
How to give a C# handler file as a url to jquery autocomplete

I am creating a custom control in . In the control itself i have to call the url for getting results for autocomplete. But both .aspx, .ashx file format are not supported by class library. Is there any other format for substituite of the above to redirect inside the class library. ...

Get key/value from selected Autocomplete item

I am using this jquery plugin. I've looked at the documentation but I'm still not sure how to get the key value from the selected item. ...

Does Vim have an auto-comment feature based on the file's syntax?

I'm not sure this is possible, but I'm interesting in making this happen. Ideally, I would like to map this feature to shift+control+3. I'm looking for a way to have Vim enter a comment (single line) which corresponds to the syntax of the file I'm editing. If there are multiple single-line comment styles, Vim/I can pick one. If the sing...

Strategies for auto completing a text box with ajax

How does youtube, google, facebook and even Stackoverflow achieve great performance with their auto-comlete boxes? It's really fast and feels like its a local search even though in the background they are probably calling a DB. (Imagine all the resources needed for a DB call!) Is it ALL about Server and bandwidth? What are the strategi...

How to implement Auto-Complete with a StandardValuesCollection on a PropertyGrid

I have a property on an object whose custom TypeConverter specifies an exclusive StandardValuesCollection (let's say "Foo" and "Bar"), so that when editing this property via a PropertyGrid, a drop-down list of these values is displayed. I would also like to be able to directly type in the field on the PropertyGrid, and have it auto-comp...

TextBox autocomplete and default buttons

Hello, I have a .NET TextBox with AutoComplete feature on the form. The form has also AcceptButton and CancelButton defined. If I try to commit a suggestion with Enter key or close drop down with Esc, my form closes. How can I prevent this behavior? ...

Looking for a Combo(Viewer) in SWT/JFace which supports autocomplete

I'm looking for a Combo(Viewer) in SWT/JFace which supports autocomplete / type-ahead, i.e. the user can enter a couple of characters and the drop down list should show all matching elements. ...

Is it possible to handle up/down key in HTML input field?

I am building a autocomplete feature for input text field. Currently I could use mouse click to choose the selection, I'd like to add keyboard control to allow autocomplete control. I monitored the keycode in onkeyup event, it appears for up/down key, the key codes are both 0. I am wondering whether there is any better way to do so. T...

how to get zend studio autocomplete with codeigniter

I'm looking for a good way to get autocomplete and click-for-reference (whatever that's called) for libraries in codeigniter working in Zend Studio for Eclipse. for instance, if i do $this->load->library('dx_auth'); $this->dx_auth->get_user_id(); zend studio doesn't know what it is.. There is this sortof hacky way to do it (see below...

How to get Zend Studio to autocomplete for a Zend Framework project?

After I create a couple folders in the /application folder (such as forms and models) and then start adding classes to those folders, how do I make the code auto completion for these classes available in my various other files such as my IndexController.php? I'm using Zend Studio 6.1 and ZF 1.8.4. ...

ASP.NET jQuery AutoComplete - textbox not responding after first search

So far I'm not finding the same problem in other questions on this site. Here's what I'm experiencing: I have an ASP.NET WebForms app with an UpdatePanel containing a search area where I have a ASP:TextBox that I use for a jQuery autocomplete. $(document).ready(function() { $("#tabContainer_tabSearchBreaks_txtSearchName").autocomp...

Scroll issues with / CakePHP autocomplete result list

Using the Ajax helper for CakePHP (currently to provide an $ajax->autoComplete list of results, and giving a result list back as the rendered view, if you use the mouse (and even the mouse wheel) to scroll results, all is well. Using the arrow keys, on the other hand, has the nasty effect of awkwardly scrolling the view: if I...

How do you use POST with jQuery Autocompleter?

jQuery v1.2.6 jQuery.autocompleter plugin v1.1pre (from jQuery's website) I am not able to submit with 'type: "POST"' back to my webservice. I can't get it to be recognized by the autocompleter. Thoughts? This code below works fine, as long as I look for the "q" querystring. But, I would like to use this for more advanced features ...

AJAX Autocomplete appears at a random vertical position, not touching the textbox

Hi, I am using the AJAX Autocomplete extender for ASP.NET 2. Everything works fine...I am calling a webservice which gets me the values to fill the drop down with after 3 letters are typed into certain es. I have set the maxheight attribute and am using a scrollbar in case there are more entries than would fit that height. However, I no...

Hot to: user AutoCompleteExtender in a UserControl (ascx) and place the ServiceMethod on its code-behind.

Hi! I created a AutoCompleteExtender on a TextBox that resides on a UserControl (Control.ascx file). I don't want to create a separate class for the web method, i rather placing it in the code file (Control.ascx.cs) itself. Is there a way? I have successfully tried once ago placing the method on the same page but it was a page, and i...

Autocompletion in Vim

In a nutshell, I'm searching for a working autocompletion feature for the Vim editor. I've argued before that Vim completely replaces an IDE under Linux and while that's certainly true, it lacks one important feature: autocompletion. I know about Ctrl-N, Exuberant Ctags integration, Taglist, cppcomplete and OmniCppComplete. Alas, none o...

implementing autocomplete in my website

i am developing a website where i intend to provide the search feature. I am developing it in PHP/MYSQL and i have written the script to perform the search. I wish to provide autocomplete or suggested searches option in the search box as the user types, can i know what are my choices and how can i make use of them? I had tried YUI Autoc...

YUI AutoComplete Example Problem

Hi. I was hunting for an implementations of YUI AutoComplete and I came across this script from the site - <script type="text/JavaScript"> YAHOO.example.ACJson = new function() { this.oACDS = new YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR("/", ["Suggestions[0].Results","Name"]); this.oACDS.queryMat...

JQuery Autocomplete Plugin

Hi, I am using the Autocomplete plugin by Jorn.( I wanted a dropdown as soon as I place my cursor in the input box (local values). I tried putting minChars as 0. It didn't seem to have much effect. I made the following change in the autocomplete code .click(function() { ...

Can you make autocompletion kick in automatically for C++ in VS2008?

I'm using Visual Studio 2008 and I have been wondering why doesn't the autocompletion of Visual Studio kicks in automatically every time I start typing something in C++, unlike C#. It does show me the list member box when I use the "." or "->" operator but not when I start typing randomly. I can make it appear using alt + right arrow bu...