
Axis2 Web Services and Eclipse WSDL authoring: Adding an axis fault to wsdl causes exception when running wsdl2java

I am trying to create a contract-first Web Service using Apache Axis2 1.4.1. Since Eclipse has what seems like a pretty complete wsdl editor I started autoring my wsdls using Eclipse´s editor. Everything works great, I can generate Java classes using wsdl2java and the Web Services work when deployed. However, adding an exception or fault...

How to run a thread inside a webservice

Could someone help me on this, I have created simple web services using axis2 , apache and tomcat. This web service has a queue that keeps xml files sent from a client, so whenever a client calls a method on the webservice, the webservice loads this xml to its queue. Now I want to have a thread running in the webservice which monitors t...

Axis2 WebService and multiple ExceptionFault elements in WSDL

Hi! I am not AXIS2 expert, therefore I am using Eclipse to generate bottom - up webservice. I am publishing 2 methods as webservices. These methods are defined to throw java.lang.Exception in order to produce SOAPFault when calling webservice that ends with exception. public class sample { public String someMethod() throws Exception ...

Web client for Apache Axis2 web service.

Hi, I have this application written in java to calculate pageranks. And the application takes in a file in specified format, parses it , generates the network graph and adjacency matrix, calculates pageranks and displays the top 20 pageranks. This is a standalone app. I need to build a webservice for this app to be deployed on Tomcat u...

Parsing custom parameters from an Axis2 exposed POJO

I have a web service operation that I am exposing with Axis2. Let's say it's like this: public class MyService{ public String helloworld(String yourName){ return "Hello " + yourName; } } This is a pretty simple web service. My question is how do I parse more complex parameters? For example, I want to pass more than just stri...

Axis Web Service throws error: Exception occurred while trying to invoke service method

I am trying to invoke a web service that I have just hosted on out linux redhat server but it throws the error {}stackTrace:Exception occurred while trying to invoke service method + "methodname" I host the service in apache tomcat webserver The same service works fine when i host it in the windows xp environm...

Axis2 attachments are vanishing in the response

I am using axis2 to come up with a basic web service which will get the file name as parameter and produces a response SOAP packet which will have the file attached along with the SOAP. Here is the way I am creating the service code (its simple and inspired by Axis2 sample code) public String getFile(String name) throws IOException { M...

Axis2 embedded in my web app is not working

OKay I lost alsmost the whole day on this. I have a webapp where I would like to add AXIS2 and start working. I added AxisServlets in the web.xml file like - <servlet> <servlet-name>AxisServlet</servlet-name> <display-name>Apache-Axis Servlet</display-name> <servlet-class>org.apache.axis2.transport.http.Axis...

Variable number of arguments in an Axis2 POJO

I have a web service that I built with Axis2/Java. The web service will take in a list of objects and will process them. I'll use the following operation as an example. public class AddToDatabaseService{ public void addToDatabase(String name1, String name2, String name3, ....) { //add names to database } } I want the calle...

How to publish web service produced data file accessible via browser

I need to make available to browsers data file produced by my web service method. Indeed the web service method should return url to produced file. I'm working with axis2 on tomcat. ...

Can/should one disable namespace validation in Axis2 clients using ADB databinding?

I have an document/literal Axis 1 service which I'm consuming with an Axis 2 client (ADB databinding, generated from WSDL2Java). It receives a valid XML response, but in parsing that XML, I get the error "Unexpected Subelement" for any type which doesn't have a namespace defined in the response. I can resolve the error by manually changi...

Is it possible to run a php soap api operation in a web browser

In axis2 on Java it's possible to run operations in the browser by the way you send the url for example localhost:8080/axis2/services/SimpleService?wsdl could have operations implemented by writing urls like so localhost:8080/axis2/services/SimpleService/hello?param0=xxx My Question is can you do the same in PHP5 SoapServer where th...

WSDLs generated by Axis2 services can't be read by SoapUI or WSDL2Java

I'm converting some services from Apache SOAP to Axis2, so the Java service classes already exist. I created a new project in Eclipse, imported the source, made sure that the Axis2 project facets were installed, and Axis2 emitter properties are correct. Then, in Eclipse, I selected the service class and chose "Create Web Service," choosi...

Basic authentication in Axis2 WSDL2JAVA.bat

Hi Guys, I am using Axis2 for generating Client from WSDL Files, using WSDL2JAVA.bat i will generate java files from WSDL, the problem i am encountering is ***i cant pass username and password for the WSDL urls which has Basic Authentication to WSDL2JAVA.bat***. Kindly help. Thanks, Ramachandran ...

which web services stacks are supported on JBoss AS 5?

Hi, I've been trying to find this info in JBoss docs/forums/WIKIs - but could not get a concise answer to this question: Which web services stacks are supported (or you can make work on) in JBoss 5? I have a huge legacy app using Axis 1 web services which is running fine on WLS9.2. Now I have to migrate it to JBoss 5 and I have to deci...

Axis2 webservice (aar archive) properties file

Hi there, guys. I'm currently developing a set of SOAP webservices over Axis2, deployed over a clustered WebLogic 10.3.2 environment. My webservices use some user settings that I want to be editable without the need for recompiling and regenerating the AAR archive. With this in mind, I chose to put them into a properties file that is l...

traversal of multiple separate web services in a ring network

I am facing a design problem, here is some basic requirement: Aggregator 1. Separate service for blog,video,images and associations. 2. Each of the service should be completely separate, that means they run on separate tomcat. 3. And each aggregator must be able to query local database and other aggregators 4. Traversal of services mus...

how to design asynchronous web services

How to design asynchronous web services? That means each web service wait for the reply from another one asynchronously? Can anyone give me any clue? ...

Using Axis2 to perform operations on a remote system

I have a code that uses JMX API to connect to a remote system and query stats on a JMX Application, and return the results. This works fine from a main method. But, when I try to deploy the methods as web services using Axis2, I get NoClassFoundException for one of the classes in the jar (imported as external Jar in Eclipse). There are...

Log axis2 client requests and responses

I would like to log all requests/responses made by an axis2 client. I tried to create a file called client-config.wsdd as describer in;answer=15137 but without success (I don't get a log file). Requests are made over https and I am not sure if it matters. I tried <transport name="h...