
Rails pass ID from auto_complete field to observe_field

<p>Song Name:<%= text_field :songlists, :song_name, :id => "songlists_" + + "_song_name" %></p> <%= auto_complete_field "songlists_" + + "_song_name", :method => :get, :with => "'search=' + element.value", :url => formatted_songlists_path(:js) %> <p>Artist:<%= text_field :songlists, :artist, :id => "s...

PDT autocomplete broken in Eclpise

Suddenly I can't use autocomplete in my Eclipse PHP projects. When I press alt+/ I jsut hear a dummy sound. Which settings should I check? ...

jQuery use change event on input text

Hi! Some drop down lists on my project have so many options that I'm changing those to input texts with an autocomplete function (using jquery autocomplete plugin). But, in drop down lists I can use a change event and use its value to fire an ajax function, for example. But, with an autocomplete, I don't know how to do that and I want ...

jrails autocomplete selection problems with DIVs or anything else

I just starting using jRails and the jRails auto_complete helper I was using the default auto_complete helper before using prototype and the drop in worked fine with jRails except for hovering over the results of the autocomplete. If you use simple text for the result, it works as adver...

How to add new item like "Create New" to the dropdown in Jquery Autocomplete when typed string does not match.

If the item does not match, I want "Create New" appear as an item in the dropdown, or "Create New" can appear everytime when user starts typing. Either way would work. Any ideas? Thanks! ...

Ajax autocomplete (or autosuggest) with TAB completion/autofill similar to shell command line completion?

I'm implementing a AJAX autocomplete/autosuggest feature, and not only do I want to do the usual show suggestions that are similar to what the user typed, but I'd like to let the user do partial completions to save typing. So, imagine my dictionary has these values in it: "green apple", "green pear", "green fruit", "blue sky", "blue wa...

How can I use the jQuery Autocomplete plugin for linked input fields?

I'm using the jQuery Autocomplete plugin. I have two input fields on a form, inputfield1 and inputfield2. I attached autocomplete to the first field. When the that field loses focus, I want to check if a value was entered and if so, then make an AJAX call to retrieve some "\n"-separated strings and use them to drive autocomplete on the ...

Autocomplete Extender "No item found"

Hello everyone. I have the following webservice (.cs file) that searches for a list of products that is used in a textbox as an autocomplete extender. public string[] GetProdDesSearch(string prefixText, int count) { try { ORDataClassesDataContext dbac = new ORDataClassesDataContext(); return dbac.tblProducts ...

Trigger event of auto popup list selection via javascript

I have previously entered value 1111, 1222, and 1333 into a HTML text input. Now if I enter 1 to the text input, it should popup a list with value 1111, 1222, and 1333 as available options. How do you trigger an event when any one of these options is selected? I have a javascript function that performs a calculation on values entered in...

unbind click event for last list element

Hi all, I was trying to customize the jQuery autocomplete plugin... I have to add a turn off button at the end of the result set returned. The problem is that I have added a button to the returned result set but when I click on the button the HTML of the button goes into the text box.... I hope I am making some sense... From what I und...

How to do Autocomplete in search desktop program

I'm programming a search desktop program to look up for words and sentences in SqlServer 2008 DB. I want to do it like babylon: When the user starts to write the first letter the program should suggest the first N words that begin with that letter. And when he completes a correct word the program should suggest the first N sentences th...

Visual Studio AutoComplete simulates enter being pressed when selecting

Visual studio nicely provides built-in auto-complete functionality for text boxes and combo boxes. I am using the suggest method of auto complete that provides the user with a list of choices filteres by what they have type. The problem I am having is that when the user makes a selection (via the mouse) VS places the selected text into ...

eclipse autocompletion from class file?

when i use netbeans and includes a class in a phpfile and then type $class_name-> it will show all functions and properties of that class. how can i do that with eclipse? ...

Disable Opera's autocomplete

Hello! Opera's autocomplete function draws a yellow border around text inputs where it saved data. Is there any way to disable it programmatically? Here's a picture to illustrate it: ...

Jquery Autocompleter Submitting Empty Value

I am playing around with the Jquery Autocompleter in sfFormExtraPlugin but I am having trouble when i need to create a value not already in the autocomplete list. The form always submits and empty value for the field with the autocomplete on it... i have found the mustMatch config option which is off by default .. i have also set it exp...

WPF - auto suggest text as a person types into a text box control

What is the best way to implement an auto-suggest feature for a textbox in WPF? I have found various article that are convoluted (and old) and some also suggest that there is a control available for this (but its not in my current WPF toolkit). What's the latest/best method for implementing auto-suggest as a user is typing in to a textbo...

Textbox autofill not in correct position in safari

Hello All, Has anyone experience this weird issue on safari? Textbox autofill is not at its correct position, please see screenshot below. I have been searching for answers in google for almost a day, still no luck. This is the built-in autofill feature of safari. Here is the markup: index.php <html> <body> <div id="nav"></di...

ASP.NET WebService: Authentication failed. ExceptionType":"System.InvalidOperationException"

Hi , I have got a textbox and Ajax autocompleteextender in my web page.I have no problem at local Dev Machine.When i upload this page to remote host getting "Authentication failed. ExceptionType":"System.InvalidOperationException" this error. Here is my codes ; <form id="form1" runat="server"> <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1"...

Auto Complete Searching

Hi, I am working with, i want some suggessions to implement search functionality with auto complete. Now i am using sql server as the backend in that i am retrieving 4 columns from three tables and sending those as parameters for searching. Now my problem is how to send those four fields at a time for sarching. And how to writ...

Text editor with autocomplete while typing normal text

There's a lot of Text editors which support autocomplete during programming, but I want one which can autocomplete while typing normal text as I see a lot of repetition of words I type. Any emacs fans who have implemented this ? ...