
How can I append some results to a jQuery autocomplete drop-down box?

I'm using I'd like to add two results to the end to always appear. How would I do this? ...

Eclipse code template to insert a bookmark?

Eclipse has a nifty feature which allows you to define "templates" for code. I have created one to automatically put in a println and add a "TODO" comment. I'd like for this to also add a bookmark so I can easily find it again. (The codebase I am working with makes it unfeasible to use just the Task List to find what I need to do sinc...

Create an autocompleter like the Facebook status update

Hello I'm trying to create a div with contenteditable like the Facebook status update. Then I mean I want to show an autocomplete box when the user have written @. How would you do that. Currently I'm just playing with keypress and check if the keycode = 64. Somehow that works, but it doesn't validate if there's a space before the alfa...

Using rails plugin auto_complete

Hi, i am using the rails plugin auto_complete I have followed the examples, and its all working well, but with one small problem. After submitting an auto completed text field, and then hitting the back button, the text field does not retain the previously selected value. Does anyone have a soluti...

Emacs: Auto Complete for C++

Hello, i found this autocompletion for Emacs:, but I can't find what languages it supports. I want to use it particular for C++-autocompletion. Has anybody experience with this? ...

Is it possible to get Semantic (emacs) to visit all files automatically?

From what I can tell from the docs, semantic works by slowly building up an idea of what's in your project by analysing each file (and possibly its neighbours) as you visit them. This is too slow. I'd like to just have it visit all the files in my project. Is there an easy way to do this? Having to visit hundreds of files before I can ge...

auto_complete plugin error: Couldn't find Question with ID=auto_complete_for_...

I have successfully set up this plugin before so I am curious as to what I am doing wrong here. I have built the ability for users to add tags to questions. I am not using tagging plugin here but that shouldn't matter for this. With respect to the auto complete, I am trying to have the form located in the /views/questions/show.html.erb...

Using Jquery autocomplete - looking for example of overriding the filllist() function

I'm using the JQuery autocomplete plugin. I wish to override the implementation of the filllist() function. Can someone point me to an example of how to do this? ...

jQuery Autocomplete & jTemplates - handling response

Has anyone had any experience with using jTemplates to display autocomplete results. I have the following $("#address-search").autocomplete({ source: "/Address/SearchAddress", minLength: 2, delay: 400, focus: function (event, ui) { $('#address-search').val(; return false; }, parse: func...

Javascript Autocomplete Text

Hi All, I need to implement an autocomplete text field using JavaScript and JSF. When the user types some character in a text field, I need to make an AJAX request and get the values based on the values entered. I've an input text field, on "keyup" I'm triggering a function which submits the value to the server side. var timeoutid = ...

Is it possible to autocomplete fields in Sharepoint with user info?

Hi, I'm in charge of a Sharepoint collection, and a user asks this. Is it possible that when a user creates an item, some fields are automatically filled with some info, such as email address and location? Authentication uses Active Directory, so every user is identified when using Sharepoint. The only issue is that, being in a big c...

JQuery UI Autocomplete TextBox in ASP.NET C# with ArrayList

hello, I am a coder looking forward to the "easiest tutorial on the planet" to understand how to make a JQuery Autocomplete in ASP.NET c# with ArrayList which not just me but every .net idiot can understand for once and forever as im tired of looking up so many tutorials which teach me nothing. Im referring to this http://jquer...

Rails, JSON Object, jQuery, Auto-Complete

I'm using this jquery autocomplete plug-in with rails: I can't figure out how to format my results, both in my Rails controller and in my javascript file. I have something like this in my controller... @query = params[:q].downcase @json = User.all(:login => /^#{@query}/) respond_to do |forma...

Reload jquery autocomplete in the on change event of a drop down

I have country,state dropdowns and a city textbox with autocomplete feature.My issue is,when I change state, it is displaying previously selected cities since city autocomplete takes data from cache instead of calling server with new stateid.City autocomlete request server response with new stateid only if the cities are not in the selec...

autocomplete-like feature with a python dict

In PHP, I had this line matches = preg_grep('/^for/', array_keys($hash)); What it would do is it would grab the words: fork, form etc. that are in $hash. In Python, I have a dict with 400,000 words. It's keys are words I'd like to present in an auto-complete like feature (the values in this case are meaningless). How would I be able to ...

IntelliSense-style completion-without-TAB in Xcode

In Xcode, to complete a suggestion you need to press the TAB key. In Visual Studio, you can just type some punctuation and it will finish the suggestion. e.g. in VS, typing f.m(); could expand to foo.method();, whereas in Xcode you'd have to type fTAB.mTAB();. Is there any way to emulate VS's behaviour in Xcode? ...

How to pass dyanamic parameters in ajax autocompelete query

I am using autocomplete functionality found at In addition to the text in the autocompelete text box, i would like to pass additional information, like selected states and highways. Following is the code I have. I am getting the text value in the textbox in the MVC action, but not t...

Is ZendX still active (Specifically ZendX_JQuery) ?

I need to have an autocomplete functionality using jquery, and I've encountered ZendX_JQuery which has such functionality available. However, I've noticed that the entire ZendX_JQuery classes, are a bit old (the default jquery version is 1.3.2, and jquery ui 1.7.1). (see

Imitate Google suggest with AJAX and PHP

I want to imitate Google suggest with the following code, which means: step 1: When user types in search box, the query string will be processed by a server php file and query suggestion string is returned(using Ajax object). step 2:When user clicks on a query suggestion, it will fill into the search box (autocomplete). Step 1 is a...

Jquery ui autocomplete different source

Hi i try to use jquery ui autocomplete. I have different autocomplete field in one page and i need to get data with different sources (different url) depend to wich autocomplete field is used. i know how can i get the typed data (request.term), but i cant find the way to get the selected field ID. $(".ac").autocomplete({ source: ...