
Is thread-local storage persisted between backgroundworker invocations?

Are backgroundworker threads re-used? Specifically, if I set a named data slot (thread-local storage) during the DoWork() method of a backgroundworker, will the value of that data slot persist, potentially to be found be some other thread at a later time? I wouldn't have thought so, but I have this bug... EDIT: This blog post suggests...

Using BackgroundWorker or Threading for high performance

Hi all, How can use BackgroundWorker or Threading for my code. I update TreeView (Winforms) and I call WCF service. Any suggestions please. Kind regards. Thanks in advance AdministradorUILogging.TrazarDebug("PanelArbolFicheros. tslGuardarArbol_Click") Dim listaFichero As New List(Of Fichero) Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = Cursors.Wa...

C# This BackgroundWorker is currently busy and cannot run multiple tasks concurrently

I get this error if I click a button that starts the backgroundworker twice. "This BackgroundWorker is currently busy and cannot run multiple tasks concurrently" How can I avoid this? Thanks ...

Progress bar in uploading Xml file.

Hi, i want to use a background thread for the process of loading the XML data, possibly with a progress bar to let the user know that the application is actively doing something. i have written this code through searching the net. i want to load a XML tree in treeview on winform when a user cliks a Browse button. In case of a large XML ...

Running class as new thread

I want to start a job in a new thread or using backgroundworker to do it but havent done that before and asking you wich way I should do it. My program has a datagridview with a list of files, one file per row. I want the user to be able to select a row and then press "Start download" to start a background job of the download. I want t...

Backgroundworker abort

Hi, I recently tried to use backgroundworker instead of "classic" threads and I'm realizing that it's causing, at least for me, more problems than solutions. I have a backgroundworker running a synchronous read (in this case from serialPort) and getting blocked around 30 seconds in 1 code line, then cancellationpending isn't the solutio...

How do I properly cancel and restart a BackgroundWorker process?

Users of my application type HTML into a TextBox control. I want my application to validate their input in the background. Because I don't want to hammer the validation service, I've tried to build in a one-second delay before each validation. However, I don't seem to be able to correctly interrupt an already-running BackgroundWorker ...

WPF background worker not recognizing worker object

I have the following code that adds a background worker into a WPF project: Imports System Imports System.ComponentModel Imports System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker Imports System.IO Imports System.Threading Imports System.Net Imports System.Windows Imports System.Windows.Controls Imports System.Windows.Data Imports System.Win...

Threading and ArcGIS

Hi! I have just stumbled across the Backgroundworker object, and it seems like the tool I'm looking for to make my GUI responding while performing calculations. I am writing IO plugins for ArcGIS. I am doing some data processing outside ArcGIS, which works fine using the backgroundworker. But when I'm inserting the data into ArcGIS, th...

Background Worker Event Handling

I've been struggling with event handling in backgroundworker threads. All the documentation I've come across make me believe that when a DoWork event handler throws an exception that exception should be dealt with in the RunWorkerCompleted handler and that exception will be available in the Error property of the RunWorkerCompletedEvent...

Please help me solve my W3C validation API timeout issue

I'm using the W3C validation service to check that the text I type into a TextBox is valid markup. It's almost working. But, under particular conditions my input results in an error and then endless timeout exceptions. I have to close an re-open the program to get it working again. Please glance over my code and help me to solve th...

reusing the backgroundworker more than once

i am using the background worker to do an expensive operation: backgroundWorker1.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(backgroundWorker1_DoWork); backgroundWorker1.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(backgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged); backgroundWorker1.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(backgroundWorker1...

BackgroundWorker Thread in IIS7 - FAIL!

Just wondering if anyone has had any trouble using a BackgroundWorker Thread in a site running under IIS 7 in Integrated Pipeline mode? I am trying to use such a beast to update the database schema (admin function, obviously), and it works perfectly in Cassini, but when I deploy to IIS 7, the thread gets about one line of code in and si...

When ThreadPool allocate a thread to an instance of Backgroundworker?

If i am not wrong, Backgroundworker in .NET will get a thread from CLR ThreadPool, in order to perform background task. I would like to instantiate a collection or list of backgroundworker objects. However, not all the objects in the collection will be invoked in the sametime. So what worry me is that if i have a collection of 10 backgro...

Progress Bar not updating

I have the following piece of code to write data to an XML file. private void WriteResidentData() { int count = 1; status = "Writing XML files"; foreach (Site site in sites) { try { //Create the XML file StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(path + "\\sites\\" + si...

Generify-ing The .NET Background Worker

We're working on a Windows App that periodically has to launch operations which may take some time. We've gotten into a pattern of having these operations run on a BackgroundWorker, and writing up a quick WinForm for each operation, where you pass in to the form the necessary parameters, the form wires up the BackgroundWorker and makes ...

impersonation and BackgroundWorker

Hello guys, I have a little bit of a problem when trying to use the BackgroundWorker class with impersonation. Following the answers from google, I got this code to impersonate public class MyImpersonation{ WindowsImpersonationContext impersonationContext; [DllImport("advapi32.dll")] public static extern int Log...

BackgroundWorker and Threads

What are the pros and cons in using the either for achieving a given task. The million dollar question is which one to use and when? Many Thanks. ...

C#/.NET: Testing BackgroundWorker with NUnit

This test fails when it is run with the NUnit console runner. It works if I run just that test with TestDriven.NET, but not if I run the entire suite with TestDriven.NET: [Test] public void BackgroundWorkerFiresRunWorkerCompleted() { var runner = new BackgroundWorker(); ManualResetEvent done = new ManualResetEvent(false); runner.R...

WPF Wait Cursor With BackgroundWorker Thread

I want to show the hourglass cursor and disable the window while a BackgroundWorker process runs in another thread. This is what I'm doing: Private Sub MyButton_Click(...) Dim box As New AnotherWpfWindow() box.Owner = Me ... box.ShowDialog() If (box.DialogResult.GetValueOrDefault = True) Then Me.IsEnabled = ...