
Low recording volume in combination with AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord.

When I set: [[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] setCategory: AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord error:NULL]; …recording and playing works fine, just the playback volume is around 60% lower than when I would just play the same sound without recording and settings PlayAndRecord. I need to get high volume peaks (to check if a user blo...

I can't track down this leak. Audio Toolbox

I have gone over a silly amount of forum posts and questions here. while i would love to take this advice: http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org/forum/topic/2003 I suppose i just don't trust 'them' as much as this community. so, I ask, is this a 'negligible leak' if it only seems to happen once when i push a view onto the root view controller?...

AVAudioSession not working as described by Apple

Hello. My game has 3 background songs. I would like the game to set the background music to off when there is ipod music playing, else it will play the last played piece of music. When the muser changes the music with the ipod music on, the ipod music should go away and the background music plays. The problem is, the second time I try t...