
browser autocomplete/saved form not work in ajax request

Hi, Its really hard to search the any combination of keywords in search engine about this because it used by most popular developer wanted a custom autocomplete by ajax. Most developer search about the custom autocomplete to get result from db by ajax or about how to disable browser autocomplete due to security reason or they wantted t...

Problems getting Vim's omnicppcomplete to work right

I'm trying to get OmniCppcomplete to work and I'm running into trouble. I've followed the steps on this page (including the things to add to the .vimrc file). I downloaded and extracted the zip file to ~/.vim, I ran the commands it says, I did everything there and it still doesn't work. I also tried downloading the modified stl for the _...

IntelliJ autocomplete escape

I'm trying out IntelliJ and have one minor annoyance that I can't figure out if there is a possible solution for in IntelliJ. In Eclipse and even TextMate (as well as many other editors with autocomplete), if you are in the middle of an autocomplete section such as a string or parenthesis area, you can hit Enter or Tab to get to the end...

Sorting results when autocomplete matches multiple columns in SQL

I've run into an issue with an autocomplete field I'm working on. The field I'm working with is composed of the form "<NAME> (<CODE>)". When a user starts typing in text, I want to display any results that match either NAME or CODE. For example, if this list contains items and their codes, like "Personal Computer (PC)", then I'd want ...

How does one override an existing zsh keyboard completion?

I would like to enable zsh to autocomplete modules for yast2 (an OpenSuSE control panel), but it seems to already have some things defined. I can run compctl -k "(hello world)" nonexistantprogram just fine, but compctl -k "(hello world)" yast2 doesn't work at all. Some things for yast2 seem to be already defined, namely the "-" opt...

Ajax Auto Suggest v.2 suggestion depends on radio button?

Hi there, I am using auto suggest v.2.1.3 from brandspankingnew. I have a form with two radio button and a text field and would like to know how to make the auto suggest script pointing to a different php file if one of the radio button is checked. I tried this but it doesnt work, its always point to the same php file even if second but...

Silverlight AutoCompleteBox takes a long time to respond on first "search"

I have a Silverlight application which loads about 2000 objects of half a dozen fields into an AutoCompleteBox. The filter is then set to search on any of four of the fields. I've set it to begin searching after two characters. However, when I type the second character (when the box is supposed to start populating) for the very first ...

Data source for jQuery auto-complete plugin

Hey guys, I am using jQuery's auto-complete plugin for a simple search form. I am having trouble converting my JSON object data into an array for usage with auto-complete. My code: var listOfOrderedByNames = getAutocompleteData(); $('#OrderedBy').autocomplete(listOfOrderedByNames); function getAutocompleteData() { var output; ...

YouTube Autosuggest API - where to find samples or documentation?

I want to create a YouTube video search box with the same autocomplete feature. Any idea where can I find samples or and documentation? Thanks ...

Autocomplete in visual studio 2010

I want to create a autocomplete for visual studio 2010 but i cant get it to work. I have added a scheme and entered a name space but it still doesnt work. The root tag states that "the schema property will be ignored because your document does not declare any matching target namespaces", although i did add a scheme location and a namespa...

Trap the enter key, but not when choosing the browser's autocomplete suggestion

I have some textboxes on a page and I want to click a link when the user presses enter in any of them. I can easily trap the enter button using javascript (by looking for 13 in event.keyCode and event.which), but I hit an issue when the browser's autocomplete feature kicks in and suggests what the user might want to type. We're finding ...

How to force an autocompleted field to only use autocompleted values?

So I am working with ASP.Net MVC + jQuery autocomplete and I have a field where I enter an employee. As of right now I have it autocompleting on the employee name and populating a hidden field with the employee id (ajax returns a json object). With autofill set to true it is guaranteed to enter a valid employee id if their search yields ...

autosuggest textbox

Anybody knows the code for autosuggest textbox and how to implement it? ...

Force jQuery-autocomplete (From Array, Modified version) to show the suggestions even if nothing is typed

Hi, I have this version of jQuery-autocomplete: jQuery Autocomplete Mod, It's cool with me till the moment But I'd like to get slight customization of it: I want onclick a list appears holding all of the possible suggestions! even if there is nothing in the input box Somethings you should know: I have a problem with the 'Traditional...

Where do I insert my Rails URL in the JQuery Autocomplete to reference the data set I want?

Where do I reference my controller (Rails) URL to show the dataset that I want in the autocomplete via JQuery? Here is my head: <script src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt...

jquery autocomplete extraParams

hello, Im using jquery autocomplete can I pass extraParams to webservice in ? and how will my [WebMethod] get it ? ...

jquery autocomplete results

hello, I have a webservice [Serializable] public class DataObject { public int ID { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } } [WebMethod] public DataObject[] GetCities(string q, int limit) { // A collection to hold our results List<DataObject> customers = new List<Da...

autcomplete this.element is null

Hi, I'm trying to get an autocomplete form working, and I can't seem to figure out why I keep getting an this.element is null error. Here is the js: //autocomplete function AutoComp() { new Ajax.Autocompleter("autocomplete", "autocomplete_choices", "fin/autocomplete", {}); } document.onLoad = AutoComp(); HTML: <input type...

Autocomplete: populate multiple fields based on selection.

Hi. I have a form, and there are 5 fields. The first field is an autocomplete field. I'd like to have the other 4 fields populated based on the autocomplete field selection. The docs in github ajax.autocompleter page reference setting an id and using a js function to call the id value, but this doesn't seem efficient if using multiple f...

jQuery Autocomplete result keeps spitting out error

Hi, I've been struggling w/ this problem since yesterday, but I can't figure out why i keep getting error messages "... is not a function". Here's the HTML code <td> <input class="itemAC" name="Item[0][name]" id="Item_0_name" type="text" value="" /> <input class="itemId" name="TransactionDetail[0][itemId]" id="TransactionDetail_0_itemId...