the implementation is not complete...

jBoss Portal deployment

I am new in jBoss and Portal I download the jBoss Tools for Eclipse and go through the document to create Java Portlet http://docs.jboss.org/tools/3.1.0.GA/en/jboss_portal_tools_ref_guide/html/portlet_tools_tasks.html#deploying_to_portal When I run the application in server and go to http://localhost:8080/portal/portal/default/default/...

Problem deploying portlets on JBoss Portal 2.7.2: Not a canonical value

I just downloaded the JBoss Portal Server 2.7.2 (JBoss Portal + JBoss AS 4.2.3 bundle to be precise) and tried deploying portlets just as the SimpleHelloWorld provided in the samples. The portlet gets deployed fine but when I put it on a page I get the following exception. I tried adding other Portlets as well (such as the booking MVC po...