
How do you get the selected item from a Silverlight AutoCompleteBox?

Hi, I'm hopefully missing something extremely obvious here, but for the life of me I can't figure this out. I have an AutoCompleteBox control that is retrieving results by way of an asynchronous call, although I can't find a reliable way in which to know when a user has selected an option from the list of returned values. I've tried ho...

JQuery autocomplete result

Hello I am using autocomplete to allow users to search venues stored in a MySQL database. The autocomplete plugin is currently listing the venues when the user begins typing and prints the selected venue using the result handler. I would like to also print the address, phone number and website of the venue as well but I am not sure how ...

Uppercase code completion in Netbeans

Can I configure Netbeans to autocomplete code when I type the capital letters? E.g. Z displays completion list starting with the letter Z, e.g. Zend_…, then I type vh, and the list is limited to this items, which have the capital letters Z, V, H in it, e.g. Zend_View_Helper_…. Does Netbeans support this bevaviour? ...

How to reactivate code assist in my xhtml page (eclipse 3.5, jboss tools 3.1, jsf 1.2)

Hello everyone, I developp jsf xhtml pages with facelets, and i always had code assist for all the taglibs i declared i my xhtml root element (h, f etc..) But, since, like 30 minutes, when i ctrl+space i only have regular html and ui:* proposals. I didn't change anything. It just broke, no error message, nothing. I searched the web, ...

JQuery Autocomplete hidden field

Hello, I received help on the first part of my problem here whoever I forgot to mention my second issue. After a user selects a value from the autocomplete field I would like to populate the vaules ID into a hidden field so it can be passed to PHP and inserted into a database. Here is a breakdown of what I am trying to accomplish: Us...

How do I get the id of the control calling the jquery autocomplete function?

I want to use the jquery autocomplete plugin across several input boxes. In order to keep my code DRY I want to tie the autocomplete function to a class and within the autocomplete function pass the id of the field that has called it as an extra parameter. What I am struggling with is obtaining the id of the field that has called the fun...

JQuery autocomplete doesn't work...

I am using the autocomplete functionality from JQuery and am having a small problem. I have a div element with some text and a variable number of input boxes that have autocomplete functionality. When a user clicks on the text in the div element, the input boxes are removed. Clicking on the text toggles between showing the input boxes...

Javascript autocompletion plugin for VS. Net

Hi all: I'm doing a lot of work in Javascript with Visual Studio .Net 2008. It would be nice to have some sort of plugin to do auto completion for Javascript (a bit like ctrl space and a list of options come up in Java/C# etc). Is there such plugin/tool out there? Thanks. ...

Where is Visual Studio autocomplete for JQuery 1.4?

I can't find the Visual Studio autocomplete file for JQuery 1.4. Googling for jquery-1.4-vsdoc or jquery-1.4.min-vsdoc turns up nothing. ...

perform search and result-action on autocomplete-input on button-click

I use autocomplete ( for jQuery and everything works fine. If I type some letters there are suggestions I can choose from and on TAB or RETURN it performs the function defined with result(). But I know it won't last some days and a consumer of this form won't press TAB or E...

Eclipse: Exclude specific packages when autocompleting a class name

When auto-completing a class name in Eclipse, e.g. if you type: ListITab A pop-up menu appears offering you matching class names for completion (which you can select with the mouse or by using the arrow keys: In this example I almost certainly want java.util.ListIterator and the probability that com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime....

AutoComplete field and IE

My web page does not have the autocomplete attribute that would tell browsers not to autocomplete the field. In spite of not having this attribute, IE 8 or Safari (not sure on other browsers) does not autocomplete the page. Autocomplete does work on some sites (such as Gmail) so I am assuming that the browser setting is not causing it? ...

NSTokenField autocomplete

Hi, I'm creating an application which uses an NSTokenField. I need autocompletion. I'm using an NSURLRequest to request data from;timestamp&gt;&amp;limit=6&amp;q=&lt;str_to_autocomplete&gt;&amp;timestamp=&lt;timestamp&gt; Where <timestamp> is the current timestamp, an <str_to_autocomplete> is ...

Asynchronous autocomplete in winforms

Is there a way to get asynchronous auto-complete in a Winforms TextBox or ComboBox? AJAX is so nice, and I would be amazed if the .NET framework doesn't have a thick client equivalent. ...

jQuery Combobox/select autocomplete?

Does a jQuery plug-in exist for replacing select/combo box? I tried SexyCombo, and it is as close to what I want, but it doesn't complete if you are writing from middle, only from beginning. I have 2 levels of categories (20 top level categories, and with subcategories in total 120 categories), so when user is submitting an entry, he m...

Does Autocomplete Have an Impact on Code?

Empirical question about code: Does the use of autocomplete change one's code? In general, do developers who use autocomplete tend to use longer variable names, for instance, or does it not really change things in terms of the code written? ...

Vim's Omnicompletion with Python just doesn't work.

I've searched around for an hour, both on Stack Overflow and elsewhere. Alas! Please help. Vim's omnicompletion just doesn't work. I have Vim 7.2 compiled with Python support. filetype plugin on is in my .vimrc. When a .py file is open, :echo &omnifunc prints pythoncomplete#Complete. I'm working with a large project and I have a tags f...

How to format search autocompletion part lists?

I'm currently working on an AppEngine project, and I'd like to implement autocompletion of search terms. The items that can be searched for are reasonably unambiguous and short, so I was thinking of implementing it by giving each item a list of incomplete typings. So foobar would get a list like [f, fo, foo, foob, fooba, foobar]. The use...

Problem installing Auto-Complete plugin in Emacs

I downloaded Auto-Complete from here:, I placed all the files from the .zip file in my load-path (C:\...Application Data\.emacs.d\plugins\auto-complete-1.0), and added the following to my .emacs: ;; load auto complete (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/plugins/auto-complete-1.0") (require ...

Making sense out of Emacs completion mode choices.

There appears to be many alternative Emacs auto completion mechanisms. Without an exhaustive search, the following come to mind: ido, auto-complete, icicles, in buffer completion, minibuffer completion and standard out of the box completion. And then there is code completion. Lots of it. And much of it language dependent. It would be...