
Axis2's wsdl2java fails on RPC/Encoded style web services.

Is there any alternative to Axis2? Or the way to make it work (different data binding, for example)? Retrieving document at '...'. Exception in thread "main" org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.CodeGenerationException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.CodeGenerati...

Problem using log4j with axis2

Hi there, I created a webservice on axis2 and I used log4j for logging purposes. I'm getting the following error any time a request comes in for this WS: log4j:ERROR A "org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender" object is not assignable to a "org.apache.log4j.Appender" variable. log4j:ERROR The class "org.apache.log4j.Appender" was loaded by l...

How to create a web wervice in java/Axis2 which should keep publishing data

Hi every one, I am a new to Axis2 and SOAP. I recently working on a Axis2 SOAP project, I have create a SOAP server and SOAP client by using java and axis2 implementing session scope. The problem is when I send a request, it returns response back only once. I am unable to make web service keep publishing data periodically untill the ses...

Should options in libraries or frameworks default to most commonly used value?

With reference to Reusing HTTP client objects Why would you not build this as a default option vs. requiring to add code like options.setProperty(HTTPConstants.REUSE_HTTP_CLIENT, "true"); AXIS2 being a web service engine framework makes it even more of a candidate to default this functionality. ...

c# client calling java axis2 web service, object "resets"

I am very new to web service stuff so please be kind. I have written a simple POJO class, and deployed it on an axis2 server: public class Database { private Project project; public void login(){ project = new Project(); project.setDescription("Hello there"); project.setName("To me"); } public Project ...

A JavaScript client for consuming Axis2 sevice

Hi, I have written a service using Axis2. Now I wish to consume it using a browser based client written in JavaScript. Would appreciate if some one could give any pointers on this. Thanks ...

Resolving axis2 and OC4J library conflicts.

I'm trying to deploy an Axis2 web service to an OC4J 10.1.3 app server. I was using axis 1.4 before and had just created my own shared library with all of the files. There was an issue with 1.4 that was patched with 1.5 so now I'm using that but it does not include all of the libraries. This time I deployed the axis2.war to the OC4J...

Axis2 versus Sun Metro

Could anyone please compare Axis2 and Sun metro web service based on following parameters? Speed Hot Deployment Flexibility Stability Composition and Extensibility Security Document availability and easy to use. ...

Starting an axis2 service programmatically

Hi, I'm programmatically starting a service in Axis 2 (1.5), like this: ConfigurationContext context = ConfigurationContextFactory.createConfigurationContextFromFileSystem(null, null); AxisConfiguration cfg = context.getAxisConfiguration(); Map<String, MessageReceiver> mrMap = new HashMap<String, MessageReceiver>(); mrMap.put("http://...

What is the best way to return big chunks of binary data from a webservice?

I am implementing a webservice that returns the content of binary files. The files are about 100MB big. The webservice and the client are build upon Axis2. What is the best joice for the return type of the method that returns the data? I tried byte[], but I always get OutOfMemoryErrors on the server side. Plus I am not very happy to ha...

Java Web Services - Is Axis Necessary?

Is AXIS or CFX necessary for Java web services? Can it be all done via the JSDK (1.6)? ...

Axis2 service using JAVA: Mapping qname not fond for package

I am developing a web service from an existing framework. Our framework has an abstract base class in package base and a derived class in package derived. A service class creates an instance of the object derived but in the signature it is returning base type. Here are the code snippets: Base Class: package base; public abstract class ...

Axis2 problem in setting SOAPAction HTTP header

Hi All, I am trying co connect to a 3'rd party SOAP web service. It seems that the service can work when the HTTP SOAPAction header is an empty String (""). This is the snippet of the wsdl: <wsdl:binding name="detailsRequestMessage" type="tns:UssdPortType"> <soap:binding style="document" transport="

How to do Basic Authentication with an Axis2 ADB Client?

Hey I'm trying to figure out how to do Basic Authentication with an ADB Axis2 version 1.5 Client. I'm trying the following: HttpTransportProperties.Authenticator basicAuth = new HttpTransportProperties.Authenticator(); basicAuth.setUsername(username); basicAuth.setPassword(password); final Options clientOptions = servic...

Axis2: extract explicit XML from strongly-typed response classes?

I have a legacy Java webservice based on Axis2. This webservice classes consist of: a service interface (generated from WSDL); an implementation of the service (written in-house); a bunch of autogenerated entity-like classes representing requests and responses. I also have a requirement to extract and cache part of one of the respons...

Client certificate in Axis2

I'm using Axis2 and need to attach a client certificate when I make requests to a specific Web Service. So far I haven't modified anything from the Axis2 configuration (axis2.xml or anything else), and I'd really prefer to keep it that way. The solution in C# is very straightforward: X509Certificate2 cert = new X509Certificate2(pathToC...

Axis2 implementing client side

I need to create connection to web service with axis2. I would like to know how can I convert recieved xmls to Java objects. Is there any good tutorials to learn how to do this? ...

Axis2 Webservice -> php

Hi! If I have understood Axis2 correct i can construct a WebService and then access it with any SOAP compatible client. I have a java class with a couple of methods that I have written in Eclipse, and then automatically constructed a service with the Axis2 plugin from WTP. This is the methods of my class. public int test(int i){ ...

Axis 2 WS-Interoperability Basic Profile 1.1

Can anyone point me towards an example of how to configure an Axis 2 web service so it is WS-Interoperability Basic Profile 1.1 compliant? ...

Web service logging not outputting, but not failing

I'm having trouble finding/getting any logging output from a web service. I have a web service running through axis2 in a Tomcat6 container, the .aar file contains this structure: root/ lib/ slf4j-api.jar slf4j-log4j12.jar log4j-1.2.jar com/ all of my classes META-INF/ ...