
Alternate User select interface in django admin to reduce page size on large site?

I have a Django-based site with roughly 300,000 User objects. Admin pages for objects with a ForeignKey field to User take a very long time to load as the resulting form is about 6MB in size. Of course, the resulting dropdown isn't particularly useful, either. Are there any off-the-shelf replacements for handling this case? I've been go...

Notepad++ Move Caret Outside Bracket

I've searched everywhere and can't find an answer to something incredibly simple and useful for Notepad++. When using autoclose, the cursor gets stuck inside, which is good until I've finished typing the parameters. How do I get the caret to jump outside of the currently nested autoclosed element? Regardless of it being (), {}, [], "", ...

Can't disable method parenthesis auto-complete in Eclipse

I'm trying to disable the automatic closing of brackets in Eclipse, and while I've mostly succeeded, I can't stop the editor from inserting a closing parenthesis for a method call. The result is that when I type: myBool.equals(true); it inserts a closing parenthesis as soon as I type the opening parenthesis, and what I actually get is...

jQueryUI autocomplete - when no results are returned

I'm wondering how one can catch and add a custom handler when empty results are returned from the server when using jQueryUI autocomplete. There seem to be a few questions on this point related to the various jQuery plugins (e.g. jQuery autocomplete display “No data” error message when results empty), but I am wondering if there's a bet...

Prevent Uniqe Text in jQuery Autocomplete

I'm working on a project where I need a jQuery auto-complete for Cities. What I don't want is for someone to enter in a unique city name and have it ball up my system. I need to be able to CLEAR the input if someone types it in incorrectly and FORCE them to use the list I give them. I can get the dropdown working properly using the jQ...

ropemacs USAGE tutorial

There are many sites with instructions on installing ropemacs, but so far I couldn't find any with instructions on how to use it after it's already installed. I have it installed, or at least it seems so, Emacs has "Rope" menu in it's top menu bar. Now what? So far I could use only "Show documentation" (C-c d by default). An attempt to u...

how to remove the link from the following javascript?

hi i am unable to the remove the link from the keywords which are coming from database.... var googleurl=";source=hp&amp;q="; function displayResults(keyword, results_array) { // start building the HTML table containing the results var div = "<table>"; // if the searched for keyword is not in the cache...

JQuery autocomplete problem

Im using JQuerys Autocomplete plugin, but it doesn't autocomplete upon entering anything. Any ideas why it doesnt work? The basic example works, but not mine. var ppl = {"ppl":[{"name":"peterpeter", "work":"student"}, {"name":"piotr","work":"student"}]}; var options = { matchContains: true, // So we can search inside string...

How to get back auto-completion after misspelling a method name in Eclipse?

When I am coding Java in Eclipse I like the auto-completion feature. With that I mean the popup with method-names that comes when you start typing in a method name for an object. Or maybe it's called something different, i.e. method-suggestions? But the popup is hidden if I misspells a method name, and it doesn't come back if I delete t...

jquery ui autocomplete database

Hello, I'd like to use jQuery UI autocomplete in order to load a list from my database but I don't know wich method I should use to do so. I tried to use the "Remote datasource" method, but it obviously doesn't work. I have the following code : js: $(function() { $("#client").autoco...

WAS Server - Apache critical problem

hi, I am facing critical problem for integration of WAS Server-Apache Server.I am using the WAS server for the connection pooling for the database calling...and my webpage is hosted in the apache server and the webpage serarch box is calling the WAS Server and i am using struts frame work for autocomplete action... but it is working in...

Eclipse pydev auto-suggestions don't work in some cases

Hello everyone! My question is probably stupid and I hope somebody has succeeded in solving this issue. Sometimes I cannot see right suggestions in auto-completion box (Eclipse 3.5.2, PyDev 1.5.7). For example: import email fp = open('my.eml', 'rb') msg = email.message_from_file(fp) msg now is a Message object. And functions like ge...

jQuery UI Autocomplete, load results to a different location(div)?

I am converting from YUI to jQuery and can't see a way to load the results of the autocomplete into a div or other such container. I want to be able to populate a div with formatted results, including an image based on the return, not just a simple drop down from the input. ...

jquery ui autocomplete problem

Hi, i've got a select box containing countries, and when one is selected, i want my autocomplete data for the city field to load via ajax. here's my code: // Sets up the autocompleter depending on the currently // selected country $(document).ready(function() { var cache = getCities(); $('#registration_city_id').autocomplete( ...

jquery.autocomplete doesn't work in compability mode

I've read all the results I can find on SO about this without finding anything that applies to me, so don't judge me too quickly :) I am using jquery.autocomplete downloaded from here: together with This all works well in IE8 and FF, but as s...

Algorithm for autocomplete?

I am referring to the algorithm that is used to give query suggestions when a user type a search term in google. I am mainly interested in how google algorithm is able to show: 1. Most important results (most likely queries rather than anything that matches) 2. Match substrings 3. Fuzzy matches I know you could use Trie or generalized...

ASP.NET XHTML Strict Validation & autocomplete=off

We have an ASP.NET form with the following doctype:- We need to add autocomplete=off (by setting the TextBox property of AutoCompleteType="Disabled") to the input fields but still need the form to pass XHTML Validation (yes I know it's not XHTML valid because of this). Is there anythign we can do to ignore the autocomplete=off?? Som...

struts 2 autocompleter

<ajax:autocompleter name="cityName" list="list" size="1" label="Select City" listValue="cityName" listKey="id" autoComplete="true"></ajax:autocompleter> i am using struts 2 with ajax but its not working ...

event triggered by backspace key but not delete key

Hi all. I have a form field which uses Jorn Zaefferer's "autocomplete" jQuery plugin. If i type some text, then select part of it and hit backspace, the autocomplete list updates. But if i hit delete instead of backspace, the autocomplete list disappears. I'm looking at the code for the plugin and it looks like the autocomplete upda...

JQuery AutoComplete with JEditable

Hi, I am trying to attach AutoComplete of JQuery with JEditable. Got the following eg on search. But it also does not seem to work. I want to attach AutoComplete to <td> of DataTable(Allan Jardine). Does anybody have any code snippet for the same? Pl help.. Thanks, Bhoomi. ...