
Complex datasource issue in Dynamics AX

I have a grid that displays lines from a table. Now, I have these two requirements: Show only the lines that contains values in the "hour" fields. The "hour" field is an array type. Show the lines from a project and its subproject My problem is this: to meet requirement #1, I need to use a select statement in my datasource since I ca...

AX report: off by one error with joined datasources

We want to build a report in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 to show all employees that worked on a production order. Into the datasources for this report we drag-n-dropped the ProdTable (pt) which is inner joined by ProdID and DataAreaID to the ProdJournalRoute (pjr) which is inner joined by EmplID and DataAreaID to the EmplTable (et) where...

Images in AX forms

In Dynamics AX, we use a large number of images and icons for various purposes in our custom forms. We're currently having to individually install image/icon packs on every client machine in order for everything to work. Is there a way (or best practice) for handling images and icons in Dynamics so an install on every single client is ...