
Adding checked attribute via jQuery

Hello all, I am using the following widget It has worked great so far, but I need some help in adding attributes. In using Firebug, I've noticed that by simply clicking on the checkbox the checked attribute does not appear as I would expect it to. In my code, I've mod...

Using javascript/jQuery to get attribute values from an HTML string

Hi, I have an HTML string that contains text and images, e.g. <p>...</p> <img src="..." /> <p>...</p> I need to get the src attribute of the first image. The image may or may not come after a <p> and there could be more than one image, or no image at all. Initially, I tried appending the string to the DOM and filtering. But, if I do...

Get the attribute name/string of a class with attribute

Hello, I have a classes called BillingActivity, DevelopmentActivity, ResearchActivity all implementing IActivity. Somewhere in my app I enumerate a dll containing all types. Check wether typeof(IActivity).IsAssignable(type) if so I want to get string typeDescription = type.Attribute.Value or similar what I want is to put a attribute on...

Does Python have a method that returns all the attributes in a module?

I already search for it on Google but I didn't have lucky. ...

How to refer in CSS to all elements that have some attribute ?

I know that [my_attr='my_value'] refers to all elements which have attribute my_attr with value my_value. Is that possible to refer to all elements which have my_attr attribute (no matter what the value is) ? ...

How can a attribute be assigned to specific attribute set programmatically via Magento API?

as titled. I found no related solutions / questions . I just wonder how I can assign a new attribute to a product of certain attribute set via API. ...

Html attributes for EditorFor() in ASP.NET MVC

Why can't I pass in html attributes to EditorFor()? eg; <%= Html.EditorFor(model => model.Control.PeriodType, new { disabled = "disabled", readonly = "readonly" }) %> I don't want to use metadata Update: The solution was to call this from the view : <%=Html.EditorFor( model => model.Control.PeriodEndDate, new {Modifiable=mode...

how to get attribute value as array using jQuery

I save an array value as attribute of element, but I can't get the attribute value as an array, it's string. How can I get it as an array? I will add code for this question. Thanks. Code: <table columnArray="">.....</table> var columns = $('table > thead > tr > *').map(function(){return {left: $(this).position().left, width: $(this)...

How do I target attribute of opacity in jquery?

I know about the attributeContains selector, but how does it apply to style attributes? I want to find all <a> tags that have their opacity set to 0. I tried this : $("a[style*='opacity: 0']") But it returns nothing. ...

XHTML Transitional rel attribute alternative

I'm trying to add some custom data within a tag to reference later in a jQuery call, and I usually use "rel=" for something like this. However, I'm working in an XHTML Transitional document, and it gives me a "there is no rel attribute". Are there any alternate attributes I can use to attach custom data to an HTML tag while still kee...

Magento custom attributes failing to install

I followed the tutorial at step by step to make my module install a couple of custom attributes, using Magento CE 1.4. I get to see the custom attributes on the product edit page, but whenever I ...

XHTML: Adding `custom` attributes

Hello! Is it "ok" to add attributes to various tags to use in JavaScript DOM parsing? For example if I want to have required fields in a form, would it be a bad practice if I would do this: <input type="submit" name="name" required="true"/> Thank you. ...

Modify an attribute according to its data type c#

For a giving DB, I used CodeSmith to generate a text file that has the following values (TableName)([TableGUID]) (AttributeName).(AttributeType) for example CO_CallSignLists[e3fc5e2d-fe84-492d-ad94-3acced870714] SunSpots.smallint Now I parsed these values and assigned each to a certain variable for (int j = 0; j < newLst....

How can I apply one or more attributes to all classes in a project?

Hi How can I apply an attribute to all classes in a particular project?! And is it enough to apply CLSCompliant attribute to just one class or do I have to apply to all classes? Thanks for your answers... ...

SimpleXMLElement to modify root tag

Good day, I am having trouble modifying XML using SimpleXMLElement in PHP. My XML structure is as below: <chart caption='NULL' shownames='1' showvalues='0' decimals='2' numberPrefix='$' useRoundEdges='0' legendBorderAlpha='0' bgColor='FFFFFF' canvasBorderColor='A5A5A5' canvasBorderThickness='1' showToolTip='1'> ... </chart> How can ...

Getting attribute value of an XML Document using C#

Suppose I have the following XML Document. <reply success="true">More nodes go here</reply> How to get the value of the attribute success, which in this case would be the string "true". ...

Why are C# attributes so limited?

I understand that they are compile time, so they can't be generic, and must be initialized with constant values. But: Why can't they have information you would get if you reflected whatever they are being applied to? Why can't they accept lambda expressions, functions, or delegates? Aren't functions constant to the compiler? Attribute...

Sharepoint Template and Configuration XML Tags for cutsom Templates

Hello, I'm new to sharepoint and I'm trying to figure out how to use and implement custom templates. I have figured out how to load them into the collection list but I'm trying to find out all the information I can about the: and xml tags. What are the attributes and such? Any sources that someone can recommend? ...

DomDocument remove attribute

Ok, I have just spent the whole day playing with DomDocument and creating some cool things. The only thing I cannot figure out is how I can delete an attribute of a DomElement. ...

Is it Possible to Dynamically Configure XML Serialization?

I have several classes that I serialize/deserialize, each with a number of properties, some of which I'd like dynamically use the "Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnore" attribute on. The idea being if I want to save specific property info, I manage it by setting/clearing a flag. Is that even possible? ...