
Restart background worker

Is there a way to directly "restart" a background worker? Calling CancelAsync() followed by RunWorkerAsync() clearly won't do it as their names imply. Background info: I have a background worker which calculates a total in my .net 2.0 Windows Forms app. Whenever the user modifies any value which is part of this total I'd like to restart...

Creating a WPF Window from a WinForms BackgroundWorker

I have a WPF dll that contains a number of Window classes and exposes methods that display those windows. I also have a separate WinForms project that is calling one of those methods in the WPF project inside the DoWork method of a BackgroundWorker component. On the line of code that instantiates a WPF Window, I get the following runti...

Canceling Worker threads in winforms

I've got two list boxes, one a master, the other a child. When the index changes on the master, the child listbox gets filled appropriately with records relating to the master. My problem is coming up when one master takes a long time to get all the records and before it has completed getting the records, a user clicks a different mast...

BackgroundWorker and Timer, handling one item at a time

My app monitors a directory where users can upload a file. When a new file is detected it is added to a queue. I have a timer that runs through the queue and determines if the file has finished uploading. If there are any files that are complete it will take the most recent and begin running a background task (using BackgroundWorker). M...

BackgroundWorker giving problem in C# while adding item in Listbox?

Hi, I have a listbox in which i have to give minimum 2 files for merging. the merging is done when i click Merge button.The progress bar starts and the message box appears That the files has been merged.i am using background worker to run the progress bar. Now the problem is when the merging is done with 2 files,i add one more file,C...

How do I "Thread.Join" a BackgroundWorker?

Say I'm showing the user a form, and using a BackgroundWorker to do some work behind the scenes. When the user clicks OK, I cannot continue until the BackgroundWorker has completed. If it hasn't finished when the user clicks Ok, I want to show a WaitCursor until it has, and then continue. What's the best way to implement this? I know ...

How to buffer output from a .net BackgroundWorker ?

I have a stream of data coming in from an external source which I currently collect in a BackgroundWorker. Each time it gets another chunk of data, it presents that data to a GUI using a ReportProgress() call. I get the impression that the ProgressChanged function is just a synchronisation mechanism though so when my worker thread calls...

Unhandled exceptions in BackgroundWorker

I have a small WinForms app that utilizes a BackgroundWorker object to perform a long-running operation. The background operation throws occasional exceptions, typically when somebody has a file open that is being recreated. Regardless of whether the code is run from the IDE or not .NET pops up an error dialog informing the user that a...

Backgroundworker : exception during cancellation

I have a background worker wich can be cancelled. The normal flows interrupt itself when the CancelPending variable turns to true (responding to user interaction on UI wich call worker.CancelAsynch() ) , exceptions are thrown because if that (since normal flow is interrupted, lots of null ref exception are thrown) So when the worker r...

Sort of scheduler

I need to implement something. Something that could do some certain task in my program. For example every ten seconds, write something into a log in a file. Of course it suppose to run in a background thread. Where should I dig? I am not so familiar with multithreading. I've heard about BackgroundWorker class, but I'm not sure if it is ...

Please help me make this code thread safe

I've got a bit of a problem with making my data loading and filtering thread safe. The following code on my control's base class which handles all the data population through a BackgroundWorker. This tends to throw the error on "this.DataWorker.RunWorkerAsync()" saying that the BackgroundWorker is busy. /// <summary> /// Handles the po...

Run as daemon.

I have a simple program to load data. In the server I don't want to install apache or any webserver. I try to put it as a background service with And subclassing: (from class Daemon: def start(self): ...

Redraw Toolstrip based on selections

I have been asked to write c# winforms app that will give users the ability to select options from a checkbox list and have it automatically redraw/repaint a toolstrip with the selected items. I am new to winforms so I am not sure how to approach it. Should I be using the BackgroundWorker Process? Invalidate()? Just alittle confused....

WPF BackgroundWorker ListView Filter Issue

I have a WPF ListView that I am trying to filter within a BackgroundWorker. My code is shown below: Dim Worker As New BackgroundWorker AddHandler Worker.DoWork, AddressOf Me.FilterAsync Me.TextBoxText = Me.TextBox.Text Worker.RunWorkerAsync(Me.TextBox) Private Sub FilterAsync(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DoWorkEventArgs) ' ...

What's the best way to organize worker processes in Rails?

I frequently have some code that should be run either on a schedule or as a background process with some parameters. The common element is that they are run outside the dispatch process, but need access to the Rails environment (and possibly the parameters passed in). What's a good way to organize this and why? If you like to use a part...

GUI not responding while fetching data

My application often fetch data from a webpage using WebRequest, but it isn't possible to click buttons etc while it's fetching. I've understood that I have to use threads/a backgroundworker, but I can't get it to work properly; it doesn't make the GUI more respondable. The code I want to apply some kind of threading on, so that it sto...

WinForms UI responsiveness when dealing with "heavy" data.

I'm modifying a windows form to allow data to be loaded in the background while the UI remains responsive. The data takes noticeable time to both retrieve and bind. Ideally, I would do both in the background, but there is some ambiguity about what kind of UI updates I should be doing in the background (as in outside the main thread). ...

How to add a BackgroundWorker RunWorkerCompleted event through reflection?

Normally I would go: bgwExportGrid.RunWorkerCompleted += ReportManager.RunWorkerCompleted; The ReportManager class is a static class containing the event handler I want to use. public static class ReportManager { public static void RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { ... ...

Threading using BackgroundWorker

I have a scenario. I have a list of user id's displayed on the windows form. As soon as I click one of the user id's I go and get the user details from the DB. To retain the responsiveness of the application, on selection changed event of the listbox, I create new BackgroundWorker(BW) objects and hit the DB. I show 'Searching user 'abc'....

Is there a limit on Background Workers? Technical or Common Sense...

In Program.cs I have the below method that is checking and the Syncing 5 SQL db's with the central server. Each one is separate from the other so I thought to speed up my program's load time by having them all run at the same time. Unfortunately it is very flaky working one time then not the next. The local DB is SQLExpress 2005 and the...