
Authlogic HTTP Basic UserSession.find returns nil, means declarative_authorization can't get a current_user

When using Authlogic's HTTP Basic auth, UserSession.find returns nil since the session appears not to be set. As a result, declarative_authorization, which references the usual current_user method (as below), can't find a current user. def current_user_session return @current_user_session if defined?(@current_user_session) @curr...

User login while testing with rspec and authlogic

I have a spec for testing a controller as below require 'spec_helper' describe ProductsController do setup :activate_authlogic describe "user not logged in" do it "should not GET index" do get :index response.should redirect_to(login_path) end end describe "user logged in" do before(:each) do UserSession.create :username => "rohit...

Can authlogic-oid be configured to use a tablename other than session?

I'm working on a rails3 login using Authlogic and Authlogic-oid, with activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter, and user/session code pretty much like Holden's demo on github. When I have a session table, I get this error, because there are no quotes around "session": ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (OCIError: ORA-00903: invalid table name...

force user to register

Is it possible to require a "logged in" user to complete registration before he can continue on? This scenario happens when a user logges in via facebook or some other oauth/open id provider and the session does not provide all the requires registation data. Here is my application controller and I am tryint this require_registration me...

undefined method 'password_confirmation' for User: Testing Authlogic with Cucumber and Factory Girl

My tests work fine when I'm testing them individually, rake cucumber FEATURE = 'path/to/feature' but when I try to run rake cucumber They fail with the following error undefined method `password_confirmation=' for #<User:0x1069545f0> (NoMethodError) This comes up when I try to create a user using I have ...

devise routing error

I can't seem to get past this error when setting up devise. Routing Error wrong constant name Devise/registrationsController or Routing Error wrong constant name Devise/sessionsController I'm using Ruby 1.8.7, Rails 3.0 and Devise 1.1.3 Everything else on my app works, I recently upgraded my app from 2.3.8 and was previously usi...

Migrating from Authlogic to Devise

I've previously implemented Authlogic for authorization on my site. Now however I wish to switch over to using Devise instead, and I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with this. Perhaps anyone's seen a blog post on the subject? Thank you. ...

Authlogic + Openid: can create session but not register

I've been following the railscast (170) on openid + authlogic. So far, I've got everything just about working. I bumped into some trouble midway through but this was solved by using mreinsch's forked version of the authlogic_openid gem: Anyway, i...

Logging into Multiple sites

I have two different websites written in Rails(W1) and PHP(W2) both on different hosts. I used Authlogic for W1's authetication now I want to allow user of W1 to login into W2 using same username and password (as of W2). How can I do this? ...

Rails: Production Authlogic Problem with find_using_perishable_token

So I'm pretty puzzled by this one. This works in development mode and had worked in production mode before, but I just got this hoptoad error that said this: An error has just occurred. View full details at: Error Message: NoMethodError: undefined method `reset_perishable_token!' for # Wh...

Use Authlogic with Typus

Hi, I'm switching to Typus because I prefer its UI over ActiveScaffold and I love the way you can set roles for the admin section. We need that. However, where ActiveScaffold worked flawlessly with Authlogic, Typus doesn't. I'd like to combine the two anyway, but can't seem to find out how. Typus has very basic password encryption, but...

How to access session of one site from other site

Hi there! I have website w1 written in rails using auhtlogic for authentication and w2 in PHP(say), I want w2 to access session information stored by w2 and login user into w2 and also retrieve user_id from session. ...

How can I override the default validations that come with Authlogic?

I have my own password/login rules that I want to implement such as: Password: At least one number, one lower case character and one upper case character Login: Alphanumeric and between 4 and 15 characters long etc... Currently when I do not enter a password and login in my form, I get the following errors (from Authlogic's default ...

how to login from the iphone to my rails app?

I've my rails app using authlogic for user session, I'm building an iphone-app as client of this site, how can I do with the login\logout\session management? I know that's a common question but I've tried to look for it everywhere but I can't find anything clear and useful thanks ...

Authlogic, Namespace and private methods in ApplicationController

Hello, I am troubleshooting why my ApplicationController's methods don't seem to work in my namespaced admin area and it seems like when I'm in a namespace I cannot access my ApplicationController's private methods, is this right? If it is like that, what's the best practise to reuse something like Authlogic's example ApplicationContro...

User class inferred by Authlogic loses respond_to?

I'm trying to move the authlogic (and other common plugin) configuration from one of my Ruby on Rails applications to a plugin so that I don't have to duplicate the common permissions and authentication features in each application. The user session class is defined in app/model/user_session.rb for the main application: class UserSessi...

Adding Javascript effects to a form in RoR

Hopefully I can be clear on my issue. If you need more clarification on what I mean, please let me know and I'll try to clear up anything I can. I am currently working on a simple Ruby on Rails project and I want to add some interactivity to my login form. Currently, the login form works fine if you click the Login link which then take...

Rails 3 Authlogic - 'acts_as_authentic' undefined

I'm getting the following error: NameError (undefined local variable or method `acts_as_authentic' for #<Class:0x1037e6310>): app/models/user.rb:2 app/controllers/user_controller.rb:3:in `new' I'm using Rails 3.0.0, with Ruby 1.8.7. Authlogic is in my Gemfile as follows: gem 'authlogic', :git => "git://

Authlogic sends the wrong activation code

Update: this question has been answered (see below). I'll leave it up in case anyone can benefit in the future. I am trying to get e-mail confirmations working on Authlogic using Rails 3. Authentication is working and the activation e-mails are being generated and sent, each c...

Using authlogic, login using email and password was working fine. I just added a username field to my User model, and now login doesn't work.

I use authlogic in my RoR app. For login, I use email and password like this: <% form_for @user_session, :url => user_session_path do |f| %> <%= f.error_messages %> <%= f.label :email %><br /> <%= f.text_field :email %><br /> <br /> <%= f.label :password %><br /> <%= f.password_field :password %><br /> <br /> <%= f.check...