
jQuery Autocomplete losing text on AutoPostBack

I have a jQuery Autocomplete field on an ASP.Net Webform and everything has been working great until now. I also have a DropDownList that I have a need to fire onSelectedIndexChanged with AutoPostBack. When I changed my code to do the AutoPostBack, the text field that has the jQuery AutoComplete on it comes back blank. However, if I lo...

autocomplete search multiple parts of string, then returns the most likely ones

Kind of like this question I have many text snippets that I use many, many, many times a day. I want to build something that can search a database/ preferably a javascript array full of sentence length strings, returning the most likely one. Most autocomplete returns things you type in the sequence you type them. I do not remember se...

jQuery quicksearch highlight results with onAfter function call?

I got an amazing answer quickly yesterday quickly about the best autocomplete option for what I needed. I think I can use the onAfter funtion call from QuickSearch to call the SearchHighlight plugin to highlight the text I am typing in. Is that feasible? I am having a hard time getting it to work. <meta http-equiv="Content-type" cont...

How to make SO tags autocomplete with Ajax

Can anybody tell me how can I implement something like the Stack Overflow tags autocomplete textbox, with Ajax? ...

Handling no results in jquery autocomplete

Hey I'm trying to return a message when there are no results for the users current query! i know i need to tap into the keyup event, but it looks like the plugin is using it ...

Jquery Autocomplete Chained Requests

Hi, I have a page with two input fields City and Venue. I have the autocomplete plugin from Devbridge working great for the city field. I now want to get it working on the venue field. The javascript I have so far is: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#Event_City').autocomplete({ ...

How to consume Facebook's "autocomplete anything" suggest-style dropdown

When you go to edit your favorite music or movies on Facebook, you will notice an autocomplete suggest list that is basically a list of "everything" (brand names, music artists, movies, etc.) How can someone consume that list in their own code? Is it part of the Facebook API? ...

What is the most correct way to hide an autocomplete popup?

I'm developing a custom autocomplete control in pure WinApi, and the problem that I've encountered is that I don't know how to hide the popup window when clicked outside of the control (e.g. emulate the combobox dropdown behavior). How is it usually implemented? Should I use mouse capture? Thanks. UPD: Tracking keyboard focus doesn't fi...

How do I alter enterd text before matching

I have an jQuery.autocomplete field presenting a limited range of decimal numbers. Ex: var the_list = ['+2.23', '+1.10', '-1.10', '-2.00', '-3.00',] But I allow the user to enter data like '2.3' and '-5'. At least I can get partial matches to help me when i start typing for these values. But what if I (or someone else with clumsy fin...

Why is my jQuery script not triggering in Wordpress?

I have tested the below script on a demo page which is not using any CMS. The script is located in the index.php file and works just fine. <form method="get" action=""> <input id="label_search" type="text" value="" maxlength="40" name="inputText"/> </form> <script type="text/javascript"> var options = { script:"includes/autos...

MVC: Set value in autocomplete on Edit

Hi, in our MVC application we use jQuery autocomplete control on several pages. All works fine on Create but I can't make it work on Edit. Effectively, I don't know how to make the autocomplete controls preload the data from model and still behave as an autocomplete in case the user wants to change the value. Also how can I make sure...

JQuery Autocomplete in Dialog Errors

All, I am using the JQuery Autocomplete Plugin 1.0.2 in a JQuery UI Dialog. Unfortunately, there are 2 scenarios that cause script errors in IE and FireFox. I will be providing FireFox Firebug errors as they are more descriptive. First off, here is the JQuery Autocomplete script which allows for the selection of multiple names: va...

FireFox capture autocomplete input change event

I'm trying to subscribe to change events on an input tag for an ajax auto complete form. These change events are not firing when the user clicks an autocomplete suggestion from FireFox. I've seen fixes for IE, but not FireFox. You can view this behavior here Steps to recreate: type any input in one of the boxes and click submit. Sta...

Autocomplete based on popularity

For a general autocomplete suggestion (lexicographically sorted keys) one could use tries or TSTs. However I would like to do autocomplete to return results based on popularity of results. So searching for "clinton" would show "bill clinton", "hillary clinton" and "chelsea clinton" in that order. I believe this can be done using ngram...

How can I prevent a later binding on a jQuery autocompleter from firing?

The below code is very simple. I have a jQuery autocomplete bound to an html text input referenced by #search. When the user types something into it, a drop-out list shows suggestions from the server. If the user clicks on one of the suggestions, or presses Enter with it selected, a popup (facebox) appears showing the called page within ...

How to get the func prototype after selecting the func via omnicppcomplete?

Is there a way to get vim to paste a function's arguments after selecting it via omnifunc (or at least displaying it after selecting it, but not before)? Something like: time, std::string foo) Maybe even allows you to tab through the arguments like what those snippets plugins allow you to do. Is there such a plugin o...

assigning options for ajax in cakePHP

I have an ajax->autoComplete working dandy with cakePHP. Now I want to add my own javascript (preferably callback methods) after the request has been executed. I know that there are options associated with the ajaxHelper but I cannot figure out for the life of me how to apply them to the autoComplete function. I can get ajax->autoComple...

How can I enable auto complete support in Notepad++?

I am trying to add simple syntax highlighting and auto completion for a simple scripting language. I added syntax highlighting using this article Now I want to know how to enable auto completion with Notepad ++ for my custom language. Does anyone know how to do that? ...

Can I disallow web browser autocomplete?

You know how browsers autocomplete text boxes? Apparently this confuses users. They see it as a short list with only limited options. Does anyone know how to disable autocomplete? ...

Prevent splitting Window when using pythoncomplete in Vim

I'm using VIM with pythoncomplete. When I'm making a completion, the current window is splitted and calltips are shown in the upper pane. I hate that! Is there a way to prevent that behavior or at least limit the size of the upper pane automaticly? ...