
How to send email from iPhone app without user interface

I want my app to be able to send an email with attachment to a hard-coded recipient with no user input required, unlike the MessageUI framework. Is there any way to do this? Any example code would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. ...

Class not displaying attachment message

I've a class(Which I've written in Java), which is I'm using to display attached file messages from spam and inbox folder. The class successfully displaying attached file messages from inbox folder, but it is not displaying the same attached messages from spam folder. The class although successfully displaying other part of the message. ...

Downloading an email attachment using java

I am doing a mail application using javamail. Every thing is fine, but when the user is downloading the attachment, he will get the exact attachment (fine) .at the same time a 0 byte file is creating in the server with same file name. How do i stop creation of 0 byte files in the server. my code is :- attFile = new File(attname); ...

Attaching HTML file as email in VB 6.0

Hi, I am trying to attach an html file file to email using Visual Basic 6.0. when the cursor is comes on Open strFile For Binary Access Read As #hFile line it gives error "Error encoding file - Bad file name or number". Please all your help and support would be highly appreciated. Dim handleFile As Integer Dim strValue ...

Paperclip::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError when file is not a valid attachment content type

Hi, I have systematically an error when I'm trying to upload a file that is not in ["image/jpg", "image/jpeg", "image/gif", "image/png", "image/pjpeg", "image/x-png"] When I try to upload a file like a wav I have this message * Photo /var/folders/nT/nTr21TWfFRO7r3cyG-h-7++++TM/-Tmp-/Clip audio 01,39154,0.wav is not recognized by the 'i...

php mail attachment not working with some clients

Hi, I have a webform that allows our agents to upload a pdf attachment that later gets emailed out to our customer. The code I use to build the email I found on a website and it seemed to work well until recently. It seems with some (only a few, gmail for example) mail-clients the attachment is printed out to the body of the email inste...

Excel crashes when opening an Excel sheet generated by HSSFWorkbook that was attached to an email.

I've generated an Excel spreadsheet using HSSFWorkbook, then implemented a custom javax.activation.DataSource to attach the spreadsheet to an email. However, upon opening the spreadsheet in Excel, it crashes. Excel can recover some of the data, but it loses most of its formatting. ...

How do I add vcardfile in the composer sheet of an iPhone application

in the mail sheet im able to add images but where as im not able to attach vcard file MFMailComposeViewController *picker = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init]; picker.mailComposeDelegate = self; [picker addAttachmentData:ExportVCF mimeType:@"text/x-vcard" fileName:@ "JOHNSMITH.vcf"]; but when i send...

Android: Intent.ACTION_SEND with EXTRA_STREAM doesn't attach any image when choosing Gmail app on htc Hero.

On the Emulator with a default mail-app all works fine. But I have no attach when I'am receiving a mail which I've sent from my Hero using a Gmail app. The default Mail app on the hero works fine. How can I make this code works with Gmail app on Hero? You can see the code below. private void startSendIntent() { Bitmap bitm...

Outlook VBA: How to get started - need to save attachment from current email to a derived folder.

I'm looking for a starting point here, so no code to post I'm afraid ! I would like (if possible) to be able to open an email in Outlook (in the normal way, from the front-end), and then click a button to run a macro, which will extract the attachments from this email and save them to a directory path (derived from the subject). Sound ...

How to restrict user to attach particular type of files to items in a list

How to restrict user to attach particular type of files to items in a list ? Now i can attach any type of file to an item . But i want to restrict the user to upload only images. If user will upload any other then i want to display an error message . Also how can i restrict the user to upload maximum one file only to a particular item? ...

Is it possible to save a PDF attachment back to an email in Outlook?

Can a pdf attachment be opened from outlook, edited, and then saved back to the original email? In other words, edit the copy in the email and not a local downloaded copy. Of course I can store the pdf in a folder and link to it (I'm generating the emails with the pdf attachments), but thought I would ask in case there is a simple way to...

sending mail with attachment in c++? (or How do I construct a MIME encoded email message that I can send to SMTP?)

is it possible to do it without any third-party lib. i can send mail to gmail with a simple socket functions. i can send files one computer to another too. But i need to send with attachment to any mail account... can it be done with smtp? (i searched in here but the answers, that i looked, are not in c++ or not on windows or not ope...

Android multiple email attachment using Intent question

Hi, I've been working on Android program to send email with attachment (image file , audio file , etc) using Intent with (ACTION_SEND) . THe program is working when email has a single attachment. I used Intent.putExtra( android.content.Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, uri) to attach the designated image file to the mail and it is wokring fin...

Problems sending HTML mail with attachment on iPhone

I'm trying to send a JPG attachment with a formatted HTML message. Of course I'm using [picker setMessageBody:emailBody isHTML:YES]; The rest of the code is what it is supposed to be, according to various messages on forums. What I observe: the contents of the resulting e-mail message depends on the configured e-mail account on your iPh...

iPhone MessageUI email attachments not being sent to receiver

I am trying to attach an image and a pdf to an email using the MessageUI framework. I followed the MailComposer example in the Apple documentation. On the iPhone it seems to work perfectly, the image and the pdf both show up in the body of the send mail window as expected. However, when I receive the email on my MacBook there are two ...

Errors are reported by iPhone MFMailComposeViewController. Is it safe ?

In trying to send a mail with a simple KML attachemnt (just a few bytes) i'm getting the warnings below in the console during the send. Can these be ignored or have I made an error ? The mail seems to send OK - (void)mailComposeController:(MFMailComposeViewController*)controller didFinishWithResult:(MFMailComposeResult)result error:(N...

Sending an E-Mail with attachments in Cocoa

Hi, I have an NSTextView with text & images in it, which is supposed to send both in an e-mail.I know that the message.framework is deprecated,so I came up with the idea to send it via NSTask, since mail is integrated.I came up with the code below, however in the log I get this: * -[NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:]: attempt to inse...

How do I use Ruby's SOAP::Attachment class?

So I'm writing a Ruby client for a SOAP web service, and I've figured out how to call a simple method: # WebServiceClient.rb require 'soap/wsdlDriver' wsdl_url = 'http://urlmadness?wsdl' service = result = service.simpleMethod(:sayHello => 'Hello') p result.return Now I need t...

Have jQuery submit a form to get a file download?

I have a form that posts to a url which triggers file download. The server is ASP.NET MVC and I write out a CSV file. What I want to do is have a jQuery/javascript submit the form instead of a form submit button. For example, I created a link and attached a handler using jQuery to submit the form: $(function() { $("#mylink").clic...