
How to implement - (void)complete:(id)sender?

Hi! I am trying to override NSTextView - (void)complete:(id)sender method but I can't find any example on how to do it. What does this method do? There are examples, or where I can find the original implementation? Thank you! —Alberto ...

Refresh ArrayAdapter dynamically

I have an Activity with an AutoComplete box on it. Whenever the text changes, I want to call a web service and populate the ArrayAdapter with the new String[] returned. This part all works great, except the list in the UI isn't being refreshed when there are all new values in String[] schools. The original list populated in my onCreate a...

College/University list for populating an Auto-complete field?

I'm trying to create an auto-complete text field with a list of known Universities and Colleges. Do you know where I can get this sort of list? Or is there a public API that contains this data? ...

Rails select box autocomplete

I currently have a f.collection_select in my rails app. What is the best way to convert this into a text input box with autocomplete? ...

Fast autocomplete for drop-downs

Hi, I am using JQuery's autocomplete plugin, but it is not fast and also it's not that relevant to my site. I want an autocomplete like the How can I achieve this type of autocomplete? Are there plugins for it? ...

iPhone Autocomplete

I am creating an iPhone application where I need to display autocomplete functionality for one of the 5 textfield. What could be the best possible way to achieve this. For now I am showing a tableview on the didtextchange delegate method of UITextField. Kindly suggest me better way of doing this. Any suggestion will be appreciated. Tha...

php text box enter event

hello all, i was created one text box and autosuggestion in json used php. enter text box input "a" and autosuggestion output "a" related keywords, i was select any one keyword using keyboard "Down arrow or Up arrow" and "Enter" key pressed. the form action GET method post only "a" letter, not selected words. i want selected words post i...

Is there a jQuery Autocomplete plugin that'll force the selection of an item?

There's something like this, but it doesn't force the selection of an item. I need something like this but it has to force an item to be selected before you can "submit". Any help? ...

How to Disable autocomplete in UITextView iPhone keyboard

Hello, I am doing the application in which I want to disable the autocomplete feature of the keyboard in a textfield. Please help me as I am new to iPhone Thanks & Regards Rajesh ...

netbeans 6.7.1 autocomplete question

Hello, I am using Netbeans 6.7.1 to code in PHP. I have a problem with autocomplete. If I write strrev get no autocomplete for it if I press CTRL+space and then I type str I get a list of function names including strrev. My question is: Is there no way to make this automatic like in Visual Studio or Zend Studio and not have to press C...

jQuery Autocomplete with multiple inputs

I have an autocomplete field which I would like to augment by providing a drop down for categories as well, in the hopes that this makes it even easier to search on. This would take the category id from the drop down and then pass this in along with the search text to my server side Autocomplete Function. I am using the jQuery autocompl...

Auto_complete_for question

Hi, I've recently installed this plugin, and I meant to create a Tag field with it, like StackOverFlow does. When I put the following syntax on my AnnouncementsController(I want to tag announcements) it works great: auto_complete_for :announcement, :title protect_from_forgery :only => [:create, :delete, :update] Also, I had to a...

Autocomplete: Display data different from what is filled, and filling in multiple fields?

Hello, I'm using asp.NET MVC, and am looking at the JQuery autocomplete plugin for what I want to do. I need some extra functionality that I don't think it provides. I have a page with two text fields, First and Last name. Ideally, when someone begins typing into either, I would like autocomplete to display both the first and last name...

What strategies are used to implement type-ahead auto-completion on a large dataset?

I am a .NET WinForms/ASP.NET developer with what I think of as technology agnostic questions about how to implement "type-ahead auto-completion" on a large data set. If someone could point me to a reference implementation or detailed discussion, that would be great, but here are my questions: Presumably, the user starts typing and, aft...

Jquery Autocomplete clear textbox if no match found

Hi All, I am using Jquery's autocomplete plugins to show smart search textbox in my application. To get better Idea plz refere following url Now what I want is, When user goes on typing in the textbox respected filter result get append to the textbox which is fine. If the user types charact...

efficient serverside autocomplete

First off all I know: Premature optimization is the root of all evil But I think wrong autocomplete can really blow up your site. I would to know if there are any libraries out there which can do autocomplete efficiently(serverside) which preferable can fit into RAM(for best performance). So no browserside javascript autocomplete...

Code auto completion in an IDE

I use Microsoft’s Visual Studio, and find the IntelliSense code auto completion feature very useful. Are there any alternative open source IDEs that offer a similarly useful feature? How do they compare? ...

Does <authentication mode="Forms"> in web.config always generate automcomplete="off" in ASP.NET?

Hi, I have a website with in ASP.NET working fine. However, it becomes really annoy after a while that username/password needs to be re-entered every time even in our dev environment. The thing I noticed about our site is that FF/IE would not even prompt us to remember the username/password after login. In the code, there is no autoco...

jQuery one click, two actions. Help!

Hello, I'm building an intranet site for work with an autocomplete feature. I have it working to where when the user clicks on the name in the autocomplete list, it will fill that value to the text input box. What I need it to do is after it fills in the value, also submit the form, à la Google. I know I have to use

Keep searchfield-value after selection when using jquery autocomplete plugin

I'm using Jörn Zaefferers autocomplete plugin for jQuery to enable a live search field, which is working great. The user input gets sent to a search service, that returns formatted results in Json format. When a result gets chosen, the values are entered into a separate table. What I'm having trouble with is: After a user selects a sear...