
Locator and stub class while migrating client side application from Axis to Axis 2

Hi everyone, I’m trying to migrate a client side application from Axis to Axis 2. The application also supports connection through RMI so previously, we abstracted away the connection by using the stub and the locator file. For example, we did something like the following: AddFunctionLocator locator = new AddFunctionLocator (); AddF...

AXIS2 generating wrong SOAP Message because of encoding. how to fix it?

QUESTION: how can I use a different encoding (charset and transfer) with axis? Here is my client: public Object[] invoke(String xmlRepresentation) throws CustomApplicationException { Object[] responseWS = null; RPCServiceClient serviceClient = new RPCServiceClient(); Options options = serviceClient.getOption...

Axis2 Session Managment

Hi, iam building a small webservice in axis2 (buttom up, i write the java classes and let eclipse wtp generate the service). I would like to use sessions so that a user can login with a username and pass if it exist in a database and than use the webservice but within the context of his session. I quite frankly don't know where to start....

How do I transform xml from axis2 services using jQuery and AJAX?

I'm running into a problem with axis2 and ajax. I'm getting xml from one of my web services with jQuery's ajax functions, and using this jquery plugin to transform the result xml to html. Here's an example of the relevant xml that the service returns. <ns:getPatientsByDoctorResponse> <ns:return type="com.emolst.jdbc.PatientBean"> ...

Replace JBoss error page with Axis2 fault XML response

I'm developing a webservice with Axis2 1.4.1 on JBoss 4.2.3/Tomcat 5.5.27 and Java 1.5.0 (15-b04). It works flawlessly but when an exception happens I get a JBoss error 500 HTML page instead of an Axis2 XML/SOAP fault. This behavoir is vexing, because it difficults to handle errors in the webservice client or in SoapUI while developing....

Construct a SOAP Request to a WebService using Axis2 Library in Java?

Hello, I need to be able to construct a SOAP request using Apache Axis2 and provide the IP address and user agent in the SOAP header to the webservice. Is there a code sample that describes how to do that? Thanks in advance for the help! Best wishes Ruchi Kaur. ...

How to call a web service from within a webservice

Hi, I am trying to create a web service which is a consumer to another webservice. Here is the layout.. I developed a java class and created a webservice out of it. Then i used eclipse tools to generate a client side stub and other files. I packed these files in a jar and used it in another project. I tested the files in the jar I w...

Does WCF FaultException<T> support interop with a Java web service Fault

I have written a java axis2 1.4.1 web service and .net 3.5 WCF client and I am trying to catch the wsdl faults thrown. Unlike .net 2.0 the .net 3.5 claims to support wsdl:fault and the service reference wizard does generate all the correct fault classes in the client proxy. But when I try to catch a fault it doesn't seem to correctly s...

Soap body is utf-8 encoded twice

We use a web service which expects UTF-8. The framework we use on the client is Apache Axis2. We call the web service and the soap body contains strings in UTF-8. The problem is that it seems like the body is "double encoded". I.e we have the character 'å'. The utf-8 representation of 'å' in utf-8 is C3 A5 however we see in our logs that...

Is it possible to use Axis 2 wsdl2java to generate client side code that uses HTTPS?

Using the default parameters, the axis 2 wsdl2java tool takes as input a wsdl file and generates a client side Java code that communicates with the SOAP endpoint using the HTTP protocol, like in the example below: wsdl2java -uri MyService.wsdl What I would like to know is if there is an input parameter that can be passed to wsdl2java ...

How can I get jcifs to play nicely with apache axis

I need to connect Apache Axis 1.4 to a Webservice that uses NTLM authentication to restrict access to its operations. I'm expecting to use Samba Jcifs to handle the NTLM handshake. I found which gives me fantastic directions for how to wire up HttpClient 4.0 with jcifs. Trouble is...

Does Apache Rampart work with maven?

In the project I'm working we are using maven to manage dependencies. However we are having problems with the apache rampart which is a security module to Axis2. We have tried to use the following dependencies tags: <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.rampart</groupId> <artifactId>rampart</artifactId> <version>1.3</version> <type>...

A good place to put autogenerated code?

We have bunch of autogenerated classes which are mostly Axis2 stubs, skeletons etc. For some complicated wsdls, Axis2 generates a TON of java-beans, stubs etc. And I am sure there are other cases too when auto generation is used. For now we treat these as other first class members of our code-base and they are stored in the same package...

Consume Axis2 Web Services in Visual Studio 2008

Hi everyone. I'm having a bit of trouble getting Visual Studio to play nicely with my Axis2 web service. The problem is very strange, although not a show stopper. If anything it is just annoying, and I'd really appreciate a way around this. The problem is that when using the web service in C# code, none of the parameters or return valu...

How to load repository path and axis2.xml using ConfigurationContext in web application?

When I use absolute path (example below) in web application for the repository location and axis2.xml, it works fine but if I change it to relative path it does not. Example: ConfigurationContext ctx = ConfigurationContextFactory.createConfigurationContextFromFileSystem("C:/myproject/repository" , "C:/myproject/conf/axis2.xml" ); How c...

Axis2 always receives null parameters even if SOAP request is sent correctly?

UPDATE: I HAVE SOLVED THIS PROBLEM NOW - PLEASE SCROLL TO BOTTOM FOR INFORMATION ABOUT FIX Hi guys, I have a web-service written in Java, hosted on an Axis2 / Tomcat / Apache server. My client software is written in C#. I have had a few irritating problems with the way java2wsdl generates the wsdl file, which did cause me a few headac...

Axis2 on server with different clients

Is it possible to run axis2 on the server and the clients sending the soap messages not use axis? This uses an in-out process. If so, have you seen any issues from doing this? ...

How to expose Red5's SharedObjects through SOAP

Edit: Obviously my first question was not really easy to understand, I hope the answer is usefull :) I have tried installing Axis2 on the Red5 server and everything went ok, I accessed the Red5 app properties from a custom Web Service using Red5's RTMPClient and exposed them through Axis2. The problem is that doing it that way I have a...

HOWTO override Axis2 request headers for .NET web service?

I have to use a 3rd party web service implemented in .NET 2.0 (on IIS, of course). I have to make a java client. I am using wsdl2java to generate the SOAP stub. As the original Apache Axis project now appears unmaintained, and I was having some problems parsing some responses from the service, I converted the client to use the latest ...

NullPointerException in SchemaParsingConfig.setFeature() running Axis2 WSDL2Java

In the process of my daily work, I am trying to use the WSDL and XSD from this article: as a template from which to generate some java code. My desire is to use the generated java code to in some way validate that my (to be) hand-rolled WSDL and schema are reasonably s...