
linux command line graphics display

What I'm trying to accomplish: On Ubuntu 10.04 I'd like to display a small notification image in the corner of the screen and have the image fade out. I'd like to do it from the command line for use with bash scripts. Similar to "notify-send", "zenity", or "dialog" except it displays images as well. What I've found so far: ImageMagi...

Is there a hook in Bash to find out when the cwd changes?

I am usually using zsh, which provides the chpwd() hook. That is: If the cwd is changed by the cd builtin, zsh automatically calls the method chpwd() if it exists. This allows to set up variables and aliases which depend on the cwd. Now I want to port this bit of my .zshrc to bash, but found that chpwd() is not recognized by bash. Is a ...

In Bash, how do I safely determine what a soft link points to?

I need to process a number of directories, determine what files in them are symlinks, and what they link to. This sounds simple, but I have no control over the presence of control or other characters in the file names, and I need a robust solution. So, given a file of arbitrary name, how do I safely determine what it links to, when the ...

Bash workingdirectory use as variable

Hey there, I need to some homework ... The Question is : How can you print the path of the current directory (working directory) and how can you use it as a variable? The first part of the question is easly answered: pwd But how can I use it as a variable ? ...

Detect system load with emphasis on "swap thrashing" in Linux

I crafted a Bash prompt that, When the working directory is a Git repository, displays the name of the current repository. Besides, it contains the current ongoing task and the time spent doing it (from a homebrew timekeeping tool). This, of course, means that just displaying the prompt means running two processes. This has the drawback...

Bash Multiplying Decimal to int

I read price from user input. When i multiply the input with int like this T="$((PRICE*QTY))"|bc; gives line 272: 12.00: syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is ".00") or .50 depending on user input. How do i multiply these two variables and get a total with 2 decimal points? ...

awk shell script help

Hi i have the output of cat /proc/loadavg and /proc/meminfo MemFree: 1191220 kB i need a to know who will i get a script to get then added in a logfile every 5 mins. eg: CPU; Mem; 10.0; 1191220 and so on so the next entry will be below that eg: CPU; Mem 10.0; 1191220 5.0; 2229882 Thanks in advance ...

Getting parameters from a file via shell script into python script in the right format

I have the following shell script: #! /bin/sh while read page_section page=${page_section%%\ *} section=${page_section#* } #NOTE: `%* }` is NOT a comment wget --quiet --no-proxy$page -O html.tmp & wait # echo ${page_section%%\ *} # verify correct string chopping # echo ${page_section#* } # verify ...

Bash: Execute script on file save?

I'd like to use Bash to run a test suite automatically when I save any file in a given directory. Is there a mechanism for bash to execute a given script on save events? Thanks. ::EDIT:: I should have mentioned that I'm on using OSX. ...

Checking a string to see if it contains numeric character in UNIX

Hi, I'm new to UNIX, having only started it at work today, but experienced with Java, and have the following code: #/bin/bash echo "Please enter a word:" read word grep -i $word $1 | cut -d',' -f1,2 | tr "," "-"> output This works fine, but what I now need to do is to check when word is read, that it contains nothing but letters and ...

Is it possible to override hashbang/shebang path behavior

I have a bunch of scripts (which can't be modified) written on Windows. Windows allows relative paths in its #! commands. We are trying to run these scripts on Unix but Bash only seems to respect absolute paths in its #! directives. I've looked around but haven't been able to locate an option in Bash or a program designed to replace and ...

Translate & to %20%26%20

I know I can translate upper to lower case letters by echo 'linux' | tr "a-z" "A-Z" who would I translate or replace an occurrence of & with %20%26%20. Maybe something like this echo '&' | tr "&" "%20%26%20" ...

Adding spaces to stdout

Is it possible to add spaces to the left of every output to stdout (and stderr if possible) when I run commands in a bash shell script? I'd like to do something like: #!/bin/bash echo Installing: Something echo " => installing prerequisite1" ## INSERT MAGICAL LEFT SPACES COMMAND HERE ## apt-get install -q -y prerequisite ## ANOTH...

is it possible to use bash to access more than one array in a for loop

I'm trying to write a bash script that will let me download multiple web pages using curl. For each webpage, I want to be able to pass curl the page and the referer link. I want to be able to supply multiple webpages at once. In other words, I want to be able to loop through the webpages I supply the script, and for each page, pass the ...

IRIX bash shell expands expression in single quotes, yet shouldnt...

At the shell, I enter a single-quote and then carriage return and then a series of lines and then another single-quote: root@aim:/root > ' > @stat = lstat($ARGV[0]); > if (!@stat) { if (@stat = lstat($ARGV[0]);) { > print "nil\n"; > exit 0; > } > ' However, if you notice the interpreted output from the shell: bash: @stat = lstat($A...

Creating the same .tgz file on different machines

I'm using giternal, which compresses the .git directory of the external references into a .tgz file. Unfortunately, every time I "freeze" the external, a new .tgz file is created for the repo. Even though the contents of the .git directory are the same, a new .tgz file, with diffs, is created. This leads to repo bloat. Is there a way t...

Bash - get last dirname/filename in a file path argument

I'm trying to write a post-commit hook for SVN, which is hosted on our development server. My goal is to try to automatically checkout a copy of the committed project to the directory where it is hosted on the server. However I need to be able to read only the last directory in the directory string passed to the script in order to chec...

xcodebuild - Build Succeeded -> Bus error

I'm using xcodebuild to compile my project. I use this on the command line: xcodebuild -sdk iphoneos4.0 -configuration Distribution It returns with the regular build information scrolling by, then shows this: ** BUILD SUCCEEDED ** Bus error The package is built fine, so I'm not sure what is causing the Bus error after a su...

Bash script issue

I can run this command fine, with the output I want: ifconfig eth0 | grep HWaddr | awk '{print $5}' However, when I set the command to a variable, and print the variable, I get an error: CASS_INTERNAL=`ifconfig eth0 | grep HWaddr | awk '{print \$5}'` $CASS_INTERNAL my internal xxx ip: command not found The weird thing - my intern...

Working with conditions based on command output

I have the following code: #!/bin/bash for f in `find . ! -type d`; do line=`grep -i 'todo' $f | sed 's/^[ \t]*//'` if [ $line ]; then echo "$f:" echo "$line" fi done but the condition is not working as I would expect it, I need it to only work if something other than an empty s...