
attr_accessible in rails Active Record

When I use the attr_accessible to specify which fields from my Model I will expose, is it true for script/console as well? I mean something that I didn't specify as attr_accessible won't be accessible as well through console ? ...

mongoid, set_table_name & attr_accessible

Hi! I'm using rails3 edge and mongoid 2beta6 with ruby 1.9.2-head. How can I manually change the table name, just like set_table_name for ActiveRecord? For example my model Signup should use the table "users" for storage, not "signups". Another question is how to implement the bevahior of attr_accessible AR provides? Thanks, Corin ...

Why won't formtastic reflect attr_accessible in the model (Ruby on Rails)

Why won't rails reflect attr_accessible in my model? class User < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_authentic attr_accessible :name, :email, :phone, :password, :password_confirmation ... When I use formtastic or outprints the model xml, both reveals all the model fields like admin:boolean, password-encrypted:string and so on. Rails 2...

Rails and attr_accessible: is there a way to raise an exception if a non-mass-assignable attribute is mass-assigned?

Is there a way to have rails raise an error if an attempt is made to mass-assign attributes that aren't allowed by attr_accessible? This would be handy in development to remind me why my shiny new model isn't working, and also good to log in production in order to detect malicious activity. I'm using rails 2.3.8 but will probably soon ...