
After interruption, delayed audio route change notifications when recording

My iPhone application requires that I know when a user has/has not plugged in her headphones. That's easy. AudioSessionAddPropertyListener with a callback listening to kAudioSessionProperty_AudioRouteChange. I write logs with NSLog as things happen. User plugs the headphones in? Get a notification, and a line in the gdb console. User un...

iPhone PlayAndRecord silences all system audio??

Hi, In my iPhone app I am trying to record audio and play iPod music at the same time, so I set the audio session category to kAudioSessionCategory_PlayAndRecord. But when I set this, all system audio (including vibrate) doesn't work anymore, although the iPod audio still does work. Does anyone know if this is a bug in the SDK or somethi...

playing an audio file after a time delay

I have an audio file that I want to begin playing at a 20 second delay, after the user has seen some animations play etc... does anyone know how I might go about doing this? I have 5 animations that play, after which I would like to audio file to begin. the whole thing would keep cycling until the user exits the app. here's the code I ...