
C# .NET FTP missing dependency? FTP

I have some c# code that downloads files from an FTP server. It works fine when I run it and it works fine when I install it on my development machine then run it. However, when I try to install it on another machine (a Windows XP SP3 VM) it doesn't work. No exceptions are thrown or anything. Here is the short version of my code: re...

Python Servers fighting each others with sockets

I try to make two servers in a file, but they are fighting each other visibly have anyone an idea to make them peace ? here is my code : # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import socket import sys import re import base64 import binascii import time import zlib import sys import StringIO import contextlib import smtplib from threading import Threa...

WebBrowser(in .Net 2.0 WinForm) hangs when waiting for asynchronous pluggable protocol response

I write a temp http protocol according to and the Code is as follow, public void Start(string szURL, IInternetProtocolSink Sink, IInternetBindInfo pOIBindInfo, uint grfPI, uint dwReserved) { try { IServiceProvide...

C# async soap object handle

Is there a way to attach a handler to a soap call? For example: I’m calling a row validate for each row in a data grid. This then calls async soap service. On the return of the async is it possible to know which row i called it for without passing some sort of id back and forth? Thanks ...

Twisted client for a send only protocol that is tolerant of disconnects.

I've decided to dip my toe into the world of asynchronous python with the help of twisted. I've implemented some of the examples from the documentation, but I'm having a difficult time finding an example of the, very simple, client I'm trying to write. In short I'd like a client which establishes a tcp connection with a server and then ...

JavaScript Design Patterns -- Dealing With Unwanted Asynchrony

I'm pretty new to event-based programming (using node.js). I believe that there's something I'm just not grokking about it, because there's a particular problem that I keep coming across again and again and again. In short, that problem is dealing with asynchronicity when it seems to be getting in your way. This most often manifests it...

Get HTTP headers in asynchronous WebClient request.

I'm using System.Net.WebClient to perform some HTTP operations in asynchronous mode. The reason to use asynchronous operations is, above anything else, the fact that I get progress change indications - which is only available for async operations, as stated by the docs. So let's say I have my WebClient set up: this.client = new WebClie...

Asynchronous buffer loading

Intro: I have a bottleneck in my C# application where I need to load a page as a bitmap from a PDF or Tiff file and process this bitmap while in memory. Tiff files load fairly fast, as well as first-party PDFs (we can read our own). The bottleneck comes in when the PDF file is third-party and we need to parse the PDF page and turn it in...

I'm getting an 'undefined method' error while using delayed_job

I'm using delayed_job and for a method I keep getting this error: undefined method 'shorten!' for #<Status:0x6ce8c6c> Delayed_job works for my other methods such as sending users a confirmation email when they sign up. This is the only method thats giving me the error. The method works when called on directly but it spouts out that erro...

Using Cancellation with Async Tasks

Is there a way to cancel an Async System.Threading.Tasks.Task? i.e. Task.Factory.FromAsync( client.BeginCallWebService, client.EndCallWebService, "param1", null); I would like to register a shared CancellationToken with this task so that if the token is cancelled before this Async task is invoked, it won't be invoke...

asynchronous webservice call. No (Begin...) method available!

I know this has been addressed before but I have service that returns a string like so. [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)] [System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItem(false)] [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService] public class MyService : System.Web.Services.WebService { [WebMethod] public string Hello() ...

starting and stopping threads from ASP.NET

Hi, I have to start a thread to do some long running task in the background (even if the browser is closed) without waiting for a response on a button click event of a web page and be able to stop that later if user wishes to do so. how can I do this? is it possible to store the id of the thread in database and abort it later? do I need ...

NSFetchedResultsController with NSURLConnection

I have a User class and want to display many users' thumbnails w/ their name overlayed & a green dot overlayed if they're online, etc. in a grid-like tableView (like Grindr, similar to iPhone's Camera Roll). First, I fetch a JSON array of user data for the nearest (geographically) 20 users from the server. Then, I parse the JSON and ins...

Axis2 nonblocking with pojo

I'm currently using Axis2 with POJOs and calling the invokeBlocking() method which just returns an Object[]. Works great. I'd like to switch this to using invokeNonBlocking() which takes an AxisCallback to handle the return value. I can't find anyway to get my returned Object[] from the AxisCallback. Does anyone know how this is done...

How to prevent master page postback when update panel asynchronous postback happened

Hello everybody. When an asynchronous postback happened inside update panel, another postback happens also for MasterPage not only update panel embedded page . I want to prevent this MasterPage postback . is this possible ? think like i have a MasterPage and another page which is test.aspx which is content page of MasterPage i have...

asynchronous tweet button, image flickers

Hello, I am using the tweet button, with this asynchronous Javascript loading code below. When I place it at the bottom of my HTML the background image of the tweet button flickers, because it is loaded last. I noticed in firebug it is pulling this via an iframe and the image is a background specified in CSS. Is there anyway to load t...

Ajax async callback behaviour

Hi all, I'm investigating a bug in some software where basically two users press search at the same time and one gets the others results back. I believe this to be a combination of things. the connection is a a singleton that is shared across all instances on the server when search is pressed an async ajax callback is used to send the ...

Android - Threaded BitmapFactory image decoding

Our Android app does a lot of image decoding. We fetch a lot of images from the internet, local storage caches, etc. Up to now, these images are being decoded on the UI thread (using BitmapFactory.decodeX() methods). It's been causing some timeout crashes because the UI doesn't respond quickly enough to user input. I could write a li...

Maximum time between an asynchronous call and response (web-services)

Are there any best practices that dictate the maximum time between an asynchronous call and its corresponding response. Basically I have a process that takes a long time to run (eg: 5 minutes). Option 1: I could expose the process as an asynchronous call. In which case the user calls my service and then at some later time, I respond wit...

How to keep whole page scroll position after asynchronous postback

Hello everybody. i am using 4.0 iis 7.5 microsoft visual studio 2010 what i want is keep whole page (browser) scroll position (not a div or panel) when asynchronous postback happened (update panel) how can i do this actually i had a function which can keep div scroll bar position after postback like this <script type="...