
Where can I get a list of Unicode chars by class?

I'm new to learning Unicode, and not sure how much I have to learn based on my ASCII background, but I'm reading the C# spec on rules for identifiers to determine what chars are permitted within Azure Table (which is directly based on the C# spec). Where can I find a list of Unicode characters that fall into these categories: letter-c...

How do I determine the on-the-wire size of my batch before I submit it to Azure Table?

I understand that Azure Table will allow me to post up to 100 items at a time within the same partition. My question is how to I determine that the n-th object added to my batch will cause the maximum on-the-wire size to be exceeded? If this is about to occur, I'll simply save the current batch as-is, and append the new data. On a rel...

How can I tell if a given object has been saved using ADO.NET?

If I have a new object, that is not context.Saved() in ADO.NET, how can I tell that apart from another object that hasn't been saved? I'm going to use this information to determine how to handle my custom autoincrement feature. If the object has been saved to the database, I'll make a roundtrip to the database server. If the object ha...

How can I use fiddler between my local WebRole and local Table Storage?

I have a Webrole that is updating Azure Table storage, and I'd like to force Fiddler to see it. What needs to be done to make this happen? ...

How do I select 50 to 100 rows from Azure Table using the StorageClient?

I need to select several rows within a single partition of Azure Tables for later update. Since they all have the same PartitionKey, how do I structure my query to select multiple RowKeys? I'm interested in what the raw (on the wire) query should look like, and if possible the Linq query as well. I attempted this on my own and started...

How do I load test Azure Table to 500 IOPS or greater?

I want to test the claim that Microsoft has for Azure Table Storage Partitions. They say that they get 500 IOPS per partition... but I want to see for myself and also look at how the storage client library will react to an overloaded partition. Since I've seen various issues with the servicePointManager and other items regarding this,...

How do I do a free text search in Azure Table Storage?

I have a solution with a Azure table storage with up to a few tusands "rows" per customer (partition key). How do I best do a lightning fast free text search? Because of the nature of the data I'm not able to do a hole word search (eg. a search for "zur" should match "Azure"). ...

Does the Azure table storage API cache results?

When I run the same query multiple times against the Azure table storage, is it using caching and speeding up the subsequent queries? In other words, is it caching the HTTP response? ...

How can I update Azure Table Storage resource by implementing IDataServiceUpdateProvider?

I am trying to expose an editable Azure Table Storage table. (If it matters: to Win Phone 7 via the OData Client Lib CTP.) On the server side, I have a DataServiceContext : TableServiceContext, IDataServiceUpdateProvider I can add and delete objects, but when I try to update a resource, SaveChanges() does not appear to "pick up" the val...