
How exactly do Attached Properties work in WPF?

I'm a bit mystified as to how Attached Properties actually convey their values to either parent or child elements. TextElement.FontFamily causes child elements to inherit the value assigned to that property (a seemingly downstream operation, parent to child). Grid.Column causes a parent item to display that child in a particular position...

Attached property of type list

I want to create an attached property that can be used with this syntax: <Button> <Image .../> <ui:ToolbarItem.DisplayFilter> <TabItem .../> <TabItem .../> <TabItem .../> </ui:ToolbarItem.DisplayFilter> </Button> This is my attempt at doing so: public class ToolbarItem { /// <summary> /// Identifies the DisplayF...

How do I handle Canvas.Top change event in WPF?

Hi I have an element positioned on Canvas using attached properties Canvas.Top and Canvas.Left. Then using animations the element is moved to different set of coordinates, like this: DoubleAnimation left = new DoubleAnimation( oldLeft, newLeft ); DoubleAnimation top = new DoubleAnimation( oldTop, newTop ); element.BeginAnimation( Canv...

Custom Image Button and Radio/Toggle Button from Common Base Class

Hi All, I would like to create a set of custom controls that are basically image buttons (it's a little more complex than that, but that's the underlying effect I'm going for) that I've seen a few different examples for. However, I would like to further extend that to also allow radio/toggle buttons. What I'd like to do is have a comm...

How to force VS to react on a changing of an attached property in design time?

Imagine, we have a wpf class library with a window1.xaml and a resource dictionary res.xaml defined in it. I know how to use styles that defined in the res.xaml for the controls that defined into the window: <Window x:Class="...Window1"> <Window.Resources> <ResourceDictionary> <ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionari...

Weird change in behaviour of Attached Properties between Silverlight 3 and Silverlight 4

I've encountered a strange problem while upgrading an application from Silverlight 3.0 to Silverlight 4.0. The XAML below used to work fine but after upgrading no longer works. <xxx:FeatureGrid.Columns> <agDataGrid:AgDataGridColumnCollection> <xxx:FeatureGridTextColumn FieldName="HOUSE_NUM" HeaderContent="Number" /> ...

Custom WPF EndLineCap, StartLineCap & LineJoin or new attached properties

Just wondering if anyone knows how I would implement additional/custom EndLineCap, StartLineCap & LineJoin attributes? In short, LineJoin="Round" is what I want but I need both sides of the angle are smooth - instead of just the wider angled side. Also, instead of just Rounded EndLineCap and StartLineCap I want a ball on each end (for...

Attached Properties in XAML without the word 'Property'

MS defines attached properties like 'Grid.RowProperty' and 'Grid.ColumnProperty', but in XAML you just call it with 'Grid.Row' and 'Grid.Column' I tried doing the same with an attached property called 'MyValProperty' that was registered with the name 'MyVal' on the class 'Foo', but the XAML won't let me type 'Foo.MyVal' and instead make...