
Linking to full category pages using the category tag in RSS 2.0

Using the category tag in RSS 2.0: <category domain=""&gt; Science and Technology </category> How would I provide an additional URL to the page that shows all of the items in that category? Since the spec doesn't appear cover this, would it be safe to invent a new attribute in my own namespace, like ...

Why is my ATOM XML UTF-16 and not UTF-8

Hello, I have this code to create an ATOM feed Dim xmlResult As New StringBuilder Dim settings As New XmlWriterSettings Dim atomWriter As XmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(xmlResult, settings) Dim atomFormatter As Atom10FeedFormatter = New Atom10FeedFormatter(feed) atomFormatter.WriteTo(atomWriter) atomWriter.Close() It returns XML that s...

Argotic Syndication Framework v. System.ServiceModel.Syndication

I'm investigating the Argotic Syndication Framework, and I'm pretty impressed so far. However, a lot of the current implementation--at least for RSS and Atom--seem pretty comparable to System.ServiceModel.Syndication. Does anyone have any opinions as to one over the other? ...

Nested resource with Atom Feed Helper

I'm trying to use the Rails Atom Feed Helper to generate a feed for a nested resource. My view template (index.atom.builder) is: atom_feed(:schema_date => @favourites.first.created_at) do |feed| feed.title("Favourites for #{@user.login}") feed.updated(@favourites.first.created_at) @favourites.each do |favourite| feed.entry(...


Hey folks. Trying to parse rss/atom feeds with the ROME library. Need some help. I am new to java so I am not in tune with many of it's intricacies. 2 things. Does ROME automatically use it's modules to handle different feeds as it comes across them, or do I have to ask it to use them. If so, any direction on this. How do I get to ...

How can I import a CSS stylesheet into Atom content?

I'm publishing an Atom feed, and I'd like to start including basic CSS for the content. Of course I'm not expecting it to be used by every reader, but it would be nice to support the readers that can use styles. Is there any way to include CSS in Atom content? ...

How to get started with Atom and Java?

I'm interested in producing feeds using Atom (the XML syndication format) and Java, but I'm not sure where to start. Can anyone recommend libraries, tutorials etc. to get started? ...

Silverlight and ATOM feeds that require authentication

I am building a simple feed reader application that needs to access an ATOM feed that requires authentication. I was going down the route of using the WebClient class and found a Credential property that exists but is not implemented! webclient.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("username", "password"); Question: What work around ar...

Safely generating XML in Lua

I'm writing a Lua application that generates an Atom feed. Right now, I'm generating XML "by hand" -- writing strings to files. This doesn't seem like the best way, although it may be. I am getting nervous about having the escaping exactly right. Has anyone done anything like this in Lua before? Should I stick with generating "by hand...

ruby method for atom? in scheme

I'm trying to do the exercises in "The Little Schemer" using Ruby. I'd like to know the equivalent method of atom? in Scheme for Ruby. atom? is a method that returns true if the argument passed in is an atom and returns false otherwise. From what I understand, an atom can be a string of characters or a number. It can't be a list. ...

LINQ with ATOM feeds

I am trying to create a simple Silverlight application that calls an ATOM feed and displays the article title and submit date. I found this very easy to do with RSS feeds and LINQ but I am stuck trying to do the same with an ATOM feed. The code below produces no errors but it also produced no results! What am I missing? Source ATOM f...

Using and formating an RSS feed.

Ok, here is my RSS feed link And I am looking to format it so it fits in the upper right hand spot of my header. My website is here Its the black box in the upper right hand corner. How would I go about doing something like that? Thanks for your time! ...

Stable RSS reader using .NET

Hi guys, i have been looking for stable RSS/Atom library for .net? Preferably open Source like As3 syndication library created by Adobe? Are there any other option? I want to integrate RSS feed in my .net based site . Also are there any javascript libraries for the same RSS feed reader? thx amit ...

Pagination in feeds like ATOM and RSS?

Is this even possible? Perhaps? <link rel=“next” type=“application/atom+xml” href=”[//path/page2]”></link> ...

Shot in the dark. FeedBurner SmartFeed question

Searching for the correct answer all day, and nobody seems to know, so I thought I'd give it a shot here as a last effort before I keel over. FeedBurner's SmartFeed service does this: Translates your feed on-the-fly into a format (RSS or Atom) compatible with your visitors' feed reader application. Based on the above informa...

Detecting new new items in a RSS feed

What is the best way to detect when a feed has been updated? Say I have an application which polls the feed every 15 minutes. How do I find out if new content has been added or not? For RSS as well as Atom feeds. ...

PubSubHubbub for a blog in Ruby (Merb)

I am writing my own blog (every one should, it's good experience). I have implemented Atom and RSS feeds, and they are used by a number of readers. Most of those readers are using Google Reader, who at the moment polls my site regularly for updates. I would like to setup a publish Subscribe (PubSubHubbub) option as documented here, an...

How do I set the location for the link in the title of a google reader subscription

I've got an atom feed in my application that's build using atom_feed, and it's working, except that when the feed is subscribed to in Google Reader, the link it uses for the title of the subscription is pointing to the wrong URL. I tried specifying the root_url parameter as such: atom_feed(:root_url => '') do ...

OSX API for accessing data structures similar to Quicktime atoms or MPEG boxes

Hi, Quicktime-, MPEG- or AIFF-files all seem to organize their data elements in chunks like this: 0x00 chunk 1 header (size as UInt32 + ID as 4-char-code) 0x08 chunk 1 data ... 0xA0 chunk 2 header 0xA8 chunk 2 data ... and so on. When reading a file like that, it's easy to skip to the chunk of interest, because each chunk declares it...

Add CDATA to SyndicationPerson?

I'm trying to add CDATA to a SyndicationPerson object in C#. SyndicationPerson author = new SyndicationPerson(); author.Name = string.Format("<!CDATA[{0}]]>", name); author.Email = string.Format("<!CDATA[{0}]]>", email); this.Authors.Add(author); However, this serializes incorrectly because SyndicationPerson doesn't write to Xml as ty...