
Best way to change the background color for an NSView

I'm looking for the best way to change the background color of an NSView. I'd also like to be able to set the appropriate alpha mask for the NSView. Something like: myView.backgroundColor = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0.227f green:0.251f blue:0.337 alpha:0.8]; I notice that NSWindow has this method, and I'm not a big fan of the ...

UItableviewcell makes label's background clear when highlighted

I have a UIlabel on a UItabelViewCell, which I've created programmatically (ie not a nib or a subclass). When the cell is highlighted (goes blue) it makes all the background colors of the UILabels turn clear I have 2 UILabels where I don't want this to be the case. Currently I m using UIImageViews behind the UILabel's to make it look l...

iPhone 3.1.3: All my UIButtons and UITableRowViews are now gray

Not sure how this happened, but all of the UITableRowViews and roundrect-style UIButtons in my app—spanning a dozen or so views—are now all gray instead of white. Unfortunately, I have no idea how this happened. (In fact, I had no idea it was possible to do this.) Explicitly setting the button's or tableRowView's background color to whi...

How to make selection color be "on top" when background color for any text element is set in Visual Studio 2010 editor

Faced problem while setting background color for any element in Visual Studio 2010 editor. Selection color doesn't override this background color. So then it's very inconvenient to work with selections in editor. Case when only string literal is selected it's almost impossible to distinguish colors and see what part of string is select...

Swing JButton don't change background color onclick

I want the button on click it never change the background color, by default the color will change to light blue grey color. So this is my code JButton b = new JButton(); b.setBackground(SystemColor.control); I want the button when on click it will never change the background color. ...

How to change the background color of cell containing subreport in RDLC report

I have an rdlc report containing two sub-reports in the same row (side by side). I am using alternating color for rows (setting background-color to "=iif(RowNumber(Nothing) mod 2, "Gainsboro", "White")") but when the one report is shorter than the other (a common occurrence), the background color of the cell containing the sub-report ha...

How to make a transparent background without background image ?

I would like a div to have a transparent background. I tried to do this using background-color and opacity, but the problem is that the border and the text inside become also transparent. Example here. Is this possible to achieve this without using transparent PNG background image ? ...

Is there a wxpython list widget that displays alternating row colours even when the list is empty?

Is there a wxpython list widget that displays alternating row colours even when empty the list is empty? or Is there even one that will display a background colour(other than white) when it is empty? ...

Compiling MXML with ANT - default-background-color not working

When I compile an .as file with MXMLC via ANT Build and set the default-background-color and default-frame-rate compiler options everything works fine. However, when I compile the main Application file of a Flex Project ( .mxml ) these options are not working or are not visible in the output when I launch. The framerate returns as NaN an...

Jquery, getting .css "background-color" in #000000 format?

I'm using a jquery plugin that seems to need the color in "000000" format but when I do this: currentcolor = $("#" + dividediting).css("background-color"); I get the output as: rgb(0,0,0) I'm wondering if there is a way to change the way it outputs or if I have to use regex to parse the result to get it to the needed format.. thank...

Coloring a range of cells in Excel using VBA

I have a spreadsheet that I use at work to keep track of returned contracts. I've set up a color key so I can quickly glance at the sheet to see which contracts still need to be returned to us and which account manager the account belongs to. The account manager's initials are listed in column A; from there I would like to color the ...

How to set background for alternating rows in ListView C# .net 2.0

How would I set the background color for for alternating rows (say: 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th...) in a ListView using .net 2.0. ...

Setting list item background color loses highlighting

Hi, I've created an inbox Activity and I'm mirroring some functionality of the default Mail application that comes with Android. In Mail, the background color of a message that has not been read is a lighter color than the rest of the items in the list. I've mirrored this by setting calling setBackgroundResource in the getView method ...

CSS Background Property - Shorthand vs Long form

As I understand it, when you use the shorthand property background, the browser first sets all background properties to their default values and then puts in the values that you're declaring. Is it then better to use background-color:white; instead of background:white? Does this change when you are putting in more values such as backgrou...

Change stage background color in AS3?

Hi guys... I am using pure AS3 to build my project. I was wondering if there are anyways to change the stage background color through AS3...Thanks for the help.... ...

Fixed width div losing its background-color upon resizing the browser window.

I am creating a blog based on the 960 grid system. It has three simple divs: header 2. Content 3. Footer and each of them has a fixed width div which holds 2-3 columns of text. The content div, and the fixed width div inside it have the same background color, but when i reduce the size of the browser window, for some reason it ignores...

Nested UIScrollView like photo apps having issues when changing orientation

Hi, I have implement a nested UIScrollView based on apple developer website sample. It works fine until I turned on the orientation change. When it rotates, there will be some white color coming out during the rotation animation. And it will go away once the loading is completed. I have tried to set the backgroundcolor to black for bot...

CSS background-color precedence

I'm changing the colors of a table rows on hover with jQuery and I've noticed that in the following instances I get different results. The CSS is as follows: .normalcolor { background-color: #dedede; } .reddishcolor { background-color: #ffc59c; } .hovercolor { background-color: #f1e1c0; } Now, I'm doing the hover effect w...

jquery set height AFTER load

I am having a little trouble setting the height of an element that I am loading in dynamically. I use the jquery load function to load an external (dynamic) page into a div (#cbox) on my current page. Because this subpage is dynamic, I can't know beforehand what the height of the content is. I want to get the height, once content is loa...

CSS3 PIE backgound color transparency

i am using CSS3 PIE for adding Css3 Rules to IE .. its great but i have a little problem now m using a semi transparent image for the background and automatically adds a gray background. "background-color:Transparent;" is not working for me so my question is this how can i use CSS3 PIE with transparent backg...