
Need help on Backgroundworker

*Note:Rephrasing my question based on user's comments. Need help on how to use .Net's Backgroundworker thread for the following purpose to increase UI responsiveness and performance in my .Net winforms application. When user clicks "Calculate" button in UI form,I'm doing this: 1.Get a list of categories C from database[this is typicall...

How can I create WPF Window in BackgroundWorker?

Hello guys! Can anybody explain me, how can I create WPF Window in BackgroundWorker thread without errors? I have some class (WPF Window): public partial class Captcha : Window { public Captcha() { InitializeComponent(); } private void SendCaptchaBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs ...

How do i add values to my list box while my background proccessing is going on?

Hi. I am creating an application.and i am scanning files of a drive to search a particular pattern my progress bar is getting updated and at the end all the file names are listed in the list box.i want the all those files to be listed immediately as soon as its found that they contain the pattern. I'm using BackgroundWorker ...


hi,how to maintain a foreground thread along with background thread. if i try to add items to the list in do work, it's giving me a cross thread exception. ...

Manipulating a Form from a BackgroundWorker

I have a MainWindow (form1) and a class called Module In Module there is a method to create a new Backgroundworker and change a label in MainWindow. I have tried creating a public or internal method in the MainWindow code and calling it in the Module class but it doesn't seem to work. Can anyone help me figure this out, it's just somet...

Best way for Background processing in PHP based application

I am working on a huge php application with Zend framework, in that project we need to process files and create thumbnails for images, videos, documents for which we are using imagemagick, ffmpeg, openoffice in background process. To make the process optimized and fast with minimum resources I am thinking of implementing this process usi...

Locking an OData DataServiceContext when calling from multiple BackgroundWorkers

I have a Silverlight 4 application that connects to an OData service. My model is submitting multiple queries to the service in parallel and in the query callback I am processing the results using a backgroundworker. This works great if I am making one call, but as soon as I make more than one call in parallel - sometimes it works - bu...

Updating an Image UI property from a BackgroundWorker thread.

In a WPF application I'm writing, I have a TransformedBitmap property which is bound to an Image object on the UI. Whenever I change this property, the Image is updated (and thus the image being displayed to the screen is updated). In order to prevent the UI from freezing or becoming unresponsive whilst I retrieve the next image, I'm a...

How do I update the progress bar one step, every loop cycle? C#

Creating a .net application in C#, windows forms. How do I update the progress bar 1 step every cycle of a 100 cycle loop? (I’m processing an excel sheet in the loop.) The progress bar controls are in the UI class which connects to the controller class which connects to a custom class (MVC pattern). The loop is in the custom class. Do I...

WPF DataGrid - update image in column using BackgroundWorkerProcess

I have a datagrid with a template column. The template has an image: <Image HorizontalAlignment="Left" Name="ImageProduct" Stretch="None" VerticalAlignment="Center" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" Source="{Binding Path=ProductImage, Mode=OneWay}" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="Hi...

Running animation in background worker

Hi, I m developing an application in vb 2008, and using background worker to copy file(s). I have my own designed form which plays an animationon on the top of the form along with copy. For playing animation i m using "AxMSComCtl2.AxAnimation", on execution i get "ActiveX control '' cannot be instantiated because the current thread is ...

WPF BackgroundWorker vs. Dispatcher

In my WPF application I need to do an async-operation then I need to update the GUI. And this thing I have to do many times in different moment with different oparations. I know two ways to do this: Dispatcher and BackgroundWorker. Because when I will chose it will be hard for me to go back, I ask you: what is better? What are the reaso...

How to wait for BackgroundWorker to finish and then exit console application

I have written a sample console application to test backgroundworker using one of the examples posted here in Stackoverflow. I have a backgroundworker which start with the main method but its ending in the middle of the operation if I press enter because I have written a console.readkey in the main method. But I want it to wait till the ...

Is it possible to update the UI from the backgroundworker dowork event

I have seen others with a similar issue but not quite what I was looking for. In the backgrounderworker class dowork event I create an instance of a new class and call one of it's function. Previously, I had this code in a windows.form.timer tick event and would pass a delegate in as one of the parameters which would allow the function...

Working with Grid using BackgroundWorker

I have a GridControl which I populate using a BackgroundWorker. Then I'm using another BackgroundWorker to perform some calculations on the dataset which is the datasource of the GridControl. As I'm trying to do this a cross thread operation on the GridControl error is thrown. I'm unable to understand that despite not performaing any ope...

Effect of IsBackground on .Net Threads?

I know that when the main method is running and the only other threads that are running are background threads then the application exits. Other than delaying program termination or not, does a backgrounded thread do anything differently or respond differently than a non-backgrounded thread? ...

Switch to background thread and continue method execution

I have a deserialization method (XML) that functions well until it gets to X number of objects. Below X, the time is takes to deserialize is acceptable and the UI being blocked is not a problem. However, if the number of objects is greater than X (relatively unlikely, but possible), then the load time is too long. Is it possible to jump ...

Long-running computations in node.js

I'm writing a game server in node.js, and some operations involve heavy computation on part of the server. I don't want to stop accepting connections while I run those computations -- how can I run them in the background when node.js doesn't support threads? ...

Advice on background processing in .net...

Hello, I have a webpage that reads data from an external source. It can take awhile to retrieve the data. I was wondering if someone could give me an idea on the best way to have this happen in the background. I would like the page to come up and display 'Processing' (or somthing like that) in the panel where the data will eventually...

Ruby background jobs octopus

I remember seeing a ruby application for managing background jobs, I just forgot the name and I cannot find it anymore. I remember it having a nice homepage with a big picture of a blue octopus handling many jobs. Anyone have an idea? I think it supported RabbitMQ too. Anyone have an idea? ...