
Spring @Autowired usage

What are the pros and cons of using @Autowired in a class that will be wired up by Spring? I probably just don't understand it, but to me it almost seems like an anti-pattern - your classes start to become aware that they are tied to a DI framework, rather than just being POJOs. Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment, but I like having t...

Using @Autowired of spring with scala

hi everyone, i am using spring from scala and i am facing a problem when trying to inject a service with a trait/superclass. This is my code: trait MyServiceHolder{ var myService:MyService = null @Autowired def setMyService(ms:MyService) = myService = ms } @RunWith(classOf[SpringJUnit4ClassRunner]) @ContextConfiguration(Array("...

Autowiring Unmanaged Beans Annotated With @Component

I want to use @AutoWired to inject a non-managed bean configured with @Component into a managed bean. I'm pretty sure I have the configuration right, but for some reason I keep getting the exception: No unique bean of type [foo.Baz] is defined: Unsatisfied dependency of type [class foo.Baz]: expected at least 1 matching bean Based on...

PreRender event is not fired

Recently i've noticed, that the Page_PreRender event is not being fired. If protected override void OnPreRender is used - everything is fine. AutoWire is enabled and the same code performs just fine on another machine... Where should i dig? ...

array dependency injection in spring?

Hi, is there a way to use dependency injection to inject all available implementations of a specific interface in spring? This is kind of the same thing as asked here for .NET. Though my aim is to use @Autowired for this: public class Foo{ @Autowired private IDataCollector[] collectors; } Is this supported, would this require h...

Spring configuration in GWT Project?

I am developing a GWT-Spring-Hibernate project and I want to use Spring Autowired annotation in GWT Service Servlet but my autowired annotated service is not injected. it is null. Is there a configuration detail that I missed? I add <context:annotation-config /> <context:component-scan base-package="" /> to my ApplicationConte...

What is the cleanest way to autowire Spring Beans in a JSP?

Hi, We're currently adding some new features to an old webapp which was using only JSP without any framework for the front. We have added Spring recently, and we would like to autowire our beans in our modified JSP, while not rewriting everything to use SpringMVC, Struts2 or Tapestry5. We're using autowiring by type, so it leads to get...

How can I read contents from Spring Messagesource within a Enum?

I have an Enum containing three different Status types. These statuses should be displayed in an email sent to users, and the strings containing the statuses to be displayed are stored in (read using an implementation of Spring class org.springframework.context.MessageSource). This works well in a normal Spring contro...

Is It Possible To Spring Autowire the same Instance of a protoype scoped class in two places

Hi ** changed the example to better express the situation i am using spring 2.5 and have the following situation @Component @Scope("prototype") Class Foo { } class A { @Autowired Foo fooA; } class B { @Autowired Foo fooB; } class C { @Autowired Foo fooC; } i am trying to understand if there is some way to us...

Configuring an @Autowired bean with a property value

I've got an @Autowired bean and need to pass in a String value from a property file. What is the best way to do this? ...

Spring Autowiring class vs. interface?

I have this Spring config: <bean id="boo" class="com.x.TheClass"/> The class TheClass implements TheInterface. Then I have this (hypothetical) Java code: @Autowired TheInterface x; @Autowired TheClass y; The autowiring of TheInterface works but the autowiring of TheClass fails. Spring gives me a NoSuchBeanDefinitionException fo...

Spring 3 DI using generic DAO interface

I'm trying to use @Autowired annotation with my generic Dao interface like this: public interface DaoContainer<E extends DomainObject> { public int numberOfItems(); // Other methods omitted for brevity } I use this interface in my Controller in following fashion: @Configurable public class HelloWorld { @Autowired pri...

Jax-ws, spring and SpringBeanAutowiringSupport

although in my @Webservice class I extend SpringBeanAutowiringSupport, autowiring simply does not work for Spring 2.5, tomcat6. nothing is injected. I tested those beans autowiring in main method, using classpathcontext, everything is injected fine. But not for jax-ws endpoint. do you have ideas? ...

How to use @Autowired with Java-based config?

I am using Java-based Spring configuration in my project, specifying bean construction in @Bean-annotated methods in @Configuration. Recently, Recently, I've started to think that maybe it would've been better to use @Autowired to remove all non-important beans from @Configuration, leaving only small "root" set of them (key services and ...

Is context:annotation-config an alternative to @AutoWired?

Is it correct that I can put context:annotation-config in my XML config and it will automatically inject the bean class without needing any annotations? So instead of using these annotation types: public class Mailman { private String name; @Autowired private Parcel Parcel; public Mailman(String name) { th...

Spring 3 Annotations - HibernateDaoSupport - Repository Requires Session Factory

I am getting an exception saying : java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 'sessionFactory' or 'hibernateTemplate' is required when trying to use the @Repository annotation on a HibernateDaoSupport class. The error message is straightforward, in order to create the Repository it needs a sessionFactory. However,I have defined a s...

How does Spring @Autowired work

I came across an example of @Autowired public class EmpManager { @Autowired private EmpDao empDao; } I was curious about how the empDao get sets since there are no setter methods and it is private. ...

Apache Axis2 and Spring3 how to use @Autowired

I haven't used Apache Axis since my 1.x days so I am little rusty here. My question is this.... How do I go about using the @Autowired annotation in my Apache Axis2 service endpoint class? Is this possible? I did some google searching and have yet to find anything conclusive. I am using Apache Axis2 version 1.5.1 and Spring 3.0.3. I just...

Autowired bean are not handled in my Controller bean (Spring-MVC)

Hi all, I create a Controller bean to map a dedicated URI. web.xml file : <!-- Spring MVC Servlet (that will route HTTP requests to BlazeDS) --> <servlet> <servlet-name>Spring MVC Dispatcher Servlet</servlet-name> <servlet-class>org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet</servlet-class> <init-param> <param-name>co...

spring 3 autowiring and junit testing

My code: @Component public class A { @Autowired private B b; public void method() {} } public interface X {...} @Component public class B implements X { ... } I want to test in isolation class A. Do I have to mock class B? If yes, how? Because it is autowired and there is no setter where i could send the mocked obje...