
Trouble setting up the Zend_Loader_Autoloader. Pretty easy question, but I'm new to Zend Framework

Read the comments in the code for a description: <?php class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap { public function __construct($configSection){ $rootDir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)); define('ROOT_DIR',$rootDir); set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . ROOT_DIR . '/libra...

iphone navigationController autoloading to three level

i create i navigationController project name:autoload, then create two uiviewContorller named: second,three i want the process is load rootView the load second in method:"viewDidLoad" then auto load three in method"viewdidload", here is the code: rootView: - (void)viewDidLoad { self.title = @"first"; Second *second = [[Secon...

phpunit and autoloader

I'm trying to use autoloader with phpunit this way: in phpunit.xml I put bootstrap="bootstrap.php" in bootstrap.php I put define( 'TESTING', true ); putenv( 'APPLICATION_ENV=testing' ); function __autoload($className) { include_once __autoloadFilename($className); } function __autoloadFilename($className) { return...

How can I use geoalchemy with elixir autoload tables?

I'm using geoalchemy and autoloaded tables, but I'd like to use Elixir, because it has a nicer query syntax. Does anyone know how to get them to work together? I did get it working with this code -- -- but that still gives the ugly warning about not recognising the geometry column ...

PHP multiple __autoload functions *without* the use of spl_register_autoload?

I'm an author of a growing library of PHP + QuickBooks related code. I'd like to utilize PHPs __autoload() function, however my code is a library that other people can include() into their own applications, so I can't rely on __autoload() being not already defined. Is there a way to have multiple __autoload() functions? I saw spl_aut...

What is the autoload class names structure, for the root "library" dir in a Zend Framework 1.10.2 project?

I have a project I created with Zend Framework 1.10.2. I usually use the application/models directory for new model files I create, and the auto loading is fine, so for example - My_Model_SampleClass is located application/models/SampleClass.php. However, I have just created a custom Exception class, and it does not fit in the mode...

php require and autoload

I use __autoload to load classes, and I keep getting errors that no class is found but file get's loaded ok. Then if I change something in a file, just something like add a new line and save it, everything works fine and class is then found. But this is a great problem cause there are thousands of files in this project and I don't want ...

Is it possible to autoload a file based on the namespace in PHP?

Would what mentioned in the title be possible? Python module style that is. See this example for what I exactly mean. index.php <?php use Hello\World; World::greet(); Hello/World.php <?php namespace Hello\World; function greet() { echo 'Hello, World!'; } Would this be possible? ...

PHPUnit and autoloaders: Determining whether code is running in test-scope?

Premise I know that writing code to act differently when a test is run is hilariously bad practise, but I may've actually come across a scenario in which it may be necessary. Specifically, I'm trying to test a very specific wrapper for HTML Purifier in the Zend framework - a View Helper, to be exact. The HTML Purifier autoloader is nec...

PHP Doctrine: cannot find ClassName, but factory loading works..?

I'm using PHP Doctrine and i've setup autoloading: spl_autoload_register(array('Doctrine', 'autoload')); spl_autoload_register(array('Doctrine', 'modelsAutoload')); I can create a table like so: $table = Doctrine_Core::getTable('TableName'); However if I try it like this, it doesn't work, what am I missing?: $table = new TableName...

Do you use __autoload() ? Will it be compatible to all host ?

I'm hesitating whether or not to use this mechanism. PHP Doc says autoloading is not available if using PHP in CLI interactive mode. So, should we avoid to use this method for just in case, your application get installed in a host happenly running PHP in CLI ? ...

Replacement for PHP's __autoload function?

I have read about dynamically loading your class files when needed in a function like this: function __autoload($className) { include("classes/$className.class.php"); } $obj = new DB(); Which will automatically load DB.class.php when you make a new instance of that class, but I also read in a few articles that it is bad to use thi...

Magento - zend - backend error

I get the following error when i am logged into the backend in magento Fatal error: Interface 'Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Interface' not found in /homepages/45/d210005774/htdocs/websitename/lib/Varien/Http/Adapter/Curl.php on line 176 Also i got this error previously in my index management section in magento Fatal error: Call to undefin...

CodeIgniter: Weird echo of $config coming back when I load Email Library

Version info: CI version 1.7.2 - PHP 5.3.1 - Apache2 - Mac OSX 10.6.3 For some reason, when I load CI's email library, either in my controller, or in autoload.php, it automatically and immediately echoes the config info like so: $config['protocol'] = 'sendmail'; $config['mailpath'] = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; $config['charset'] = 'iso-8859...

Module autoloader in ZF

The manual on Zend_Application_Module_Autoloader states the following: When using module bootstraps with Zend_Application, an instance of Zend_Application_Module_Autoloader will be created by default for each discrete module, allowing you to autoload module resources. Source:

php: autoload exception handling.

Hello again, I'm extending my previous question (Handling exceptions within exception handle) to address my bad coding practice. I'm trying to delegate autoload errors to a exception handler. <?php function __autoload($class_name) { $file = $class_name.'.php'; try { if (file_exists($file)) { include $file; ...

magento XML RPC problem Class 'Zend_Http_Client' not found in...

Hi, Any idea on what would make this happen? Im trying to use XML RPC zend version but anytime I try to include the client I get some sort of error. Its like its including the client, but then the client does not know how to include the files after that... test connect script is located in root directory, with the following - require_...

Namespace Autoload works under windows, but not on Linux

I have the following php code: index.php <?php spl_autoload_extensions(".php"); spl_autoload_register(); use modules\standard as std; $handler = new std\handler(); $handler->delegate(); ?> modules\standard\handler.php <?php namespace modules\standard { class handler { function delegate(){ echo 'Hello from d...

Kohana 3 Auto loading Models

I'm attempting to use a Model but I get a fatal error so I assume it doesn't autoload properly. ErrorException [ Fatal Error ]: Class 'Properties_Model' not found The offending controller line: $properties = new Properties_Model; The model: class Properties_Model extends Model { public function __construct() { ...

autoload with namespaces/submodules

I'm using modules as namespaces in ruby. How would I go about autoloading...something like autoload :"App::ModuleA", 'app/module_a that doesn't throw a "must be constant name" error? ...