
Is it possible to use private field conventions for Fluent NHibernate Automapping?

How can I map to a private field with fluent NHibernate AutoPersistenceModel? public class A { private List<B> myField; public A() { myField = new List<B>(); } public IList<B> MyBs { get { return myField; } } } Is there a fieldconvention for...

Cascade Saves with Fluent NHibernate AutoMapping

How do I "turn on" cascading saves using AutoMap Persistence Model with Fluent NHibernate? As in: I Save the Person and the Arm should also be saved. Currently I get "object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing" public class Person : DomainEntity { public virtual Arm LeftArm { g...

Entity Framework + AutoMapper ( Entity to DTO and DTO to Entity )

Hello. i got some problems using EF with AutoMapper. =/ for example : i got 2 related entities ( Customers and Orders ) and theyr DTO classes : class CustomerDTO { public string CustomerID {get;set;} public string CustomerName {get;set;} public IList< OrderDTO > Orders {get;set;} } class OrderDTO { public string OrderID ...

Fluent NHibernate Automapping: Alter DateTime to Timestamp

Hello, I am getting (a little bit to) deep into automapping with the fluent interface of NHibernate. Very nice thing, but I ran into a little problem with DateTimes. I need to change the data format to timestamp, otherwise NHibernate truncates milliseconds. I found several sources of information, the best one was: AutoMapping Info 1 whe...

Fluent NHibernate Automapping error

This one has me scratching my head, so I'm hoping a second pair of eyes can help me out here. Setup: I've got a base class called DomainEntity that all of my data transfer objects use. It basically only defines a property called Id (which is an integer). I've got data transfer objects: Blog, Post, User DomainEntity is in the namespace...

Fluent NHibernate Automap Joined Sub-Class Setting the Key

When automapping a joined subclass in fluent nhibernate, I can't figure out how to give the joined subclass a primary key. public class Address:Entity { public virtual string Address1 { get; set; } public virtual string Address2 { get; set; } public virtual string City { get; set; } public virtual string State { get; set; } public ...

C# - IDataReader to Object mapping using generics.

How can I map a DataReder object into a class object by using generics? For example I need to do the following: public class Mapper<T> { public static List<T> MapObject(IDataReader dr) { List<T> objects = new List<T>(); while (dr.Read()) { //Mapping goes here... ...

automapping: IgnoreProperty on Component?

I am automapping measurement classes (that implement interface IMeasurement) as components. This works fine, but I have some attributes in the components I would like to ignore. Apparently I cannot use IgnoreProperty on the measurement classes themselves, i.e.: [ .ForTypesThatDeriveFrom(p => p.IgnoreProperty(x => x._uomSpecified)) ] w...

Fluent NHibernate. Auto Mapping and Conventions

Im new to NHibernate, the configuration aspect of it has always seemed overly onerous to me. Yesterday, I came across the Auto Mapping features of Fluent NHibernate and was suitably impressed. To educate myself, I set myself the challenge of attempting the 'Getting Started First Project' (

Why is AutoMapper/EF adding a new item instead of a relationship?

I have this test in my test base: public void WorksWithAreaUsers() { using (new TransactionScope()) { //arrange var userBusiness = new UserBusiness(); var user = new User { Name = "TestUser###", Login = "domain\test-user###" }; userBusiness.Add(user); var...

Fluent NHibernate DuplicateMappingException with AutoMapping

Summary: I want to save two classes of the same name and different namespaces with the Fluent NHibernate Automapper Context I'm writing having to import a lot of different objects to database for testing. I'll eventually write mappers to a proper model. I've been using code gen and Fluent NHibernate to take these DTOs and dump them s...

Column Property AutoMapping

Hi There is o possibility to create a convention for Column naming: I have this peace of code: public AutoPersistenceModel Generate() { var result = AutoPersistenceModel.MapEntitiesFromAssemblyOf() .Where(GetAutoMappingFilter) .WithConvention(GetConventions); return result; ...

Confusion between DTOs (linq2sql) and Class objects!

Hi there, i have been successfully working with linq2sql and the linq DTOs (the classes that are created by linq2sql) .... I am confused, i have the task of updating an old application and i can see that my DTOs will be used how they should be .... to transport date I am using the repository pattern so i am passing data from the repos...

Issues with Fluent Nhibernate Automapping in version 1.0RC

I am new to NHibernate and am running into some issues getting the Automap functionality to work properly. Here are a couple of issues I am having. The getting started wiki for Fluent NHibernate ( defines a sample with store, product, and employee classes--as well as the mapping for thos...

How can you create Clustered Indexes with Fluent NHibernate?

I am using Fluent-NHibernate (with automapping) to generate my tables but would like to choose a different clustered index than the ID field which is used by default. How can you create clustered indexes with Fluent NHibernate on a field other than the default Primary Key field? The primary reasoning behind this is simple. I am using Gu...

Issue With Fluent Nhibernate Automapping and Guids / UniqueIdentifiers as Primary Key Fields

I am attempting to use the Fluent-NHibernate automapping functionality (in the latest version of the software) and am running into problems using Guids as the Primary Key fields. If I use integer fields for the primary keys, the tables are generated successfully and all Nhibernate functionality seems to work fine. FYI, I am using NHibern...

Overriding Fluent NHibernate Automappings

This is a Fluent NHibernate newbie question, so bear with me. I have a set of classes, and I'm applying the Automapping capabilities to it. But I need to mark one of the properties of one of the techniques with a Unique constraint. In the Fluent Wiki, it says Sometimes it's necessary to make slight changes to a specific entity,...

setting Fluent NHibernate Conventions - using Set for OneToMany

I am trying to modify the Automapping conventsion in Fluent NHibernate to use ".AsSet" for OneToMany mappings, rather than ".AsBag" (which, judging from the hbm files exported, appears to be the default). I have spent hours pouring over the documentation, and I understand that I need to do a "AutoMap.AssemblyOf<T>().Conventions.Add<Cu...

Is it possible to use both automapping and schema generation with Fluent NHibernate?

I'm using the following: Fluently.Configure() .Database(MsSqlConfiguration.MsSql2005.ConnectionString(connectionString)) .Mappings(m => m.AutoMappings.Add(AutoMap.AssemblyOf<Incident>() .Where(t => t.Namespace.StartsWith("EDA.DomainModel.POCO")))) .ExposeConfiguration(BuildSchema) .BuildSessionFac...

In Fluent NHibernate how do you combine automapped types with non-automapped types?

Right now, I'm switching my project over from the classic fluent nhibernate style of manually defining a ClassMap for each domain entity, to having the auto-mapper auto-generate the mappings for me. But I'd like to keep using the classes I've already mapped in the classic style, until I can tweak the automappings to match the old classi...