
Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 myTODO Error message

I have downloaded the myTODO Azure sample application and when trying to run it locally I am receiving the following very puzzling error message. The item "..\MyTodo.WebUx\MyTodo.WebUx.csproj" in item list "ProjectReferenceWithConfiguration" does not define a value for metadata "Configuration". In order to use this metadata, either q...

.NET Profiler for Azure ?

Does anyone know of a .NET profiler which works with Azure to figure out code bottlenecks. I have tried to integrate dotTrace profiler - but haven't had any success. Does anyone know of any that work with Azure ? Seems something which is very needed ? ...

Is it possible to run Native C++ code in Windows Azure?

I have an application written in native C++ which intends intensive computation. In fact I'm interested only in result of computation, i.e. it can be done without GUI or be controlled by some .Net service/application. Can I run it in Microsoft's Cloud? How can I do it? ...

WebRole in Azure Dev Fabric seems to be running with Integrated Authentication

I have a Azure WebRole running in VS2008, and whenever I launch it using Dev Fabric, the browser pops up an authentication dialog - which I can log in with my local account credentials. My web.config is set to forms auth, and if I run the WebRole directly (without dev fabric) it works no problem. Does anybody know how to configure th...

Windows azure deployment question, deploying just the new / updated content

I have an ASP.NET application that is deployed in Windows Azure. The application has a lot of images and static content, due to which the package file is big in size. If just add a new aspx page, is there a way that i can just deploy the new aspx page or i do need to package & deploy the whole content again? ...

Is Azure good for hosting a beginner Silverlight project?

I want to learn a bit of Silverlight by writing a simple proof-of-concept RIA. I am looking for hosting that is free and has minimal IT/configuration concerns. I see that Azure has a free introductory special. Is it advisable to go with Azure, or is there another, simpler offering out there? (I have intermediate web dev experience (Djan...

Why Azure Web Role by default runs in the Full Trust?

When I create an Azure ASP.NET application, by default .NET trust level is Full trust. I always change it to Windows Azure partial trust which is similar to ASP.NET's medium trust level. You can do it either by using GUI when you select Properties on the Role or by setting enableNativeCodeExecution to false in the definition file (.csd...

Windows Azure hosting charges for non-commercial dev demo application?

In windows azure CTP evaluation, i got invitation to open 19 hosted services. I have utilized about 10 of them to put small cloud sample (non-commercial) application. When the azure goes into production, would i get charged for it? If yes, any idea how? ...

Does Windows Azure support Silverlight Sockets

Is it possible to open socket connections running on an Azure server from a Silverlight app. If so, are their any examples ...

microsoft azure and silverlight

I am interested in developing a site similar to youtube. I want to have a site that users upload videos. I imagine technically the website would upload the video to the azure cloud. Where the file will automatically be encoded to silverlight and hosted. Can azure host my site, take care of encoding and host the videos all programmatic...

Elmah does not log any error message

Ok, I do not know why Elmah is not logging any errors while deployed on Windows Azure. Another thing is that it used to work before. The environment is the same. using SqlErrorLog on Sql Azure Sql Azure sharing the same database as the main site. I did not use a separate database so I can use the same connection string. building off t...

Can Text-to-speech work on Windows Azure ?

I've got a web app that converts text to audio using Microsoft .NET Speech library (System.Speech). i want to know if this app can be migrated to Windows Azure, and if Azure can still allow me to use the System.speech namespace without any problem ? ...

How to create Client certificates for Azure?

I have created HTTPS endpoint for my Cloud application (using Self signed certificate). One of the requirements of my application is requirement of Client Certificate. When i run my application i do not see a list of Client Certificates to choose from. Does anyone have any idea on what Client Certificates are required & how they can be ...

Windows Azure role is state full or not

According to MSDN, an azure service can conatins any number of worker roles. According to my knowledge a worker role can be recycled at any time by Windows Azure Fabric. If it is the true, then: Worker role should be state less OR Worker role should persist its state to Windows Azure storage services. But i want to make a service whi...

ASP.NET MVC Routing in Azure

I have an Azure Web Role project that was recently MVC'd by another developer. According to the developer the app works with no problem when run on it's own (i.e. as a simple web app). However, when I try to run it in the context of the Azure cloud service, I'm seeing a number of 404 errors. I suspect something is not quite right with th...

Azure - Self service user creation

I am designing / building a solution, in order to learn Azure. First requirement is that users should be able to register themselves, login and have a change password / forgotten passord functionality. Is there some standard functionality that gives this? For example is it included in ASP.Net MVC2, and will that run on the current vers...

Unable to run "HelloWorld" Azure sample in Development Fabric

I am trying to run the sample "HelloWorld" Azure application in the Development Fabric on my Windows 7 development machine. It compiles successfully, I can see it start up as the "Windows Azure Simulation Environment" appears in the status bar and when I bring up the DF UI I can see that a HelloWorld_WebRole is running but I get the foll...

Silverlight - partial or progressive loading large images for thumbnails?

Hello, I have some large images (in MB's) that I would like to view as thumbnails quickly (in KB's). I would like to avoid storing 2 images on the server (one for the large image and one for the thumbnail). The images are stored with Azure blobs I've looked into deepzoom it doesn't seem to handle dynamic images. EDIT: The content ty...

Configuring both webHTTP and NetHTTP bindings over SSL in WCF on Azure

We would like to expose our WCF services over REST and also over TCP securing them both with SSL. We have a valid SSL uploaded to Azure and the proper mapping setup so that going to works as it should. I have setup two endpoint bindings, webHttpBinding for the REST services and a customBinding of type NetH...

reading/writing files to Windows Azure storage using Objective C

Does anyone know of any good resources or tutorials on how to write files to Windows Azure and read the files using Objective C? (for an iPhone app) Thanks! ...