
ACTV.dismissDropDown() doesn't seem to work on my emulator!

In my OnItemClickListener routine, I want to dismiss the dropdown and replace the entered text with a label prefixing the entered text to confirm the selection. The later part is working but the dropdown stays on the screen until the Tab button is used to move the focus. Is this correct and if so, how can I do this programmatically? thn...

getText() on AutoCompleteTextView returns SpannableStringBuilder?

I have an AutoCompleteTextView with a MatrixCursor as an adapter. The AutoCompleteTextView has a OnItemClickListener as follows: public class AutoCompleteListClickListner implements OnItemClickListener { private AutoCompleteTextView acView; public AutoCompleteListClickListner(AutoCompleteTextView view) { this.acVie...

How to remove padding in AutoCompleteTextView in android?

I have created a custom AutoCompleteTextView which shows result as in the screen shot below: this shows me a list of Contacts names and their respective number. but there is an extra gap between the first item in suggestion list and bottom border of the text field as show in black rectangle in image. Now i want to remove this space ...