Position of the sun given time of day, and lat/long
Anyone want to share some nice code that gives the position of the sun (elevation and azimuth) given latitude and longitude and time of day ? And date, of course. ...
Anyone want to share some nice code that gives the position of the sun (elevation and azimuth) given latitude and longitude and time of day ? And date, of course. ...
I seem to have asked my question wrong so here goes again I'll try to be more to the point. Is the top answer on this page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/257717/position-of-the-sun-given-time-of-day-and-lat-long the solution to the question asked or is more needed? Thanks ...
I found the solution for this question in C#, but I can't translate it to a single query T-SQL, since my C# implementation requires branching (if then else). I also found the following C# solution, which could be translated to a single query T-SQL but it doesn't produce the correct results public static double GetAzimuth(WGSCoord c1, W...