
Android Layout AutoCompleteTextView NullPointerException Workaround

I'm working in with the Android SDK 2.0 / Galileo / ADT 0.9.4 (latest to date). Against Android 1.5 API layer. If I go to the layout editor and add an AutoCompleteTextView the screen immediately gives me a NullPointerException. Does anyone have a documented workaround for this problem? I can't seem to find one. This is obviously a bug...

Android Autocompletetextview and editable spinner

Hey guys. Here is my scenario: I've got a database, where 2 columns are interesting for me. I now created an autocompletetextview where the adapter gehts via SQL the entries of one column. So far... so good, but what i actually want is, that if the user types sth. into the autocompletefield i notice this and fetch the text. Via SQL I ...

AutoCompleteTextView with custom list: how to set up OnItemClickListener

Hi everyone, I am working on an app which uses tags. Accessing those should be as simple as possible. Working with an AutoCompleteTextView seems appropriate to me. What I want: existing tags should be displayed in a selectable list with a CheckBox on each item's side existing tags should be displayed UPON FOCUS of AutoCompleteTextView...

How do I replicate the functionality of selecting contacts in messaging app?

Android's messaging app, located in projects/platform/packages/apps/Mms.git has a class called RecipientsEditor. I would like to be able to create MultiAutoCompleteTextView that will filter contacts the same way, to make contact selection easy in my app. using the mms app is cumbersome since it uses internal apis and has everything split...

AutoCompleteTextView not displaying result even when the ArrayAdapter is updated

I'm trying to get an AutoCompleteTextView(ACTV) to display results I'm a getting from a network resource. I have set the completion-treshold to 2 and I can see that the request is fired when I enter to characters. The result I am getting is the correct one. Lets say I write "ca", and I get the result "car" as an autocompletion. I have a...

AutoCompleteTextView onItemClick item position or id using HashMap

Hello, I am new to Android development and I ran into a problem which I find difficult to solve. I am trying to figure out how to use an AutoCompleteTextView widget properly. I want to create a AutoCompleteTextView, using XML data from a web service. I managed to get it to work, but I am defenitely not pleased with the output. I woul...

AutoCompleteTextView showing suggestions only for the first word entered

Hello! My autocompletetextview shows suggestions only for the first entered word. So if i write "ki" suggestions for king will popup. But if i enter "queen whitespace ki" there will be no suggestion for king. textView = (AutoCompleteTextView) findViewById(; String[] pred = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.pre...

Autocomplettextview filtered by input keys

Hi I use autocompletetextview with SimpleCursorAdapter to get data from sqlite. I'd like to get its drop down list started by the entered key. In my autocompletetextview, the list is not shown or filtered by input text. eg, If user enter "an", all text started with "an" will be seen in this list. In Java public void onCreate(Bu...

How to populate an AutoCompleteTextView with contacts names in android 2.1

Hi. I have an AutoCompleteTextView and i want it to autocomplete contact names on input. The problem is that Contacts.People has been deprecated. The new documentation says to use ContactsContract but i can't find any proper tutorial. Can anyone give me a sample code or point me to an appropriate tutorial. Thanks. ...

Android:AutoCompleteTextView Search a Different Field Then What's Inserted In The Text View

Hi, Does anyone know if it's possible to have the adapter for an AutoCompleteTextView search a different field then what it returns to the text view to be inserted? For example, I have a string that contains a phone number, an address, and a name. This works good for searching because I can enter any of those values to get what I want,...

AutoCompleteTextView doesn't show dropdown

Hello! I extend AutoCompleteTextView and override preformFiltering function in order to get results from database. I'm getting the results but then nothing is shown. And getView in custom adapter is never called. The strange thing that If I preload items (inside init() function) I can see them... May by anyone can point me to the right...

android autocompletetextview hint results hidden under keyboard

I have 3 autocompletetextview's in which i set its adapter to be an ArrayAdapter with a very simple textview layout. the autocompletextview hint results are showing, but are under the onscreen keyboard(i can see part of it). how can i make the results show above the autocompletetextview rather than below? airline = (AutoCompleteTe...

AutoCompleteTextView with suggestions/wordlist

When entering text into a normal TextView, the soft keyboard usually suggests words from a wordlist. With an AutoCompleteTextView though, I haven't succeeded to do this. Currently, I use this as my inputType: android:inputType="textCapSentences|textAutoCorrect|textAutoComplete" The autocomplete box shows up as usual, but not the sugg...

AutoCompleteTextView adapter not displaying dropdown?

Here is my onCreate method: /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); Intent intent = getIntent(); if (intent.getData() == null) intent.setData(Formulas.CONTENT_URI); Au...

AutocompleteTextview and CompletionHintView

Hi, i'm currently implementing an autocomplete field by using the AutocompleteTextView component. I'm trying to add a completion hint with the number of result, and just want to style it differently from the dropdown list element. There is an attribute named "completionHintView" on the component, but everytime i give it a layout i previo...

How tolimit the length of drop down list displayed by AutoCompleteTextView

Hi all, In an application I need to limit the length of drop down list displayed by AutoCompleteTextView in android to let the below buttons be visible.Can anyone help me in limiting the length of drop down list programmatically. Regards Saurabh ...

AutoCompleteTextView suggestion results sticking to screen when they shouldn't

my AutoCompleteTextView is created with a custom adapter to show suggestions for ~3000 Strings. while typing in the input view, suggestions are coming up as expected, except that sometimes a chunk of the dropdown view with suggestions is being clipped or looks like its detached from the AutoCompleteTextView. this extra chunk of the drop...

Populating AutoCompleteTextView with contacts

Hi , I want to populate the AutoCompleteTextView with contacts.I have tried the one present in ApI Demos but its not cumg.So,Plz help me out..Thnx in ADV.. ...

[Android] Drawable background on MultiAutoCompleteTextView

Hi all, I try to do something like that on my MultiAutoCompleteTextView I try to use an ImageSpan but when I did it, my text disappear :/ Actually I use that : setSpan(new BackgroundColorSpan(getBaseContext().getResources().getColor(R.color.yellow)), 0, textStr.length(), 0)); , but is not "beautiful" , I wish use a drawable inste...

how to create autocompletetextview in the dialog box in android

Hi to all, I need to create autocompletetextview in the custom dialog box. when the search button clicked ,custom dialog box(including autocompletetextview box) will be appear below the menu bar. which is the better dialog box or pop up window. please help me. Advanced thank you, akil.. ...