
How do I get the base URL (e.g. http://localhost:3000) of my Rails app?

I'm using Paperclip to allow users to attach things, and then I'm sending an email and wanting to attach the file to the email. I'm trying to read the file in and add it as an attachment, like so: # models/touchpoint_mailer.rb class TouchpointMailer < ActionMailer::Base def notification_email(touchpoint) recipients "[email protected]...

File Attachments in Lists in SharePoint 2007 - how can I limit what kinds of files users can attach to list items?

Hello all, I am working with a custom anouncements list, and I am allowing users to upload documents as file attachments to list items (pretty standard SharePoint functionality, I know). What I would like to do is limit the kinds of files a user is able to attach to a list item. Specifically, when a user makes a new anouncement, I only ...

How to open email attachment in my app on android?

I want to open a specific type of file that my app can already send over email as an attachment. I need to be able to have the android email app choose my app to download or open that specific file type. I can't figure out how to set up an intent filter that would let me do that though. Anyone know how this is done? ...

PHP mail attachment is blank

I got the form to accept an attachment and send the attachment but if it's a doc it's blank: $fileatt = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']; $fileattType = $_FILES['file']['type']; $fileattName = $_FILES['file']['name']; $file = fopen($fileatt,'rb'); $data = fread($file,filesize($fileatt)); fclose($file); $semi_rand = md5...

C#, attach multiple files to an email programticaly without writing to disk

Our project has files stored in a sql server db as blobs. I'd like to get the files from the database and attach multiple files to an email without writing to disk. This is what I have so far(everything works ok, with no attachments): // snip List<System.Net.Mail.Attachment> attachments = null; // Attachments is a child list of Mess...

Android - How to delete an attached file after it sends?

We are starting the e-mail intent of the user's choice (createChooser) and sending a zip file. This zip file is created right before the email sends, but we need to make sure the file is there until the email actually gets sent. Once the e-mail is sent, it would be nice to have this file deleted instead of sitting around eating SD card s...

PHP mail with attachment - extra file: part 1.4

Hi. I'm using the following code to send an email with attachments: $mime_boundary = "<<<--==+X[".md5(time())."]"; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\r\n"; $headers .= " boundary=\"".$mime_boundary."\""; $message .= "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\r\n\r\n...

Unable to find any AttachmentDelete/Removed event on Outlook MailItem

Hi, I am doing some stuff whenever an attachment is added to a being-composed mailItem, on AttachmentAdd event of MailItem, and things work fine. Now I want to undo the same stuff, when an attachment is removed, and I dont see any AttachmentDelete/Removed event or anything similar. Is there a way to get a notification/event when an att...

shell script to extract mail attachments with specific filename

I'm writing a shell script to extract mail attachments from an mbox file At the moment I use this command: cat mboxfile|formail -des munpack -qf But I'd like to embed the sender email address in the filename, something like: user@host_filename.extension Can you suggest me some tool? ...

Images in email: link or embed?

I noticed that almost all email messages I get do not embed images, but link them from the http instead (and they get blocked by default of course). I'm sending HTML email for my service and can easily embed images to create better visual experience. Is there particular reason not do so? Why everybody else is linking instead of embedding...

Attach 1 or more (non image) files to rails application, with having to install an image-processing library

Hi all, I'm currently learning rails by creating a simple project management app. I've gotten to the point where I would like to be allow a user upload multiple files - pdfs, docs, xls etc. The user only needs to be able to attach one file at a time, but the possibilty to have multiple documents associated with a project is a must. I'v...

Sharepoint NewForm adding attachments programatically

I have a list with a custom form which contains a custom file upload control. As soon as the user selects a file and clicks upload, i want this file to go directly to the attachments list within that listitem. However, when adding the file to SPContext.Current.ListItem.Attachments on a new item, the attachment wont show up in the list a...

ASP.NET Send Image Attachment With Email Without Saving To Filesystem

I'm trying to create a form that will send an email with an attached image and am running into some problems. The form I am creating is rather large so I have created a small test form for the purpose of this question. The email will send and the attachment will exist on the email, but the image is corrupt or something as it is not vie...

Downloading attachments to directory with IMAP in PHP, randomly works

I found PHP code online to download attachments to a directory using IMAP from here. I modified it slightly changing $structure = imap_fetchstructure($mbox, $jk); $parts = ($structure->parts); to $structure = imap_fetchstructure($mbox,...

Standalone Attachments in CouchDB + Ruby

Has anybody succeeded in sending standalone attachments using the standalone attachment API (if possible gziped) to couchDB from ruby? I know there are a few CURL examples, but my tries with Typhoeus haven't been successful so far. It usually just stops and waits for > 1 minute after the first few documents. CouchRest doesn't seem to sup...

Android ACTION_SEND Attached File

When you attach a file to an e-mail using the ACTION_SEND intent (with the extra EXTRA_STREAM) does the e-mail app copy that attached file to its own location? My app creates a file and attaches it to an email, but this can happen many times and I would like to be able to delete this file when it is no longer needed (so it doesn't flood ...

Why does Email::MIME split up my attachment?

Why does the attachment(ca. 110KiB) split up in 10 parts(ca. 11KiB) when I send it with this script using Email::MIME? #!/usr/bin/env perl use warnings; use strict; use Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP::TLS; my $mailer = Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP::TLS->new( host => '', port => 587, username => 'username', ...

How to read email attachment

What I have: A person daily sends to me an email, which has a zip'ed XML attachment. What I do: I save that attachment, unpack it and import via XML importerer to my web site. What I need: Automatic script, what I can automatically forward my email to ex.: [email protected] and read that attachment via some php file in my website, ...

Why can't I see attachments to comments in the array-shift profile of Drupal?

Why can't I see attachments to comments in the array-shift profile of Drupal? When I used the Array Shift theme in the array-shift profile of Drupal, I can't view attachments in the comments, but if I switch the theme to Garland, I can magically see the attachment then. Why? How can I get the array-shift theme to display the attachments,...

Wordpress plugin to search into post's attachments (typically text file like doc or Pdf)

I'm looking for a plugin to extend the search into the content of attachments (typically text file like doc or Pdf). ...